Club Q shooter red flag


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Huge problem: Democrats STOP police actually enforcing red flag anti gun laws because they claim it is sort of thing that hurts people thing that are shooting each other, it's a thing, because they say so.
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I am so amused and frustrated. Democrats' stupidity amazes me. They enact laws that they will not enforce and then remove law enforcement ability to enforce that law. So, we get a club Q shooter. Then democrats condemn weak gun laws...Explain this to me again, liberals?
Huge problem: Democrats STOP police actually enforcing red flag anti gun laws because they claim it is sort of thing that hurts people thing that are shooting each other, it's a thing, because they say so.
Document that claim
Huge problem: Democrats STOP police actually enforcing red flag anti gun laws because they claim it is sort of thing that hurts people thing that are shooting each other, it's a thing, because they say so.
Just because the family failed to press charges he was able to purchase guns. Anyone that threatens like that should never have access to weapons.
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I wish democrats had this high standard. All those claims of police brutality, despite all the overwhelming black on black crime. Police aren't the problem. It turns out, poor blacks are.
Huge problem: Democrats STOP police actually enforcing red flag anti gun laws because they claim it is sort of thing that hurts people thing that are shooting each other, it's a thing, because they say so.
Apparently there was a misspelling of the perp's name in the red flag databank.
So people demand facts? Facts, like Hunter Biden's laptop, and then Um the entire Russian collusion was made up by Hillary, let's get facts. Yes indeed. I demand it. Document it!
Just because the family failed to press charges he was able to purchase guns. Anyone that threatens like that should never have access to weapons.

Wrong......the cops don't have to wait for the family to use Red Flag laws....they can go to a judge on their own. This is a failure of the left's god, "government."
Huge problem: Democrats STOP police actually enforcing red flag anti gun laws because they claim it is sort of thing that hurts people thing that are shooting each other, it's a thing, because they say so.
What a crock of shit.

Are you telling me you have not heard of right wing sheriffs refusing to enforce gun laws?

Well, guess what kind of sheriff they have in the county where the shooting took place.

Sheriff Bill Elder declined an interview request from The Sun. He opposed the red law when it was debated in the legislature because of constitutional concerns, and vowed never to initiate a seizure.
Wrong......the cops don't have to wait for the family to use Red Flag laws....they can go to a judge on their own. This is a failure of the left's god, "government."
Horseshit. Total horseshit.

See post 12.
The club Q shooter had outstanding issues and democrats and their red flag laws here in Colorado, didn't do a damned thing.
For all the anti gun laws, Red flag laws democrats enact, they never helped in this case. This person claimed to be multi gender, also had a mental health issue but still.... Under, or despite, democrat red flag laws, he/shit got a gun. And here we are, none the less.
Just because the family failed to press charges he was able to purchase guns. Anyone that threatens like that should never have access to weapons.
Except factually he was allowed to purchase a weapon. If you have complaints about it take it to the ATF and also question why hunter Biden still walks free for his fraud in purchasing a pistol..
What a crock of shit.

Are you telling me you have not heard of right wing sheriffs refusing to enforce gun laws?

Well, guess what kind of sheriff they have in the county where the shooting took place.

Sheriff Bill Elder declined an interview request from The Sun. He opposed the red law when it was debated in the legislature because of constitutional concerns, and vowed never to initiate a seizure.
All those blacks that shot each other to death, that murdered each other, that huge murder rate in Chicago wasn't because of existential white racism. It was poor black leadership, and this is exactly what is the problem with democrats. You can't question them or what is wrong with the democratic party. They are destroying checks and balances of the two-party system.
All those blacks that shot each other to death, that murdered each other, that huge murder rate in Chicago wasn't because of existential white racism. It was poor black leadership, and this is exactly what is the problem with democrats. You can't question them or what is wrong with the democratic party. They are destroying checks and balances of the two-party system.
Wow. What the ever loving FUCK does your completely out of left field red herring have to do with this topic and the fact the country sheriff refused to enforce the law?

What a chickenshit you are!
What a crock of shit.

Are you telling me you have not heard of right wing sheriffs refusing to enforce gun laws?

Well, guess what kind of sheriff they have in the county where the shooting took place.

Sheriff Bill Elder declined an interview request from The Sun. He opposed the red law when it was debated in the legislature because of constitutional concerns, and vowed never to initiate a seizure.

They don't enforce stupid gun laws like bans and confiscation for normal people, you doofus.......this guy was an obvious threat.....and they had the ability to not only take his guns through Red Flag laws, they could have simply had him involuntarily committed for a psych evaluation, which would have been enough to keep him from filling out the Background Check form for a gun doofus.

You guys can dance and twist all you want, this was a non-binary, mentally ill guy from your side of the aisle....
Horseshit. Total horseshit.

See post 12.

Hey....dumb shit.......

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