Clinton and Martelly more help with elections


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Hillary Clinton Noted That She Sat Down With All The Presidential Candidates In Haiti And Democracy Survived When Michel Martelly Became President. “But it was very complicated inside Haiti because the now president President Martelly, emerged as the top vote getter and there were a lot of people who said we're not going to go along with this, we can't accept the fact that a majority of people who voted in the election voted for him. So I sit down to meet with all of the candidates plus President Preval because I thought it was important to help them talk through what they were facing because it would have setback the recovery of Haiti, it would have dried up donors money, if the results of an election denied the people their vote and yet at the same time it wouldn't be helpful, I didn't think, to, you know, stage press conferences and, you know, wave my arms and, you know, talk about the sanctity of the vote and condemn anybody who was trying to undermine it. I wanted to find a path to the right thing that would not embarrass anyone involved and give people a chance to save face. So we talked a lot about what it means to be a leader, with all the parties that were going to influence the final decision and in particular with President Preval who had given so much to his country and had suffered so much because of the earthquake, which leveled the Presidential Palace and killed so many people whom he knew and cared about. This was his defining moment. He was either going to be remembered as another in
a long line of Haitian leaders who did not respect democracy or as the president, who, despite the worst possible circumstances, protected democracy. He had to choose. I think it was helpful that I was a former politician so I could sit there knee to knee and say, you know, I've won elections and I've lost elections, there's life after both. Democracy is not for the faint hearted. And I said, you got to do the hard thing because ultimately that will serve your country and your reputation. He agreed. Democracy - survived. Martelly became president.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 24-25]

Remember this?
Haiti is currently in the midst of an electoral crisis because the US wants to dictate who the next president will be. In 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interfered in Haiti’s election results denying the people their right of self-determination. According to the previous (and now current) head of Haiti’s Presidential Electoral Commission (EC), Pierre Louis Opont, the EC had prepared election results to be publicized; those results were passed on to Cheryl Mills, the Chief of Staff of then-Secretary Clinton. But, instead of announcing the two winners, who would then compete in a runoff, Mills announced a completely different result. Opont and the remaining Commission members were shocked, but said or did nothing at the time and allowed the fraudulent result to stand.

In July 2015, Opont went public with the saga, just as Haiti was about to commence its Presidential campaign for 2015. Needless to say, the US-backed Michel Martelly, an entertainer known onstage as “Sweet Mickey” went on to ‘win’ the Haitian election, defeating Jude Celestin, who had the backing of outgoing President Rene Preval, a Jean-Bertrand Aristide ally. Democracy denied.

During the 2010 election, the US State Department had made comments like Celestin “was too close to [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez.” The US government took it upon itself to deny democracy to Haitians because they had voted for a Chavez ally to lead them. Well, Hugo Chavez is no longer an issue, nor is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which just handed Chavez protĂ©gĂ© President Nicolas Maduro a crippling blow in Parliamentary elections on December 10, 2015.

Meanwhile, it was later revealed that Secretary Clinton had awarded, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) a $100,000 donation to an organization that supported Clinton’s choice for President, Martelly. After his inauguration, one of Martelly’s favorite slogans was “Haiti is open for business.” For the then-Secretary of State that proved to be an understatement. First, there was the revelation that Tony Rodham, the Secretary’s brother, was awarded a contract to mine Haitian gold. Tony Rodham has no special insights into gold mining except that he is Hillary Clinton’s brother.

Moreover, the Haitians have refused to mine for more gold because they have steadfastly demanded the return of their gold bullion, taken for “safe keeping” by the US in 1915. The US militarily occupied Haiti until 1934, but maintained economic control over the country. It is this economic control over Haitian resources that is at the center of the Haitian struggle for self-determination. Now, Secretary Clinton is running for President of the United States, but has yet to answer the question of how her brother came to gain a gold mining contract in Haiti during her tenure at the State Department. Her official answer is that she doesn’t know.
Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

The island nation of Haiti is on the verge of finally ejecting the criminal President Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, the dance hall performer and gangster who was foisted on the Haitian people by the United States through the bullying of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, back in 2011. Martelly’s term is up, and he is constitutionally required to leave office by February 7. Martelly and his American, French and Canadian backers had hoped to use rigged elections and strong-arm tactics to install another puppet politician, Jovenel “The Banana Man” Moise, in the presidential palace. The “Banana Man” – who wants to turn Haiti into a real banana-exporting republic, to the further impoverishment of its small farmers – came in first in an October election that was so blatantly stolen, even the thoroughly corrupt Haitian elite could not endorse the outcome.

In fact, virtually no one in Haitian society except the “Banana Man” and “Sweet Mickey” and the tens thousands of Haitians who were paid to vote, repeatedly, at different polling places in October, considered the election to be valid. Jude CĂ©lestin, the candidate that came in second in the October electoral farce – and who was also cheated of victory by “Sweet Mickey” Martelly in the election five years ago – refused to go along with the travesty. CĂ©lestin said he would not take part in the bogus run-off election that was scheduled for this past Sunday – meaning, the “Banana Man” would have been the only candidate.

Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

Why in the hell did you push for this freak to run for president to begin with? Did you not know? Were you unaware? You can't lie anymore.
Hillary Clinton Noted That She Sat Down With All The Presidential Candidates In Haiti And Democracy Survived When Michel Martelly Became President. “But it was very complicated inside Haiti because the now president President Martelly, emerged as the top vote getter and there were a lot of people who said we're not going to go along with this, we can't accept the fact that a majority of people who voted in the election voted for him. So I sit down to meet with all of the candidates plus President Preval because I thought it was important to help them talk through what they were facing because it would have setback the recovery of Haiti, it would have dried up donors money, if the results of an election denied the people their vote and yet at the same time it wouldn't be helpful, I didn't think, to, you know, stage press conferences and, you know, wave my arms and, you know, talk about the sanctity of the vote and condemn anybody who was trying to undermine it. I wanted to find a path to the right thing that would not embarrass anyone involved and give people a chance to save face. So we talked a lot about what it means to be a leader, with all the parties that were going to influence the final decision and in particular with President Preval who had given so much to his country and had suffered so much because of the earthquake, which leveled the Presidential Palace and killed so many people whom he knew and cared about. This was his defining moment. He was either going to be remembered as another in
a long line of Haitian leaders who did not respect democracy or as the president, who, despite the worst possible circumstances, protected democracy. He had to choose. I think it was helpful that I was a former politician so I could sit there knee to knee and say, you know, I've won elections and I've lost elections, there's life after both. Democracy is not for the faint hearted. And I said, you got to do the hard thing because ultimately that will serve your country and your reputation. He agreed. Democracy - survived. Martelly became president.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 24-25]

Remember this?
Haiti is currently in the midst of an electoral crisis because the US wants to dictate who the next president will be. In 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interfered in Haiti’s election results denying the people their right of self-determination. According to the previous (and now current) head of Haiti’s Presidential Electoral Commission (EC), Pierre Louis Opont, the EC had prepared election results to be publicized; those results were passed on to Cheryl Mills, the Chief of Staff of then-Secretary Clinton. But, instead of announcing the two winners, who would then compete in a runoff, Mills announced a completely different result. Opont and the remaining Commission members were shocked, but said or did nothing at the time and allowed the fraudulent result to stand.

In July 2015, Opont went public with the saga, just as Haiti was about to commence its Presidential campaign for 2015. Needless to say, the US-backed Michel Martelly, an entertainer known onstage as “Sweet Mickey” went on to ‘win’ the Haitian election, defeating Jude Celestin, who had the backing of outgoing President Rene Preval, a Jean-Bertrand Aristide ally. Democracy denied.

During the 2010 election, the US State Department had made comments like Celestin “was too close to [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez.” The US government took it upon itself to deny democracy to Haitians because they had voted for a Chavez ally to lead them. Well, Hugo Chavez is no longer an issue, nor is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which just handed Chavez protĂ©gĂ© President Nicolas Maduro a crippling blow in Parliamentary elections on December 10, 2015.

Meanwhile, it was later revealed that Secretary Clinton had awarded, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) a $100,000 donation to an organization that supported Clinton’s choice for President, Martelly. After his inauguration, one of Martelly’s favorite slogans was “Haiti is open for business.” For the then-Secretary of State that proved to be an understatement. First, there was the revelation that Tony Rodham, the Secretary’s brother, was awarded a contract to mine Haitian gold. Tony Rodham has no special insights into gold mining except that he is Hillary Clinton’s brother.

Moreover, the Haitians have refused to mine for more gold because they have steadfastly demanded the return of their gold bullion, taken for “safe keeping” by the US in 1915. The US militarily occupied Haiti until 1934, but maintained economic control over the country. It is this economic control over Haitian resources that is at the center of the Haitian struggle for self-determination. Now, Secretary Clinton is running for President of the United States, but has yet to answer the question of how her brother came to gain a gold mining contract in Haiti during her tenure at the State Department. Her official answer is that she doesn’t know.
Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

The island nation of Haiti is on the verge of finally ejecting the criminal President Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, the dance hall performer and gangster who was foisted on the Haitian people by the United States through the bullying of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, back in 2011. Martelly’s term is up, and he is constitutionally required to leave office by February 7. Martelly and his American, French and Canadian backers had hoped to use rigged elections and strong-arm tactics to install another puppet politician, Jovenel “The Banana Man” Moise, in the presidential palace. The “Banana Man” – who wants to turn Haiti into a real banana-exporting republic, to the further impoverishment of its small farmers – came in first in an October election that was so blatantly stolen, even the thoroughly corrupt Haitian elite could not endorse the outcome.

In fact, virtually no one in Haitian society except the “Banana Man” and “Sweet Mickey” and the tens thousands of Haitians who were paid to vote, repeatedly, at different polling places in October, considered the election to be valid. Jude CĂ©lestin, the candidate that came in second in the October electoral farce – and who was also cheated of victory by “Sweet Mickey” Martelly in the election five years ago – refused to go along with the travesty. CĂ©lestin said he would not take part in the bogus run-off election that was scheduled for this past Sunday – meaning, the “Banana Man” would have been the only candidate.

Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

Why in the hell did you push for this freak to run for president to begin with? Did you not know? Were you unaware? You can't lie anymore.

Well the source that you used is very uncreditable since it is run by the Russian state.

While agree Hilary is worse than Bush, she is your far left candidate and we know you will vote for anyway..
Hillary Clinton Noted That She Sat Down With All The Presidential Candidates In Haiti And Democracy Survived When Michel Martelly Became President. “But it was very complicated inside Haiti because the now president President Martelly, emerged as the top vote getter and there were a lot of people who said we're not going to go along with this, we can't accept the fact that a majority of people who voted in the election voted for him. So I sit down to meet with all of the candidates plus President Preval because I thought it was important to help them talk through what they were facing because it would have setback the recovery of Haiti, it would have dried up donors money, if the results of an election denied the people their vote and yet at the same time it wouldn't be helpful, I didn't think, to, you know, stage press conferences and, you know, wave my arms and, you know, talk about the sanctity of the vote and condemn anybody who was trying to undermine it. I wanted to find a path to the right thing that would not embarrass anyone involved and give people a chance to save face. So we talked a lot about what it means to be a leader, with all the parties that were going to influence the final decision and in particular with President Preval who had given so much to his country and had suffered so much because of the earthquake, which leveled the Presidential Palace and killed so many people whom he knew and cared about. This was his defining moment. He was either going to be remembered as another in
a long line of Haitian leaders who did not respect democracy or as the president, who, despite the worst possible circumstances, protected democracy. He had to choose. I think it was helpful that I was a former politician so I could sit there knee to knee and say, you know, I've won elections and I've lost elections, there's life after both. Democracy is not for the faint hearted. And I said, you got to do the hard thing because ultimately that will serve your country and your reputation. He agreed. Democracy - survived. Martelly became president.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 24-25]

Remember this?
Haiti is currently in the midst of an electoral crisis because the US wants to dictate who the next president will be. In 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interfered in Haiti’s election results denying the people their right of self-determination. According to the previous (and now current) head of Haiti’s Presidential Electoral Commission (EC), Pierre Louis Opont, the EC had prepared election results to be publicized; those results were passed on to Cheryl Mills, the Chief of Staff of then-Secretary Clinton. But, instead of announcing the two winners, who would then compete in a runoff, Mills announced a completely different result. Opont and the remaining Commission members were shocked, but said or did nothing at the time and allowed the fraudulent result to stand.

In July 2015, Opont went public with the saga, just as Haiti was about to commence its Presidential campaign for 2015. Needless to say, the US-backed Michel Martelly, an entertainer known onstage as “Sweet Mickey” went on to ‘win’ the Haitian election, defeating Jude Celestin, who had the backing of outgoing President Rene Preval, a Jean-Bertrand Aristide ally. Democracy denied.

During the 2010 election, the US State Department had made comments like Celestin “was too close to [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez.” The US government took it upon itself to deny democracy to Haitians because they had voted for a Chavez ally to lead them. Well, Hugo Chavez is no longer an issue, nor is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which just handed Chavez protĂ©gĂ© President Nicolas Maduro a crippling blow in Parliamentary elections on December 10, 2015.

Meanwhile, it was later revealed that Secretary Clinton had awarded, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) a $100,000 donation to an organization that supported Clinton’s choice for President, Martelly. After his inauguration, one of Martelly’s favorite slogans was “Haiti is open for business.” For the then-Secretary of State that proved to be an understatement. First, there was the revelation that Tony Rodham, the Secretary’s brother, was awarded a contract to mine Haitian gold. Tony Rodham has no special insights into gold mining except that he is Hillary Clinton’s brother.

Moreover, the Haitians have refused to mine for more gold because they have steadfastly demanded the return of their gold bullion, taken for “safe keeping” by the US in 1915. The US militarily occupied Haiti until 1934, but maintained economic control over the country. It is this economic control over Haitian resources that is at the center of the Haitian struggle for self-determination. Now, Secretary Clinton is running for President of the United States, but has yet to answer the question of how her brother came to gain a gold mining contract in Haiti during her tenure at the State Department. Her official answer is that she doesn’t know.
Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

The island nation of Haiti is on the verge of finally ejecting the criminal President Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, the dance hall performer and gangster who was foisted on the Haitian people by the United States through the bullying of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, back in 2011. Martelly’s term is up, and he is constitutionally required to leave office by February 7. Martelly and his American, French and Canadian backers had hoped to use rigged elections and strong-arm tactics to install another puppet politician, Jovenel “The Banana Man” Moise, in the presidential palace. The “Banana Man” – who wants to turn Haiti into a real banana-exporting republic, to the further impoverishment of its small farmers – came in first in an October election that was so blatantly stolen, even the thoroughly corrupt Haitian elite could not endorse the outcome.

In fact, virtually no one in Haitian society except the “Banana Man” and “Sweet Mickey” and the tens thousands of Haitians who were paid to vote, repeatedly, at different polling places in October, considered the election to be valid. Jude CĂ©lestin, the candidate that came in second in the October electoral farce – and who was also cheated of victory by “Sweet Mickey” Martelly in the election five years ago – refused to go along with the travesty. CĂ©lestin said he would not take part in the bogus run-off election that was scheduled for this past Sunday – meaning, the “Banana Man” would have been the only candidate.

Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

Why in the hell did you push for this freak to run for president to begin with? Did you not know? Were you unaware? You can't lie anymore.

Well the source that you used is very uncreditable since it is run by the Russian state.

While agree Hilary is worse than Bush, she is your far left candidate and we know you will vote for anyway..

The source is fine. It's credible. When I want the scoop on the right, I read from the left. When I want the scoop on the left, I read from the right. They cannot wait to tattle on each other.

I'm not a Democrat, Kosh. You try this shit and you fail. Every time.
Hillary Clinton Noted That She Sat Down With All The Presidential Candidates In Haiti And Democracy Survived When Michel Martelly Became President. “But it was very complicated inside Haiti because the now president President Martelly, emerged as the top vote getter and there were a lot of people who said we're not going to go along with this, we can't accept the fact that a majority of people who voted in the election voted for him. So I sit down to meet with all of the candidates plus President Preval because I thought it was important to help them talk through what they were facing because it would have setback the recovery of Haiti, it would have dried up donors money, if the results of an election denied the people their vote and yet at the same time it wouldn't be helpful, I didn't think, to, you know, stage press conferences and, you know, wave my arms and, you know, talk about the sanctity of the vote and condemn anybody who was trying to undermine it. I wanted to find a path to the right thing that would not embarrass anyone involved and give people a chance to save face. So we talked a lot about what it means to be a leader, with all the parties that were going to influence the final decision and in particular with President Preval who had given so much to his country and had suffered so much because of the earthquake, which leveled the Presidential Palace and killed so many people whom he knew and cared about. This was his defining moment. He was either going to be remembered as another in
a long line of Haitian leaders who did not respect democracy or as the president, who, despite the worst possible circumstances, protected democracy. He had to choose. I think it was helpful that I was a former politician so I could sit there knee to knee and say, you know, I've won elections and I've lost elections, there's life after both. Democracy is not for the faint hearted. And I said, you got to do the hard thing because ultimately that will serve your country and your reputation. He agreed. Democracy - survived. Martelly became president.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 24-25]

Remember this?
Haiti is currently in the midst of an electoral crisis because the US wants to dictate who the next president will be. In 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interfered in Haiti’s election results denying the people their right of self-determination. According to the previous (and now current) head of Haiti’s Presidential Electoral Commission (EC), Pierre Louis Opont, the EC had prepared election results to be publicized; those results were passed on to Cheryl Mills, the Chief of Staff of then-Secretary Clinton. But, instead of announcing the two winners, who would then compete in a runoff, Mills announced a completely different result. Opont and the remaining Commission members were shocked, but said or did nothing at the time and allowed the fraudulent result to stand.

In July 2015, Opont went public with the saga, just as Haiti was about to commence its Presidential campaign for 2015. Needless to say, the US-backed Michel Martelly, an entertainer known onstage as “Sweet Mickey” went on to ‘win’ the Haitian election, defeating Jude Celestin, who had the backing of outgoing President Rene Preval, a Jean-Bertrand Aristide ally. Democracy denied.

During the 2010 election, the US State Department had made comments like Celestin “was too close to [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez.” The US government took it upon itself to deny democracy to Haitians because they had voted for a Chavez ally to lead them. Well, Hugo Chavez is no longer an issue, nor is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which just handed Chavez protĂ©gĂ© President Nicolas Maduro a crippling blow in Parliamentary elections on December 10, 2015.

Meanwhile, it was later revealed that Secretary Clinton had awarded, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) a $100,000 donation to an organization that supported Clinton’s choice for President, Martelly. After his inauguration, one of Martelly’s favorite slogans was “Haiti is open for business.” For the then-Secretary of State that proved to be an understatement. First, there was the revelation that Tony Rodham, the Secretary’s brother, was awarded a contract to mine Haitian gold. Tony Rodham has no special insights into gold mining except that he is Hillary Clinton’s brother.

Moreover, the Haitians have refused to mine for more gold because they have steadfastly demanded the return of their gold bullion, taken for “safe keeping” by the US in 1915. The US militarily occupied Haiti until 1934, but maintained economic control over the country. It is this economic control over Haitian resources that is at the center of the Haitian struggle for self-determination. Now, Secretary Clinton is running for President of the United States, but has yet to answer the question of how her brother came to gain a gold mining contract in Haiti during her tenure at the State Department. Her official answer is that she doesn’t know.
Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

The island nation of Haiti is on the verge of finally ejecting the criminal President Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, the dance hall performer and gangster who was foisted on the Haitian people by the United States through the bullying of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, back in 2011. Martelly’s term is up, and he is constitutionally required to leave office by February 7. Martelly and his American, French and Canadian backers had hoped to use rigged elections and strong-arm tactics to install another puppet politician, Jovenel “The Banana Man” Moise, in the presidential palace. The “Banana Man” – who wants to turn Haiti into a real banana-exporting republic, to the further impoverishment of its small farmers – came in first in an October election that was so blatantly stolen, even the thoroughly corrupt Haitian elite could not endorse the outcome.

In fact, virtually no one in Haitian society except the “Banana Man” and “Sweet Mickey” and the tens thousands of Haitians who were paid to vote, repeatedly, at different polling places in October, considered the election to be valid. Jude CĂ©lestin, the candidate that came in second in the October electoral farce – and who was also cheated of victory by “Sweet Mickey” Martelly in the election five years ago – refused to go along with the travesty. CĂ©lestin said he would not take part in the bogus run-off election that was scheduled for this past Sunday – meaning, the “Banana Man” would have been the only candidate.

Democracy denied: US turning Haiti into another vassal state

Why in the hell did you push for this freak to run for president to begin with? Did you not know? Were you unaware? You can't lie anymore.

Well the source that you used is very uncreditable since it is run by the Russian state.

While agree Hilary is worse than Bush, she is your far left candidate and we know you will vote for anyway..

The source is fine. It's credible. When I want the scoop on the right, I read from the left. When I want the scoop on the left, I read from the right. They cannot wait to tattle on each other.

I'm not a Democrat, Kosh. You try this shit and you fail. Every time.

Says the far left Bernie Sanders supporter and Hilary voter and claims they are a "liberal"..

And RT is not of the US right or left it is the Arm of Putin!
The Haitians were initially sympathetic to the Clintons. One may say they believed in the message of “hope and change.” With his customary overstatement, Bill told the media, “Wouldn’t it be great if they become the first wireless nation in the world? They could, I’m telling you, they really could.” I don’t blame the Haitians for falling for it; Bill is one of the world’s greatest story-tellers. He has fooled people far more sophisticated than the poor Haitians. Over time, however, the Haitians wised up. Whatever their initial expectations, many saw that much of the aid money seems never to have reached its destination; rather, it disappeared along the way. Where did it go? It did not escape the attention of the Haitians that Bill Clinton was the designated UN representative for aid to Haiti. Following the earthquake, Bill Clinton had with media fanfare established the Haiti Reconstruction Fund. Meanwhile, his wife Hillary was the United States secretary of state. She was in charge of U.S. aid allocated to Haiti. Together the Clintons were the two most powerful people who controlled the flow of funds to Haiti from around the world.

Read more at: Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review
Paul Farmer and Bill Clinton as UN Special Envoys to Haiti

With US key stakeholders like Paul Farmer and Bill Clinton as UN Special Envoys to Haiti (coming on board in 2009 shortly after the devastating Gonaives hurricanes and floods), another layer of US authority in Haiti was added that served the multiple purposes of: 1) putting a U.S. public face to the UN mission in Haiti, 2) using the international reputations of Farmer and Clinton to temper widespread Haiti criticism, claims against the UN peacekeepers for the sexual abuse of minors and public executions of unarmed civilians, 4) supplanting the spokesperson role of the Brazilian command in Haiti, as well as 5) hoodwinking the easily fooled, paid-to-lose-US-progressives. Add UN criminal negligence for importing the most virulent cholera bacteria to the Western Hemisphere into Haiti and the destruction of Haitian lives since 2004 has reached genocidal proportions.

As in the days of Western slavery on the Island and the first US occupation, Haitians are again disposable, prohibited the rights and obligations of self-defense and no rights the UN, US and their NGOs and private sectors will respect. White privilege, apartheid and racism reigns. The former slave-holding powers in the West and the UN Security Council that serves them are the biggest purveyors of impunity, violence, poverty, Clorox hunger, disease, human rights abuses, dictatorship, drug trafficking, human trafficking and apartheid in Haiti.

In just one year-and-a-half, more Haitians have been infected (526,000) with the deadly foreign bio-germ than were killed (30,000 to 100,000) under the combined thirty-year rule of Papa and Baby Doc Duvalier (1957 to 1986).

The largest political party has been excluded from the polls since the 2004 US regime change in Haiti. (Haiti, Raped by the U.S. Since 2004, and Still Bleeding.)

Bill Clinton admits UN brought cholera, Haiti raped again - Haiti news
Free Haiti’s interest converges with that of Donald Trump. We both do not want a third Obama term with the Clintons back in the White House. We are the independent thinking Haitians who want to put a wrench in the workings of imperialism in Haiti. This year, that wrench is called Donald Trump.

The Clintons and Obama brought Haiti the former crackhead and gross sexist, Michel Martelly, who ceded over 30% of Haiti lands and offshore islands to foreigners. Under Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton at the State Department and Bill Clinton as UN Special Envoy to Haiti, 30,000 Haitians were deported back to an earthquake, cholera-ravaged Haiti, overrun by white people

, riding out the world economic recession at Paul Farmer’s charitable industrial complex, living behind high gates and new luxurious compounds paid for from earthquake funds and other so-called “aid to Haiti.”

If the decrees of illegally elected president, Michel Martelly, starting from when the Clintons took over Haiti, and through his presidency from 2011 to 2016, are not reversed by the next Parliament, then Haitians have lost more lands under the Obama Administration than under any other previous US president in history. More than 30% of Haiti territory have been cordoned off and placed in the hands of foreigners, most of whom are big Clinton Foundation donors.

This was done when Haitians were at their most vulnerable after the apocalyptic earthquake. The Clintons and their extraction company buddies, like Frank Guistra, VCS and Newmont Mining, might yet give Haiti another terrible earthquake. At least 15% of the lands taken from Haiti is in the Northern mining belt on an earthquake fault line.
Haiti Message to Donald Trump Team - Haiti news

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