Climate Change to Continue to Year 3000 in Best Case Scenarios, Research Predicts


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Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
(Jan. 10, 2011) — New research indicates the impact of rising CO2 levels in Earth's atmosphere will cause unstoppable effects to the climate for at least the next 1000 years, causing researchers to estimate a collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet by the year 3000, and an eventual rise in the global sea level of at least four metres.
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Earth & Climate

The study, to be published in the Jan. 9 advanced online publication of the journal Nature Geoscience, is the first full climate model simulation to make predictions out to 1000 years from now. It is based on best-case, 'zero-emissions' scenarios constructed by a team of researchers from the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (an Environment Canada research lab at the University of Victoria) and the University of Calgary.

"We created 'what if' scenarios," says Dr. Shawn Marshall, Canada Research Chair in Climate Change and University of Calgary geography professor. "What if we completely stopped using fossil fuels and put no more CO2 in the atmosphere? How long would it then take to reverse current climate change trends and will things first become worse?" The research team explored zero-emissions scenarios beginning in 2010 and in 2100.

The Northern Hemisphere fares better than the south in the computer simulations, with patterns of climate change reversing within the 1000-year timeframe in places like Canada. At the same time parts of North Africa experience desertification as land dries out by up to 30 percent, and ocean warming of up to 5°C off of Antarctica is likely to trigger widespread collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet, a region the size of the Canadian prairies.

Researchers hypothesize that one reason for the variability between the North and South is the slow movement of ocean water from the North Atlantic into the South Atlantic. "The global ocean and parts of the Southern Hemisphere have much more inertia, such that change occurs more slowly," says Marshall. "The inertia in intermediate and deep ocean currents driving into the Southern Atlantic means those oceans are only now beginning to warm as a result of CO2 emissions from the last century. The simulation showed that warming will continue rather than stop or reverse on the 1000-year time scale."

Wind currents in the Southern Hemisphere may also have an impact. Marshall says that winds in the global south tend to strengthen and stay strong without reversing. "This increases the mixing in the ocean, bringing more heat from the atmosphere down and warming the ocean."

Researchers will next begin to investigate more deeply the impact of atmosphere temperature on ocean temperature to help determine the rate at which West Antarctica could destabilize and how long it may take to fully collapse into the water.
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The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Calgary, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Journal Reference:

1. Nathan P. Gillett, Vivek K. Arora, Kirsten Zickfeld, Shawn J. Marshall & William J. Merryfield. Ongoing climate change following a complete cessation of carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Geoscience, 09 January 2011 DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1047

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University of Calgary (2011, January 10). Climate change to continue to year 3000 in best case scenarios, research predicts. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 12, 2011, from* /releases/2011/01/110109184025.htm

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Climate change to continue to year 3000 in best case scenarios, research predicts
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I am ashamed to be Canadian when that is the type of research that we produce. And I weep for science when such crystalball gazing is considered worthy of being published in a peer reviewed journal.
Climate change is always happening. Do you really expect the climate to reach a steady state?
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Climate change is always happening. Do you really expect the climate to reach a steady state?

Heck no...I expect that we could have natural cycles with temperature change...:cool:

Best case scenario to these people is us fucking destroying the planets economy and eatting your own shit that is what I get from this paper.:eek: Me I think we should go to nuclear power and work with the best tech...
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Climate change is always happening. Do you really expect the climate to reach a steady state?

Heck no...I expect that we could have natural cycles with temperature change...:cool:

Best case scenario to these people is us fucking destroying the planets economy and eatting your own shit that is what I get from this paper.:eek: Me I think we should go to nuclear power and work with the best tech...

Matthew. Do you really believe this crap? I mean really? They haven't been able to get a CM to accurately recreate the weather that occured a week ago and you actually believe this crap?
And yet, amazingly they are still unable to show a single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how 200PPM CO2 does any of this
That best case scenerio is hopelessly optimistic.

Have them recreate what we know happened in the past olfraud. Until they can do that all of their assertions are crap. It's really easy to predict impending doom 1000 years in the future, no one will be here to prove them wrong. The perfect con game. And you fall for it.
all of the models are tuned to a specific time period. if you make them go bacwards or forwards they wildy diverge. without constant corrections they just dont work. if people knew how different the imputs for each model were, they would laugh at the insanity of thinking they were precise let alone accurate.
all of the models are tuned to a specific time period. if you make them go bacwards or forwards they wildy diverge. without constant corrections they just dont work. if people knew how different the imputs for each model were, they would laugh at the insanity of thinking they were precise let alone accurate.

The models have to be corrected every hour or within a day they all say the Earth is going to be the temperature of the sun.
Variations in Earths magnetic field may affect the weather, is it time to outlaw magnets?
Destroying the bio-sphere for an essentially worthless short term gained called "profit" will really have little effect on the planet as a whole. It started as a lifeless will end as a lifeless rock. Only sooner.
Destroying the bio-sphere for an essentially worthless short term gained called "profit" will really have little effect on the planet as a whole. It started as a lifeless will end as a lifeless rock. Only sooner.

So what exactly will Goldman Sachs be giving us for the hundreds of billions of dollars they will be taking from us?
Destroying the bio-sphere for an essentially worthless short term gained called "profit" will really have little effect on the planet as a whole. It started as a lifeless will end as a lifeless rock. Only sooner.

So what exactly will Goldman Sachs be giving us for the hundreds of billions of dollars they will be taking from us?

Heartfelt thanks.:lol:
So all we have to do is abandon profit and hope the biosphere rebounds in 1000 years.

Will any of us be around to call the flat earthers liars if it doesn't?

Ever hear that song "Dust in the Wind"?

That's you and me in 1,000 years.
Great. We can all accept poverty on the chance someone's predictions will come true in 1000 years.

Only most of us. The elite on the other hand will live like emperors and laugh at the fools who believed them.
On the contrary, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will curse the most greedy and foolish of all generations. Our fathers and grandfathers belonged to the greatest generation, we to the most foolish. And you and Revere are prime examples of this generation.
On the contrary, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will curse the most greedy and foolish of all generations. Our fathers and grandfathers belonged to the greatest generation, we to the most foolish. And you and Revere are prime examples of this generation.

I take difference with the notion that they were the greatest generation. Take a look at what they raised their children, the Baby Boomers, into being. Most of the problems we are facing today are due to the Baby Boomers.

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