CNN Suddenly Discovers China Lied About Coronavirus Origin And Numbers


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr

That is not what really happened.
You may believe that is what happened due to your innate bias, but it's not.
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
This is becoming more and more useful for our resident leftists:

Fact is China has lied to the World and no one should ever accept China numbers as being legit.

China failure to contain the virus and be open about the spread of the virus is why the World is dealing with this and no Trump is not at fault for what China failed to do!
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr
China is an enemy. They released the virus. They have shown that they will push us in a gunslinger situation. And your lives and ours are nothing. But you believe we are safe as we promote idiocy. We purchase much of our products from them now at prices much cheaper if we did it here. That masks the real costs of our living. Hence the globalist shills like Biden.
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr

That is not what really happened.
You may believe that is what happened due to your innate bias, but it's not.
But trump admitted he lied to us. He didn't want us to panic. Fucking idiot. You figure out if I'm talking about him or you.
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr
China is an enemy. They released the virus. They have shown that they will push us in a gunslinger situation. And your lives and ours are nothing. But you believe we are safe as we promote idiocy. We purchase much of our products from them now at prices much cheaper if we did it here. That masks the real costs of our living. Hence the globalist shills like Biden.
Oh please. You Republicans were all for sending our best paying manufacturing jobs overseas. Remember your war on unions in the 2000's? That's how Republicans got you to go along as they sent all our best manufacturing jobs overseas, fucking idiots. Now you want to call us globalists? Well stupid, free trade's pandora's box has been open.

Tell me what products do you want to bring back to the USA? I want to wear Nike shoes I won't want to make them.

And also don't forget in the 2000's it was you assholes who loved the cheap shit we were getting from walmart and you loved dollar stores. We told you there was a price to those cheap goods. And you asks us if we wanted to pay $500 for a pair of nike's. Welcome back to our side flip flopper.

Biden won't start a trade war with China. Trump did and it cost us in 2019. Did you forget? I didn't.
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr

That is not what really happened.
You may believe that is what happened due to your innate bias, but it's not.
But trump admitted he lied to us. He didn't want us to panic. Fucking idiot. You figure out if I'm talking about him or you.

I'm thinking that you are staring in a mirror.
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr

That is not what really happened.
You may believe that is what happened due to your innate bias, but it's not.
But trump admitted he lied to us. He didn't want us to panic. Fucking idiot. You figure out if I'm talking about him or you.

I'm thinking that you are staring in a mirror.
So you admit Trump did lie to us in February about Corona?

Of all of the president’s lies, and he is a virtuoso prevaricator, the excuse he offered today at a presser explaining away the revelations in Bob Woodward’s new book (backed up by recorded, on-the-record interviews) about his decision not to share with the public what he knew about COVID-19 early in the pandemic is perhaps the most outrageous

Why is it outrageous? Because creating panic is all Trump did when he was President.

Look at Trump's excuse for lying to us: “The fact is I’m a cheerleader for this country. I love our country,” Trump continued. “I don’t want people to be frightened. I don’t want to create panic, as you say, and certainly I’m not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy.”

He's a cheerleader who doesn't want to create panic? Really?

I don’t want people to be frightened. This — coming from the man who inspired an earlier Woodward book titled Fear, whose inaugural address was a dark meditation on “American carnage,” and whose entire political career is based on convincing Americans everything they care about is in danger of extinction at the hands of his enemies — is not a very credible candidate for a Man of Peace seeking not to panic people.

“Radical justices will erase the Second Amendment, silence political speech and require taxpayers to fund extreme late-term abortion. They will give unelected bureaucrats the power to destroy millions of American jobs. They will remove the words ‘under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance. They will unilaterally declare the death penalty unconstitutional, even for the most depraved mass murderers. They will erase national borders, cripple police departments and grant new protections to anarchists, rioters, violent criminals and terrorists.”
— Sept. 9

“Joe Biden and the radical, socialist Democrats would immediately collapse the economy. If they got in, they would collapse it. You’ll have a crash the likes of which you’ve never seen before. Your stocks, your 401(k)s.”
— Sept. 7

“Biden wants to surrender our country to the virus, he wants to surrender our families to the violent left-wing mob, and he wants to surrender our jobs to China — our jobs and our economic well-being.”
— Sept. 7
Kessler added as a general observation:

[Trump’s] YouTube video channel is filled with apocalyptic images of violence, economic despair and disaster. So are the president’s speeches and news availabilities, including at the same venue where he said he did not want to create panic.
I somehow recently became a recipient of Trump campaign text messages, and they offer a steady diet of terroristic threats about the rioters and looters Biden and his Democrats are sending my way.

Trump’s regular fearmongering and panic-inducement seems to be built into his very persona, but it’s especially dominant now that he is trying to turn an election likely to serve as a referendum on his presidency into a “choice” election in which Uncle Joe Biden is depicted as some sort of cross between Mister Magoo and Fidel Castro.

An important part of the presidency on which he is being judged, of course, is his handling of COVID-19, which he now admits was based on public dishonesty from the get-go. I’m sure those who lost friends and family in the early days of the pandemic because they had no way to understand its seriousness will be comforted to hear that POTUS just didn’t want them to be “frightened” about the most frightening public-health challenge in over a century.
CNN was on the receiving end of a fair share of mockery following an “exclusive” report in which documents were discovered showing that China downplayed their COVID-19 numbers and lied about the origins of the pandemic.

The ‘breakthrough’ reporting involved information President Trump has been explaining to the American people for ten months, yet was ridiculed for by the mainstream media.

BJ -
The Cult of The Bubble - scary.
Funny because you complain China downplayed and lied about the virus but you give trump a pass for doing the same thing in febr

That is not what really happened.
You may believe that is what happened due to your innate bias, but it's not.
But trump admitted he lied to us. He didn't want us to panic. Fucking idiot. You figure out if I'm talking about him or you.

I'm thinking that you are staring in a mirror.
So you admit Trump did lie to us in February about Corona?

Of all of the president’s lies, and he is a virtuoso prevaricator, the excuse he offered today at a presser explaining away the revelations in Bob Woodward’s new book (backed up by recorded, on-the-record interviews) about his decision not to share with the public what he knew about COVID-19 early in the pandemic is perhaps the most outrageous

Why is it outrageous? Because creating panic is all Trump did when he was President.

Look at Trump's excuse for lying to us: “The fact is I’m a cheerleader for this country. I love our country,” Trump continued. “I don’t want people to be frightened. I don’t want to create panic, as you say, and certainly I’m not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy.”

He's a cheerleader who doesn't want to create panic? Really?

I don’t want people to be frightened. This — coming from the man who inspired an earlier Woodward book titled Fear, whose inaugural address was a dark meditation on “American carnage,” and whose entire political career is based on convincing Americans everything they care about is in danger of extinction at the hands of his enemies — is not a very credible candidate for a Man of Peace seeking not to panic people.

“Radical justices will erase the Second Amendment, silence political speech and require taxpayers to fund extreme late-term abortion. They will give unelected bureaucrats the power to destroy millions of American jobs. They will remove the words ‘under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance. They will unilaterally declare the death penalty unconstitutional, even for the most depraved mass murderers. They will erase national borders, cripple police departments and grant new protections to anarchists, rioters, violent criminals and terrorists.”
— Sept. 9

“Joe Biden and the radical, socialist Democrats would immediately collapse the economy. If they got in, they would collapse it. You’ll have a crash the likes of which you’ve never seen before. Your stocks, your 401(k)s.”
— Sept. 7

“Biden wants to surrender our country to the virus, he wants to surrender our families to the violent left-wing mob, and he wants to surrender our jobs to China — our jobs and our economic well-being.”
— Sept. 7
Kessler added as a general observation:

[Trump’s] YouTube video channel is filled with apocalyptic images of violence, economic despair and disaster. So are the president’s speeches and news availabilities, including at the same venue where he said he did not want to create panic.
I somehow recently became a recipient of Trump campaign text messages, and they offer a steady diet of terroristic threats about the rioters and looters Biden and his Democrats are sending my way.

Trump’s regular fearmongering and panic-inducement seems to be built into his very persona, but it’s especially dominant now that he is trying to turn an election likely to serve as a referendum on his presidency into a “choice” election in which Uncle Joe Biden is depicted as some sort of cross between Mister Magoo and Fidel Castro.

An important part of the presidency on which he is being judged, of course, is his handling of COVID-19, which he now admits was based on public dishonesty from the get-go. I’m sure those who lost friends and family in the early days of the pandemic because they had no way to understand its seriousness will be comforted to hear that POTUS just didn’t want them to be “frightened” about the most frightening public-health challenge in over a century.


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