Clearly most Democrats and Liberals don’t understand what’s happening…


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
We’ve seen threads and posts recently speculating as to a Biden presidency, Democrats taking control of the Senate, and what they might accomplish.

Those threads and posts are comprehensively wrong – nothing will be accomplished.

Should Democrats take control of the Senate next year it will be by a razor-thin majority; there will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans to block any progressive legislation – such as healthcare reform.

And any legislation that is passed will be challenged in court – and ultimately overturn by the Supreme Court.

For the foreseeable future this will be the process whenever Democrats control the WH and Congress.

This is the consequence of 2016, that was the election that mattered, not 2020.
We’ve seen threads and posts recently speculating as to a Biden presidency, Democrats taking control of the Senate, and what they might accomplish.

Those threads and posts are comprehensively wrong – nothing will be accomplished.

Should Democrats take control of the Senate next year it will be by a razor-thin majority; there will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans to block any progressive legislation – such as healthcare reform.

And any legislation that is passed will be challenged in court – and ultimately overturn by the Supreme Court.

For the foreseeable future this will be the process whenever Democrats control the WH and Congress.

This is the consequence of 2016, that was the election that mattered, not 2020.

So what you are really saying is much more drastic action than the election is required to undo Donald J. Trump's stain on our civilization? Isn't that it? You're calling for revolution, extermination, drastic measures? Come on, admit it. We promise not to tell anyone else, ever.
We’ve seen threads and posts recently speculating as to a Biden presidency, Democrats taking control of the Senate, and what they might accomplish.

Those threads and posts are comprehensively wrong – nothing will be accomplished.

Should Democrats take control of the Senate next year it will be by a razor-thin majority; there will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans to block any progressive legislation – such as healthcare reform.

And any legislation that is passed will be challenged in court – and ultimately overturn by the Supreme Court.

For the foreseeable future this will be the process whenever Democrats control the WH and Congress.

This is the consequence of 2016, that was the election that mattered, not 2020.

The problem with your theory is that democrats have a propensity and history to bypass the laws and rules when it benefits their causes.
"We don't need Congress.....I have a pen and a phone"......Barack Obama
We’ve seen threads and posts recently speculating as to a Biden presidency, Democrats taking control of the Senate, and what they might accomplish.

Those threads and posts are comprehensively wrong – nothing will be accomplished.

Should Democrats take control of the Senate next year it will be by a razor-thin majority; there will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans to block any progressive legislation – such as healthcare reform.

And any legislation that is passed will be challenged in court – and ultimately overturn by the Supreme Court.

For the foreseeable future this will be the process whenever Democrats control the WH and Congress.

This is the consequence of 2016, that was the election that mattered, not 2020.
Good post. I think even the Republican senators have a sense that there's going to be a big power shift that's why they're going through with the confirmation of the supreme Court Justice right now. despite all of their threats the Democrats will never have enough balls to pack the court or change the number of justices. As far as the White House is concerned I don't believe the polls are correct but I don't think they're 100% wrong either. Simple fact of the matter is the nation is more heavily populated by democrats than it is by Republicans. Politics is an odd science it doesn't have to make sense because it's a very tribal quality and tribal people stick with their tribe right or wrong. Unless Trump manages somehow to appeal broadly to a large segment of centrist Democrats I think his time in the White House is probably over. I hope I'm wrong about that but like I said voting patterns are damnably consistent and pretty much insulated from logic, reason and argumentation. 95% of all the political campaign ads out there are simply preaching to the choir.

We’ve seen threads and posts recently speculating as to a Biden presidency, Democrats taking control of the Senate, and what they might accomplish.

Those threads and posts are comprehensively wrong – nothing will be accomplished.

Should Democrats take control of the Senate next year it will be by a razor-thin majority; there will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans to block any progressive legislation – such as healthcare reform.

And any legislation that is passed will be challenged in court – and ultimately overturn by the Supreme Court.

For the foreseeable future this will be the process whenever Democrats control the WH and Congress.

This is the consequence of 2016, that was the election that mattered, not 2020.
This is why I'm over-the-moon about more progressive Democrats winning in historically "conservative" areas.

Things are slowly changing, thank God!
Good post. I think even the Republican senators have a sense that there's going to be a big power shift that's why they're going through with the confirmation of the supreme Court Justice right now. despite all of their threats the Democrats will never have enough balls to pack the court or change the number of justices. As far as the White House is concerned I don't believe the polls are correct but I don't think they're 100% wrong either. Simple fact of the matter is the nation is more heavily populated by democrats than it is by Republicans. Politics is an odd science it doesn't have to make sense because it's a very tribal quality and tribal people stick with their tribe right or wrong. Unless Trump manages somehow to appeal broadly to a large segment of centrist Democrats I think his time in the White House is probably over. I hope I'm wrong about that but like I said voting patterns are damnably consistent and pretty much insulated from logic, reason and argumentation. 95% of all the political campaign ads out there are simply preaching to the choir.

Do you believe that Trump has EVER, in his 4 years of President and his 2 years of campaigning before that, ever reached out to centrist Democrats, or anyone outside of the Republican base for that matter?

If you do, I'm interested to know what was the thing he did that communicated that to you.
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We’ve seen threads and posts recently speculating as to a Biden presidency, Democrats taking control of the Senate, and what they might accomplish.

Those threads and posts are comprehensively wrong – nothing will be accomplished.

Should Democrats take control of the Senate next year it will be by a razor-thin majority; there will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans to block any progressive legislation – such as healthcare reform.

And any legislation that is passed will be challenged in court – and ultimately overturn by the Supreme Court.

For the foreseeable future this will be the process whenever Democrats control the WH and Congress.

This is the consequence of 2016, that was the election that mattered, not 2020.
This is why I'm over-the-moon about more progressive Democrats winning in historically "conservative" areas.

Things are slowly changing, thank God!

With all due respect,
It is astonishing how eager you are to diminish the gains America has had and willfully return power to those clearly in favor of your oppression.
Democrats call you "Super Predators", and you RUN to the polls for them.
Just an unbelievable level of ignorance. Perhaps you are a masochist?

They ONLY blacks agreeing with you are those who have failed to achieve success in America due to their own weaknesses, unlike the tens of millions who have become highly successful.
Such as BET founder Robert Johnson....who will not be voting Democrat. Instantly, losers call him a fool.....yet his success is at a level you will never see.
Calling the ultra successful "fools" is the fodder of the chronically weak and confused.

In fact, The United Stated has more wealthy blacks than ALL other nations on the planet combined.....but people like you want to crush that.
Why? because you'd rather ALL blacks suffer along with you. it is selfishness and delusion on a scale that I cannot comprehend.

Blacks who have failed miserably such as yourself have accepted the "Victim" shackles offered by Democrats.

And you will die wearing them.
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I watched a few minutes of the Barrett hearing yesterday, The demofk senators were filibustering as normal, preaching the need for ACA putting up posters of people who would lose out if not for it and how dare Barrett go in and ruin their lives. Then, one of the republican senators says, if ACA is so great as the demofk senators are saying here today, why did every demofk candidate for president raise their hand to abolish the ACA for medicare for all? soo fking funny. Best line in a long ass time.
The very existence of "centrist Democrats" is somewhat tenuous. Aside from Senator Manchin, who do you have?

Joe Biden in the past had centrist episodes, but he has disavowed all of them, enthusiastically.

Trump doesn't "reach out" in the conventional sense of Democrat pandering. He tries to implement policies that will benefit EVERYONE, then when he speaks to a specific group, he points out how the policies have benefitted them, even though they were not the target of the initiative in question.

The infamous Michigan Governor, like all Progressives, is basically an autocrat and will assume whatever authority she deems "necessary," regardless of the law, and particularly regardless of the will of the People.

To put it in the vulgar vernacular, She don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. She knows best.
We’ve seen threads and posts recently speculating as to a Biden presidency, Democrats taking control of the Senate, and what they might accomplish.

Those threads and posts are comprehensively wrong – nothing will be accomplished.

Should Democrats take control of the Senate next year it will be by a razor-thin majority; there will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans to block any progressive legislation – such as healthcare reform.

And any legislation that is passed will be challenged in court – and ultimately overturn by the Supreme Court.

For the foreseeable future this will be the process whenever Democrats control the WH and Congress.

This is the consequence of 2016, that was the election that mattered, not 2020.

So what you are really saying is much more drastic action than the election is required to undo Donald J. Trump's stain on our civilization? Isn't that it? You're calling for revolution, extermination, drastic measures? Come on, admit it. We promise not to tell anyone else, ever.
We just need you America haters to move.
Good post. I think even the Republican senators have a sense that there's going to be a big power shift that's why they're going through with the confirmation of the supreme Court Justice right now. despite all of their threats the Democrats will never have enough balls to pack the court or change the number of justices. As far as the White House is concerned I don't believe the polls are correct but I don't think they're 100% wrong either. Simple fact of the matter is the nation is more heavily populated by democrats than it is by Republicans. Politics is an odd science it doesn't have to make sense because it's a very tribal quality and tribal people stick with their tribe right or wrong. Unless Trump manages somehow to appeal broadly to a large segment of centrist Democrats I think his time in the White House is probably over. I hope I'm wrong about that but like I said voting patterns are damnably consistent and pretty much insulated from logic, reason and argumentation. 95% of all the political campaign ads out there are simply preaching to the choir.

Do you believe that Trump has EVER, in his 4 years of President and his 2 years of campaigning before that, ever reached out to centrist Democrats, or anyone outside of the Republican base for that matter?

If you do, I'm interested to know what was the thing he did that communicated that to you.

Not with any real vigor. It's probably not possible in any case and would prove to be a self defeating effort IMO.

His approach to the dilemma counted on cognitive reception to a wholesale political philosophy change.
As we know here in American politics such an event is a rarity even on an individual basis. like it or not pandering is part of the political process if you want to gather enough votes to remain in the office.

Most Democrats are pretty dumb. They just slurp up the vomit fed to them by their media overlords.
Not with any real vigor. It's probably not possible in any case and would prove to be a
Defeating effort IMO. HIS approach to the dilemma counted on cognitive reception to a whole sale political philosophy change.
As we know here in American politics such an event is a rarity even on an individual basis. like it or not pandering is part of the political process if you want to gather enough votes to remain in the office.

Just to be clear, your answer is no, Trump has never even attempted to reach out to anyone outside the Republican base.

The very existence of "centrist Democrats" is somewhat tenuous. Aside from Senator Manchin, who do you have?

Joe Biden in the past had centrist episodes, but he has disavowed all of them, enthusiastically.

Trump doesn't "reach out" in the conventional sense of Democrat pandering. He tries to implement policies that will benefit EVERYONE, then when he speaks to a specific group, he points out how the policies have benefitted them, even though they were not the target of the initiative in question.

The infamous Michigan Governor, like all Progressives, is basically an autocrat and will assume whatever authority she deems "necessary," regardless of the law, and particularly regardless of the will of the People.

To put it in the vulgar vernacular, She don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. She knows best.
She will not be reelected she has committed political suicide even with her own followers.

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