climate change- ya'll missing the point


Oct 23, 2009
The world hysteria about global warming (bogus or not) is the perfect means whereby clean energy advances , and the perfect means of putting the scums of the Saudi Royal Family and the scums in the fossil fuel industry OUT OF BUSINESS !!

ONE good reason for putting them out of business is that:

gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil-

all STINK !!!!!

I'm sure there are a lot more good reasons.
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is there any evidence that these so called clean energy sources are actually any cleaner?
No such thing as clean energy. You have to build it and when you build it your polluting, in the case of extremely low power yeilds of solar and wind, you have to build so much more you pollute on a much larger scale.
is there any evidence that these so called clean energy sources are actually any cleaner?
A small number of ingenious devices are much cleaner, but they represent a trivial amount of the energy needs of the globe. For an example look up the "solar powered cooking pot" being spread through sub-Saharan Africa. About the same resources as a standard pot to make but just put the food in and leave it in the sun to cook no wood or coal needed.

I've seen suggestions for other ideas which, if used as mature technologies would be far cleaner, but so far they are still no more than prototypes, and often not even that.
No such thing as clean energy. You have to build it and when you build it your polluting, in the case of extremely low power yeilds of solar and wind, you have to build so much more you pollute on a much larger scale.

Low power yeilds? More lies from the same source. Gigawatts of power from the wind just in Oregon. In fact, for an hour, in spite of the fact that only 8 of the 22 wind farms are any where near completion, they produced enough power for both Portland and Seattle.

We now have one plant in Oregon that is producing 500 mw of solar cells a year, and one other of the size near completion. A couple more in the permitting process.

Your whole rant is false and stupid beyond belief. What you are stating is that because the first loads of parts were delivered to the truck and auto factories in horse drawn wagons that we still have to have horse drawn wagons.
There's plenty of oil and natural gas within America's lands, but the same whackos who mewl about GlobalClimateCoolerWarmering stand in the way of developing those resources.

There is enough energy in each of these alternatives to power the nation. Wind, solar, and geothermal. Using only the best of each, we can power the nation far more efficiently that we can with fossil fuels. And without changing our oceans and atmosphere in a way that will degrade the planet.
No there aren't and won't be for the next 10 to fifteen years at best A megawatt sounds like a lot now all you need is another 13k of them to just to meet the power needs of Oregon. Solar and wind can be contributors but theya re not the be all and end all. The wind doesn't always blow and the sun doesn't always shine.
There's plenty of oil and natural gas within America's lands, but the same whackos who mewl about GlobalClimateCoolerWarmering stand in the way of developing those resources.

There is enough energy in each of these alternatives to power the nation. Wind, solar, and geothermal. Using only the best of each, we can power the nation far more efficiently that we can with fossil fuels. And without changing our oceans and atmosphere in a way that will degrade the planet.

And we're already up to 1% of our power coming from wind. To convert the rest of our power to wind will only require a complete re-engineering of the entire energy infrastructure.

I don't see the problem here.
Take away the global warming element from the equation, anything we can do to reduce our demand/need for oil from the Middle East works for me. On this basis we should and should have been working on a solution for some time now. I think we're crazy for not exploring any alternative means of energy.Wind turbine,oil exploration,nuclear,natural gas,whatever reduces our importation from the Arabs.
Take away the global warming element from the equation, anything we can do to reduce our demand/need for oil from the Middle East works for me. On this basis we should and should have been working on a solution for some time now. I think we're crazy for not exploring any alternative means of energy.Wind turbine,oil exploration,nuclear,natural gas,whatever reduces our importation from the Arabs.

This is exactly what we need to be doing. We have more coal than anyone. Natural gas is literally leaking out of the ground throughout the Mid West. Nuclear energy is clean and safe. All of these have been available and easy to get at for decades and we choose to import oil because there are factions of our society that just don't get it.

If Obama wants to spur our economy, put people to work, improve our balance of tradeand eliminate the deficite all he needs to do is allow our visionaries to exploit our home grown energy. This is not an indictment of Obama. No President has stepped up to this in our recent past.

This would be a far easier sell than a health care boondogle since it can be sold on merits that actually exist in the real world and be done with other people's money.
That is largely because presidents can't over ride laws passed over the last 40 years. That takes congress and the minute you start even talking about it the tree hugger left - at least some of whom think we should all go back to a subsistence farm economy never mind that the result of such would be the starvation of about 6 billion people world wide - starts screaming bloody murder and the left falls all over itself doing what ever it takes to get them to shut the hell up.
Why don't you shut the hell up and quit telling lies, Gary. Nobody is even suggesting that stupid strawman you put out there. You Goddamned lying Conservatives want to deny the reality of climate change, then lie about the scientists that are doing their best to supply facts on which to base intelligent decisions.

It is no wonder that the public is getting so turned off by you people.
There's plenty of oil and natural gas within America's lands, but the same whackos who mewl about GlobalClimateCoolerWarmering stand in the way of developing those resources.

Not really, we don't have much "sweet" crude left, and even if we tapped all our crude reserves and built new refineries, it would only prolong the inevitable...we are using up, very quickly, a limited natural resource.

Is 10-15 or 25-30 years of oil worth destroying irreparable, (in our lifetime) pristine places?

We either start changing now, or the change to renewable energies will only be that much more painful when we "have " to...
Yeah, we heard that the Alaskan pipeline was supposed to have run dry by now, when the enviroloons said pretty much the same things back in the '70s.

For people who claim to have science on your side, y'all have a pretty weak track record of fortune telling.
Yeah, we heard that the Alaskan pipeline was supposed to have run dry by now, when the enviroloons said pretty much the same things back in the '70s.

For people who claim to have science on your side, y'all have a pretty weak track record of fortune telling.

and it isn't light sweet either, and it has a very high level of benzene...

how much crude comes from the pipeline to supply our daily needs?

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