CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

Judge Moore is correct about the Declaration of Independence being organic law, and that our rights are endowed by our Creator.

Cuomo is correct that you cannot deny those rights to anyone without a rational basis.

Judge Moore is allowing his brand of religion to be conflated with the Creator in organic law.
How so? His point is the the feds can't pretend laws exist that don't exist. There's no federal definition of marriage.
You have natural rights, which are the inalienable kind. And you have legal rights. Natural rights are unenforceable without legal rights being created by societies to enforce the natural rights. Focusing on God, or creator, is not helpful because inputting some view of a specific religion allows one to claim some higher power to their particular view of what a legal right should be, or should not be.


Let's refer to the Charter of American Principles, shall we?

"... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal;..."

See there... Equal, before God... everyone. Anyone who claims that they're superior, say like because they're sexually abnormal, thus need 'special' rights, which allow them to alter whatever cultural standards need to be changed to make them feel legitimate, they're tolerated to a point, but eventually get the shit kicked out of 'em and shoved back into the closet. Which would also include Judges who rationalize that they're providing equal protections for those who are otherwise EQUAL and who are being treated like EVERYONE ELSE, but who demand SPECIAL RIGHTS, SUPERIOR TO OTHERS, thus they get to change standards, to suit their particular kinks. See how that works?
View attachment 36783

signing the Constitution


What this is really about is the ongoing war the right has with the Constitution.

What I really hate about this idiotic "creator" crap is that it demeans and belittles every right, freedom and law that humans being have fought for and won and will fight for again.

If a god is responsible for our laws and rights, why bother going to war? Why not just hang out and let "god" take care of you?
View attachment 36783

signing the Constitution


What this is really about is the ongoing war the right has with the Constitution.

What I really hate about this idiotic "creator" crap is that it demeans and belittles every right, freedom and law that humans being have fought for and won and will fight for again.

If a god is responsible for our laws and rights, why bother going to war? Why not just hang out and let "god" take care of you?

Oh look the far left drones who believe that Obama is their deity and they should follow him without question or hesitation, even when he conducts illegal wars.

So I guess to the far left drones government is their "creator"..
To say "our rights come from God" is really just another way of saying that our rights exist based on fundamental principles that transcend mere human-made "law." I don't know that God exists or that, if He does, He takes much notice of us. But I do know that a "right" secured by the Constitution trumps any law of man.

Humans, if they somehow had the authority to "give" us a "right," could by that same authority decide to withdraw the grant. They might, by improper, illegal or immoral behavior deprive me of a right, but it is still a RIGHT that is being denied. It is not a mere trifle that they have any legitimate authority to give or take away.
I guess the left is saying that government and one run by the Democrat's decides what our rights are.And at some point government has the power to take away our rights.
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.

Aristotle Cicero Locke and Jefferson talked about the natural rights or God given rights of individuals as they realized that civilization would be impossible if rights were deemed to have come from govt. Govt, they observed, had been the source of evil on earth, not the source of civilization.

Indeeed Jesus was the first Republican who challenged Ceasar's liberal state by indicating that Ceasar was not God, but that God was in heaven and more worthy of worship than Ceasar. It turned out Jesus and God were Republicans who stood for individual rights not the right of the liberal state over the individual.
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.

Aristotle Cicero Locke and Jefferson talked about the natural rights or God given rights of individuals as they realized that civilization would be impossible if rights were deemed to have come from govt. Govt, they observed, had been the source of evil on earth, not the source of civilization.

Indeeed Jesus was the first Republican who challenged Ceasar by indicating that Ceasar was not God, but that God was in heaven and more worthy of worship than Ceasar. It turned out Jesus and God were Republicans who stood for individual rights not the right of the state over the individual.

Oh good grief.

Its Ed dear and he's clueless, as always.
Aristotle Cicero Locke and Jefferson talked about the natural rights or God given rights of individuals as they realized that civilization would be impossible if rights were deemed to have come from govt. Govt, they observed, had been the source of evil on earth, not the source of civilization. Indeed Jesus was the first Republican who challenged Ceasar by indicating that Ceasar was not God, but that God was in heaven and more worthy of worship than Ceasar. It turned out Jesus and God were Republicans who stood for individual rights not the right of the state over the individual.
Are you intentionally trying to send this thread to the Rubber Room?!?! :cool-45:
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.

Aristotle Cicero Locke and Jefferson talked about the natural rights or God given rights of individuals as they realized that civilization would be impossible if rights were deemed to have come from govt. Govt, they observed, had been the source of evil on earth, not the source of civilization.

Indeeed Jesus was the first Republican who challenged Ceasar by indicating that Ceasar was not God, but that God was in heaven and more worthy of worship than Ceasar. It turned out Jesus and God were Republicans who stood for individual rights not the right of the state over the individual.

Oh good grief.

Its Ed dear and he's clueless, as always.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
Aristotle Cicero Locke and Jefferson talked about the natural rights or God given rights of individuals as they realized that civilization would be impossible if rights were deemed to have come from govt. Govt, they observed, had been the source of evil on earth, not the source of civilization. Indeed Jesus was the first Republican who challenged Ceasar by indicating that Ceasar was not God, but that God was in heaven and more worthy of worship than Ceasar. It turned out Jesus and God were Republicans who stood for individual rights not the right of the state over the individual.
Are you intentionally trying to send this thread to the Rubber Room?!?! :cool-45:

No the far left drones like you are doing a good of job of that on their own..
I guess the left is saying that government and one run by the Democrat's decides what our rights are.

Wow. You've almost got it.

The fact is, government does decide what our rights are.


Flatly wrong. Government merely decides which of our rights they will seek to limit or transgress. They have no authority to do so, except via due process in certain instances.

You are free to disagree but you will remain entirely and completely, utterly and flatly wrong just the same.
The court has to frame the legislation on what is deemed god-given so the answer is 'both'. And if you're guilty you should pray extra.
If a human has to frame the "right", it is not God-given. A Supreme Being shouldn't require an imperfect one to speak for Him. It's the reason the Bible raises more questions than it answers.
They don't frame the right. They frame its violations...
Whose "God" granted those "rights"? The "God" of the Muslims? Christians? Jews? Hindus? Zoroastrian? That's why the whole "rights from God" is a bunch of horse shit in my opinion. All of the rights and laws are created by Man and men who sometimes use "God" as their proxy so they can better manipulate people. What a Joke! :lol:
Doesn't the term "rights" mean that government can't touch them and write a law to take those "rights" away....
Then were they "rights" to begin with if a law can take them away?
Aristotle Cicero Locke and Jefferson talked about the natural rights or God given rights of individuals as they realized that civilization would be impossible if rights were deemed to have come from govt. Govt, they observed, had been the source of evil on earth, not the source of civilization. Indeed Jesus was the first Republican who challenged Ceasar by indicating that Ceasar was not God, but that God was in heaven and more worthy of worship than Ceasar. It turned out Jesus and God were Republicans who stood for individual rights not the right of the state over the individual.
Are you intentionally trying to send this thread to the Rubber Room?!?! :cool-45:

translation: I lack the IQ to disagree.
See the far left narrative being run by the drones... Who says government has to be present for "rights" to exist?
How can rights be said to exist, if they can't be enforced? I can claim the right to anything, but if a court doesn't agree, I'm engaged in wishful thinking.

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