CNN is 'preparing to SUE' the White House ...

You just have to laugh at these assholes. They are turning the media into a laughing stock. All those who said CNN should be penalized for Acosta's bad behavior, here is what you asked for:

CNN is 'preparing to SUE' the White House after Trump administration revoked Jim Acosta's media credentials, alleges a veteran journalist who claims he has been asked to write an affidavit on the broadcaster's behalf

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House over Jim Acosta's press credentials being revoked last week Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, said CNN had a strong case for a lawsuit

Former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson revealed he had been asked to help prepare an affidavit to support CNN's case

He initially said he understood CNN and Acosta had already filed the lawsuit

But CNN later said a decision has not yet been made in regards to legal action

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House after the Trump administration revoked reporter Jim Acosta's media credentials.

Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, told CNN's Reliable Sources on Sunday that the network had a strong case after Acosta's press access was revoked last week.

'I think it's a really strong lawsuit,' Abrams said.

'I can understand CNN being reluctant to sue because the president keeps saying CNN is the enemy of me, and CNN might have reluctance to have a lawsuit titled 'CNN vs. Donald Trump.' That said, yes, I think they should sue.'
Imagine if Obama took a Fox reporter’s credentials after he threw a tantrum about the reporter being a “terrible person” for asking questions. You drama queens would never shut up about it.

Don't have to "imagine;" Obama took a Fox reporter and used the full weight of the Fed to literally try to destroy him for just trying to do his job. How quickly the Left tries to forget.

DOJ Calls Fox News Reporter James Rosen 'Co-Conspirator' In Leak Case; Journalists Outraged | HuffPost

Reporter James Rosen Says Nothing Trump Did Comes Close to What Obama Did to Press
I wish Pres. Trump would just go ahead and ban CNN from attending all White House media events. .... :thup:

Yeah, and then after that it will be MSNBC, then NBC, then CBS, then ABC, then NYT and then WaPo and on and on and on until your only news source will be Fox and Sarah Sanders.
You really want that, you fucking idiot?
Sorry your grasp of historical knowledge is so limited as to think this is a unique situation.
CNN should sue. An insecure and unhinged President should not be able to expel reporters he wishes to avoid. A president has to be held accountable. We do not want a Putin wannabe as President do we?
is there any law a network must be given access?

if not, no case.
Perhaps the White House will shut down the White House Press Corps altogether?

Do away with daily briefings?

Invite a handpicked and select list of correspondents to attend session on-demand?

That would certainly level the playing field, eh?

That way, all the other networks can get angry at CNN for getting them kicked out, too?

Why don’t we just have state controlled media! Like any good dictatorship . He’ll, foxnews is available .

They are so fucking stupid they don't see where this is going.
That's how goddamn stupid your average knuckle-dragging Trumpanzee is.
In a nutshell.
Acosta should sue the Whitehouse for the assault committed by their employee on him.

Seriously? Assault on Acosta?

What an idiotic post!
Didn't you see the video?

Yeah, I did! I saw one giant asshole so full of himself that he thinks that he owns the press conference.

What did you see? Apparently you saw some tiny little female intern whip his ass up and down the press room aisle.
I saw a Whitehouse employee surprise attack him from the side and try to wrestle the microphone from him.
I know you Conservatives believe in Might Is Right but that should have no place in the Whitehouse press room.
My, oh my, memory is soooo short. Read the whole thread and it’s links for a refresher. ;).
Perhaps the White House will shut down the White House Press Corps altogether?

Do away with daily briefings?

Invite a handpicked and select list of correspondents to attend session on-demand?

That would certainly level the playing field, eh?

That way, all the other networks can get angry at CNN for getting them kicked out, too?

Why don’t we just have state controlled media! Like any good dictatorship . He’ll, foxnews is available .

They are so fucking stupid they don't see where this is going.
That's how goddamn stupid your average knuckle-dragging Trumpanzee is.
In a nutshell.
You just have to laugh at these assholes. They are turning the media into a laughing stock. All those who said CNN should be penalized for Acosta's bad behavior, here is what you asked for:

CNN is 'preparing to SUE' the White House after Trump administration revoked Jim Acosta's media credentials, alleges a veteran journalist who claims he has been asked to write an affidavit on the broadcaster's behalf

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House over Jim Acosta's press credentials being revoked last week Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, said CNN had a strong case for a lawsuit

Former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson revealed he had been asked to help prepare an affidavit to support CNN's case

He initially said he understood CNN and Acosta had already filed the lawsuit

But CNN later said a decision has not yet been made in regards to legal action

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House after the Trump administration revoked reporter Jim Acosta's media credentials.

Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, told CNN's Reliable Sources on Sunday that the network had a strong case after Acosta's press access was revoked last week.

'I think it's a really strong lawsuit,' Abrams said.

'I can understand CNN being reluctant to sue because the president keeps saying CNN is the enemy of me, and CNN might have reluctance to have a lawsuit titled 'CNN vs. Donald Trump.' That said, yes, I think they should sue.'

Yuuup. They just can’t wait to screw it all up and get republicans back in control of the house.

Dems to probe Trump's treatment of CNN, Amazon, Washington Post in triple-threaded abuse-of-power inquiries | Fox NewsP

Dems to probe Trump's treatment of CNN, Amazon, Washington Post in triple-threaded abuse-of-power inquiries

The incoming chairman of the House Intelligence Committee this week said that when the new Congress is seated in January, Democrats plan to scrutinize whether President Trump abused his authority by taking adverse action against retail giant Amazon and two of his bitter left-leaning media rivals: CNN and The Washington Post.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said in an interview with "Axios on HBO" that he and his colleagues will employ committee subpoena powers -- which are backed by the legal threat of contempt of Congress -- to conduct the triple-threaded inquiry into Trump's possible use of the "instruments of state power to punish the press."
Surprise attack? He had been told to sit down. He had already asked his question. He refused, against normal press briefing protocol, established for years.
Acosta should sue the Whitehouse for the assault committed by their employee on him.

Seriously? Assault on Acosta?

What an idiotic post!
Didn't you see the video?

Yeah, I did! I saw one giant asshole so full of himself that he thinks that he owns the press conference.

What did you see? Apparently you saw some tiny little female intern whip his ass up and down the press room aisle.
I saw a Whitehouse employee surprise attack him from the side and try to wrestle the microphone from him.
I know you Conservatives believe in Might Is Right but that should have no place in the Whitehouse press room.
My, oh my, memory is soooo short. Read the whole thread and it’s links for a refresher. ;).
Perhaps the White House will shut down the White House Press Corps altogether?

Do away with daily briefings?

Invite a handpicked and select list of correspondents to attend session on-demand?

That would certainly level the playing field, eh?

That way, all the other networks can get angry at CNN for getting them kicked out, too?

Why don’t we just have state controlled media! Like any good dictatorship . He’ll, foxnews is available .

They are so fucking stupid they don't see where this is going.
That's how goddamn stupid your average knuckle-dragging Trumpanzee is.
In a nutshell.
Awww. Poor snowflakes can’t handle the big bad press and their tricky questions ?
Rarely do the CNN fake journalists actually ask a direct question.

They usually spew a wordy liberal loon lecture with a vague question buried somewhere within their crazed rant. ... :cuckoo:

Like what?
Give us an example.
Like when Abby Phillip asked Trump if Whittaker was going to rein in Mueller?
Her question was just that simple.
And do you remember what Trump's reply was?
Go ahead. Tell us.
Where does it mention freedom to continue speaking anywhere anytime you want.
CNN should sue. An insecure and unhinged President should not be able to expel reporters he wishes to avoid. A president has to be held accountable. We do not want a Putin wannabe as President do we?
is there any law a network must be given access?

if not, no case.

No, no law.
Just the 1st Amendment.
Next idiot......

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