CNN is Entertaining


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
My goodness. I find myself more than ever watching these buffoons. Talking about bleeding hearts.... man...

This morning they are getting all spooged up over;

* Criminal woman who was deported. (Cry me a river)
* Syrian refugees who are here 'suffering' from PTSD and anxiety ..... (poor things)
* Lashing out on the proposed change coming to POTUS EO re-write ( So they slammed it from the get go, and now that he wants to fix it, that's a mistake too)

CNN is a entertaining,

As stated, Zucker’s vision is to “to broaden that definition of what news is, while maintaining the standards of CNN’s journalistic excellence.”

Well, they have certainly broadened the definition of what "news" is. CNN is the pioneer of fake news. I'll give them that much.
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CNN is a joke...I agree it is fun to watch and laugh at them. However there are a number, albeit small, of Americans who REALLY BELIEVE what CNN tells them. LMFAO!
CNN has been the 'Communist News Network' since 'Hanoi Jane' and her lap poodle Ted Turner ran it.
NO ONE gets a job at CNN unless someone already working at CNN can 100% guarantee that the applicant is a 'pure lain' Communist.
CNN picked up many useless rejects from other net works. That should be enough warning about their credibility.
Yes...and Wikileaks exposed several of their leading commentators as LWNJ's working for Cankles and the D Party, but somehow lefties forgot this or don't care, so they continue to consume fake news.

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