CNN Poll- Voters are angry


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The left mouthpiece CNN joining the Captain Obvious brigade.



Washington (CNN) -- Nearly 7 in 10 Americans are angry at the direction the country is headed and 53% of Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama's job performance, two troubling signs for Democrats one week before the midterm elections, a new CNN/ORC International Poll shows.

CNN poll Voters are angry -
It feels like we're in a bus being driven by a drunk driver and we're on a winding road near big cliffs. Yea, a lot of people are angry. We should be able to trust the people who are making tons of laws that directly affect our lives. Clearly, we don't.

We vote, then the idiots get to Washington where they are more concerned with their own careers than the promises they made. The career politicians who only know life as a politician are worthless. People should let it be known that they'll vote for those who have actually lived and worked in the real world at some point. Maybe even a psychiatric evaluation is in order. I question Pelosi and Reid's sanity.

Obama has broken many of his campaign promises and most say that is expected. I bet the majority would say that no one really believes that any politician will keep the promises made on the campaign trail, yet here we are again and many believing the campaign promises and will vote because of them. I don't see a lot of positive ads, most bashing the opponent. Incumbents should be able to run on their record, but when they focus on what they think is wrong with their challenger instead, you know they suck.

Does anyone believe any of the campaign ads? We get inundated every election and a grotesque amount of money is spent just to piss people off. Everyone I know hates the ads, no matter which party. For those who pay attention to what is going on, no ads are necessary. To idiots who vote blindly, ads won't change their minds. I think we should just do away with them and have a lot of debates where they have to either answer for their record or make a serious promise that can actually be kept. We should get details of plans they have and no more of the bullshit stuff like 'building a bridge to the 21st century' or other meaningless things that might sound pretty but lack substance.
It feels like we're in a bus being driven by a drunk driver and we're on a winding road near big cliffs. Yea, a lot of people are angry. We should be able to trust the people who are making tons of laws that directly affect our lives. Clearly, we don't.

We vote, then the idiots get to Washington where they are more concerned with their own careers than the promises they made. The career politicians who only know life as a politician are worthless. People should let it be known that they'll vote for those who have actually lived and worked in the real world at some point. Maybe even a psychiatric evaluation is in order. I question Pelosi and Reid's sanity.

Obama has broken many of his campaign promises and most say that is expected. I bet the majority would say that no one really believes that any politician will keep the promises made on the campaign trail, yet here we are again and many believing the campaign promises and will vote because of them. I don't see a lot of positive ads, most bashing the opponent. Incumbents should be able to run on their record, but when they focus on what they think is wrong with their challenger instead, you know they suck.

Does anyone believe any of the campaign ads? We get inundated every election and a grotesque amount of money is spent just to piss people off. Everyone I know hates the ads, no matter which party. For those who pay attention to what is going on, no ads are necessary. To idiots who vote blindly, ads won't change their minds. I think we should just do away with them and have a lot of debates where they have to either answer for their record or make a serious promise that can actually be kept. We should get details of plans they have and no more of the bullshit stuff like 'building a bridge to the 21st century' or other meaningless things that might sound pretty but lack substance.
This guys is perplexed by the shunning of Obama be the Dems.



Bill Press: Democrats stupidly shunning Obama

ybe you had the same reaction. I've been around politics for 30 years, but I don't remember seeing anything as dumb as Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes' refusal to say whether or not she voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Asked that very simple, direct question by the editorial board of the Louisville Courier-Journal, she first tried to change the subject: "You know, this election isn't about the president. It's about making sure we put Kentuckians back to work." Pressed further, she ducked behind the Constitution: "I respect the sanctity of the ballot box and I know that the members of this editorial board do as well."

Democrats shunning Obama - The Morning Call

The problem is that the 2 party electoral system has failed and now it's revenge politics 24/7.

Remember when obama won? (either election).

His supporters were posting things like "We won. Get over it"..or "We won.F.Y.".

When a candidate "wins" by 2% and then thinks he has the "right" to ram thorough unpopular legislation because he "won" the election...the system is done.

It leaves the other 49% of the country on the "outside"...and breeds hostility.

This country is done anyway, but after the collapse one of the new nations formed will probably use a form of proportional representation so that corruption like we have now, where both parties and all three branches of government have been infiltrated and compromised, is prevented.