CNN: Just Flat Out WRONG - Strzok / FBI BIAS!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Perhaps snowflakes will believe their one and only 'news' source....

Flat Wrong: CNN Torches FBI Agent's Strzok's Claim That His Texts Aren't Indicative Of Bias

'Strzok takes "great offense" that anyone might think that what he wrote was what he meant--that his bias against Trump was bias. Can't make this stuff up.'
— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) July 12, 2018

'Even CNN thought his explanation for the texts was weak sauce. CNN host Wolf Blitzer called them “damning,” while political director David Chalian said to suggest these texts were not indicative of bias is “just flat wrong on its face."

Snowflakes whimpering because someone does not like their master
That's CNN trying to salvage their credibility. They'll save those clips for later, and when Trump (or someone else) calls them out for being the Democrat Party's mouthpiece, they can play it back and say "See, we criticize the left too".

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