CNN Electoral Map: Wisconsin moves to true "toss up"

I live in a little backwoods, hick town in SW Wisconsin. At one of the major intersections of town with a road leading out of town, a house on the corner had obama/biden signs lined up along in their lawn next to the road. First night they were there someone ran them all down. Yeah, there may be a few dough head odumbo supporters here in Wisconsin, but by NO MEANS is it a MAJORITY. Judging by people I talk to here, I predict Romney will win Wisconsin. I personally know two people, both democrats, that will NOT vote for obama again. They think he's a total LIAR and an EMPTY SUIT, a SHAM, a FLIM FLAM MAN full of fucking GAS, and I'm sure that sentiment is shared by MANY, "old school" democrats here. Where you find the majority of support for the kenyan here in Wisconsin is in the slums of Milwaukee, mostly black, and the brain washing institutions they call universities. That ain't enough. Romney will win Wisconsin. The fact that Walker won his recall and Paul Ryan is from Wisconsin should tell you something.

I like how Obama is going to sweep both MA and WI--I wonder when the last time a Democrat swept both home states of the GOP ticket. I'm betting never.
Where are all those people who confidently assured us that the Walker recall result was a guarantee that the GOP had WI in the bag?

It's September 27th, dumbass...

If turnout for the recall is any indicator for the general election, Barry loses WI big...

the R's outnumbered the D's by more than 2-1... Dayum! Republicans and independents can come out in force if motivated!
I live in a little backwoods, hick town in SW Wisconsin. At one of the major intersections of town with a road leading out of town, a house on the corner had obama/biden signs lined up along in their lawn next to the road. First night they were there someone ran them all down. Yeah, there may be a few dough head odumbo supporters here in Wisconsin, but by NO MEANS is it a MAJORITY. Judging by people I talk to here, I predict Romney will win Wisconsin. I personally know two people, both democrats, that will NOT vote for obama again. They think he's a total LIAR and an EMPTY SUIT, a SHAM, a FLIM FLAM MAN full of fucking GAS, and I'm sure that sentiment is shared by MANY, "old school" democrats here. Where you find the majority of support for the kenyan here in Wisconsin is in the slums of Milwaukee, mostly black, and the brain washing institutions they call universities. That ain't enough. Romney will win Wisconsin. The fact that Walker won his recall and Paul Ryan is from Wisconsin should tell you something.

I like how Obama is going to sweep both MA and WI--I wonder when the last time a Democrat swept both home states of the GOP ticket. I'm betting never.

Gore didn't take his home state.

Those votes are going to be the most expensive votes in US history, I suspect.
$63.5 million: The minimum amount spent by both sides in the recall
70 percent: How much more expensive the governor’s recall election is than the state’s second-most expensive race (the 2010 gubernatorial campaign)
$30.5 million: Amount raised by Walker to fight off the recall effort
$3.9 million: Amount raised by his challenger, Tom Barrett, the Democratic mayor of Milwaukee
$10,000: Maximum individual donation Barrett may accept under state law
Unlimited: Maximum individual donation Walker may accept under state law
(View a list of the largest Walker donors. Many are not Wisconsonites.)


Largest contributors

• $510,000 to Walker from Diane Hendricks, Wisconsin's richest businesswoman and a member of Charles and David Koch's million-dollar donor club
• $490,000 to Walker from Bob Perry, a Houston homebuilder who with his wife has spent more than $8 million on the 2012 elections
• $260,000 to Walker from David Humphreys, a member of the Kochs' million-dollar donor club
• $250,000 to Walker from former Amway CEO Dick DeVos of Michigan, a member of the Kochs' million-dollar donor club
• $250,000 to Walker from Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who with his wife has spent more than $25 million on the 2012 elections
• $100,000 to Walker from Wyoming investor Foster Friess, a member of the Kochs' million-dollar donor club
• $100,000 to Walker from New York billionaire Louis Bacon, a media-shy hedge-fund trader
• $100,000 to Walker from Dallas oil and gas billionaire Trevor Rees-Jones
• $6.5 million on ads spent by Americans for Prosperity, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, and the anti-labor Center for Union Facts
• $9 million on ads spent by the Republican Governors Association's Right Direction Wisconsin PAC; only about $7,000 was raised in-state since April 23. The RGA got $1 million from David Koch in February. It's also received $500,000 from the US Chamber of Commerce

Some of the biggest contributions and expenditures in support of Barrett:
• $200,000 to the America Votes Action Fund, a Democratic super-PAC, from Fred Eychaner, a reclusive media mogul and Obama bundler from Chicago*
• $1 million to the We Are Wisconsin Political Fund, an independent expenditure group run by state AFL-CIO president Phil Neuenfeldt, from the National Education Association's super-PAC
• $500,000 to We Are Wisconsin from the Service Employees International Union; $500,000 from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; and $350,000 from the American Federation of Teachers
• $1.3 million to Greater Wisconsin, an independent expenditure shop, from We Are Wisconsin; $900,000 from the Democratic Governors Association; $500,000 from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
• $2 million on ads spent by the Greater Wisconsin Committee, GW's 501(c)(4) branch


Those votes are going to be the most expensive votes in US history, I suspect.
$63.5 million: The minimum amount spent by both sides in the recall
70 percent: How much more expensive the governor’s recall election is than the state’s second-most expensive race (the 2010 gubernatorial campaign)
$30.5 million: Amount raised by Walker to fight off the recall effort
$3.9 million: Amount raised by his challenger, Tom Barrett, the Democratic mayor of Milwaukee
$10,000: Maximum individual donation Barrett may accept under state law
Unlimited: Maximum individual donation Walker may accept under state law
(View a list of the largest Walker donors. Many are not Wisconsonites.)


Largest contributors

• $510,000 to Walker from Diane Hendricks, Wisconsin's richest businesswoman and a member of Charles and David Koch's million-dollar donor club
• $490,000 to Walker from Bob Perry, a Houston homebuilder who with his wife has spent more than $8 million on the 2012 elections
• $260,000 to Walker from David Humphreys, a member of the Kochs' million-dollar donor club
• $250,000 to Walker from former Amway CEO Dick DeVos of Michigan, a member of the Kochs' million-dollar donor club
• $250,000 to Walker from Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who with his wife has spent more than $25 million on the 2012 elections
• $100,000 to Walker from Wyoming investor Foster Friess, a member of the Kochs' million-dollar donor club
• $100,000 to Walker from New York billionaire Louis Bacon, a media-shy hedge-fund trader
• $100,000 to Walker from Dallas oil and gas billionaire Trevor Rees-Jones
• $6.5 million on ads spent by Americans for Prosperity, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, and the anti-labor Center for Union Facts
• $9 million on ads spent by the Republican Governors Association's Right Direction Wisconsin PAC; only about $7,000 was raised in-state since April 23. The RGA got $1 million from David Koch in February. It's also received $500,000 from the US Chamber of Commerce

Some of the biggest contributions and expenditures in support of Barrett:
• $200,000 to the America Votes Action Fund, a Democratic super-PAC, from Fred Eychaner, a reclusive media mogul and Obama bundler from Chicago*
• $1 million to the We Are Wisconsin Political Fund, an independent expenditure group run by state AFL-CIO president Phil Neuenfeldt, from the National Education Association's super-PAC
• $500,000 to We Are Wisconsin from the Service Employees International Union; $500,000 from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; and $350,000 from the American Federation of Teachers
• $1.3 million to Greater Wisconsin, an independent expenditure shop, from We Are Wisconsin; $900,000 from the Democratic Governors Association; $500,000 from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
• $2 million on ads spent by the Greater Wisconsin Committee, GW's 501(c)(4) branch


What nothing on the democrats?
Wisconsin Recall Election Spending Tops $60 Million - ABC News
Rasmussen on one side, all the other reputable public opinion houses on the other.

Tis what tis.

If Romney wins, he is going to have to drive the far right into the wilderness and reach to the center.
Wisconsin President Obama 7.8..............6 poll, Obama leading in all.

The way the election is shaking out right now, the President is going to have 300+, maybe closer to 400 electorial votes.
Where are all those people who confidently assured us that the Walker recall result was a guarantee that the GOP had WI in the bag?

It's September 27th, dumbass...

If turnout for the recall is any indicator for the general election, Barry loses WI big...

the R's outnumbered the D's by more than 2-1... Dayum! Republicans and independents can come out in force if motivated!

Would you be surprised to learn that states with Republican governors routinely go for Democratic presidential candidates?

Do I need to name a few?
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Where are all those people who confidently assured us that the Walker recall result was a guarantee that the GOP had WI in the bag?

It's September 27th, dumbass...

If turnout for the recall is any indicator for the general election, Barry loses WI big...

the R's outnumbered the D's by more than 2-1... Dayum! Republicans and independents can come out in force if motivated!

Would you be surprised to learn that states with Republican governors routinely go for Democratic presidential candidates?

Do I need to name a few?

How about democrats? democrats have controlled North Carolina state government for 140 years until 2010, and voted for a republican president more times than democrat.
More good news for our President:

Obama was up by 5.4 in Wisconsin on the day Paul Ryan was picked. Obama is now up by 7.8.

Ryan, another conservative darling who has proven unacceptable to normal Americans...

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