Clear cutting bad......unless its for solar


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
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About 70 acres northeast of Buffalo will soon be covered with solar panels.

The project work is well underway, but what's been done so far isn't sitting well with locals.
In the last month, work crews have clear cut 11 acres of woods preparing this site for solar panels. Solar Farm is Raising Concerns for Some in Buffalo Not even using a local firm,,,,,,,jobs for Americans ...nope......70 acres for how much power........can ya say unsustainable...knew ya could
Well, how is that going to work in winter? My recollection of living in Buffalo was clouds, clouds, clouds and snow, snow, snow and COLD, COLD, COLD from about October through May. Solar entities are failing one right after the other and yet they keep putting the damned things up. Our US Senator here in TN is having a major hissy fit because somebody wants to put up these damned wind things on 1,800 acres RIGHT NEXT TO a state park - he's finally doing something for his pay! LOL! Exactly where is this solar thing planned - I have a sister-in-law who lives up in that general rural area above Buffalo.
About 70 acres northeast of Buffalo will soon be covered with solar panels.

The project work is well underway, but what's been done so far isn't sitting well with locals.
In the last month, work crews have clear cut 11 acres of woods preparing this site for solar panels. Solar Farm is Raising Concerns for Some in Buffalo Not even using a local firm,,,,,,,jobs for Americans ...nope......70 acres for how much power........can ya say unsustainable...knew ya could

Solar panels in Buffalo remind me of selling ice to Eskimos. Or like this weekend when I almost busted a rib laughing at a TV interview of a guy who used to build golf courses and he was whining about the Saudis who "unsustainably" used sand imported from N.Carolina for their bunkers.

Importing SAND to Saudi? Guess solar panels in Buffalo aren't that weird..
Seriously. Buffalo's electrical peaks most likely occur in the Winter. I doubt this "peaker" source is gonna allow them to tear down any other generators that they currently rely on or increase their overall capacity...
Are you all saying that sometimes private business gets it wrong?
Well, how is that going to work in winter? My recollection of living in Buffalo was clouds, clouds, clouds and snow, snow, snow and COLD, COLD, COLD from about October through May. Solar entities are failing one right after the other and yet they keep putting the damned things up. Our US Senator here in TN is having a major hissy fit because somebody wants to put up these damned wind things on 1,800 acres RIGHT NEXT TO a state park - he's finally doing something for his pay! LOL! Exactly where is this solar thing planned - I have a sister-in-law who lives up in that general rural area above Buffalo.
Solar panels should work oh so good with a foot of snow on them. And batteries in the freezing cold might last a whole week.
Well, how is that going to work in winter? My recollection of living in Buffalo was clouds, clouds, clouds and snow, snow, snow and COLD, COLD, COLD from about October through May. Solar entities are failing one right after the other and yet they keep putting the damned things up. Our US Senator here in TN is having a major hissy fit because somebody wants to put up these damned wind things on 1,800 acres RIGHT NEXT TO a state park - he's finally doing something for his pay! LOL! Exactly where is this solar thing planned - I have a sister-in-law who lives up in that general rural area above Buffalo.
Solar panels should work oh so good with a foot of snow on them. And batteries in the freezing cold might last a whole week.
Do they have batteries?
Well, how is that going to work in winter? My recollection of living in Buffalo was clouds, clouds, clouds and snow, snow, snow and COLD, COLD, COLD from about October through May. Solar entities are failing one right after the other and yet they keep putting the damned things up. Our US Senator here in TN is having a major hissy fit because somebody wants to put up these damned wind things on 1,800 acres RIGHT NEXT TO a state park - he's finally doing something for his pay! LOL! Exactly where is this solar thing planned - I have a sister-in-law who lives up in that general rural area above Buffalo.
Solar panels should work oh so good with a foot of snow on them. And batteries in the freezing cold might last a whole week.
Do they have batteries?
For storage yes.
Well, how is that going to work in winter? My recollection of living in Buffalo was clouds, clouds, clouds and snow, snow, snow and COLD, COLD, COLD from about October through May. Solar entities are failing one right after the other and yet they keep putting the damned things up. Our US Senator here in TN is having a major hissy fit because somebody wants to put up these damned wind things on 1,800 acres RIGHT NEXT TO a state park - he's finally doing something for his pay! LOL! Exactly where is this solar thing planned - I have a sister-in-law who lives up in that general rural area above Buffalo.
Solar panels should work oh so good with a foot of snow on them. And batteries in the freezing cold might last a whole week.
Do they have batteries?
For storage yes.
Well, I've never seen that done on such a large would need a hell of a lot of batteries...but you seem to know so I'll believe you.
Are you all saying that sometimes private business gets it wrong?
Govt got it wrong first
Goddamn private enterprise...wasting money on stupid renewable energy projects and chopping down trees!
Govt had to approve the stupidity to begin with,,,,,.....nonsense of solar in the north and not selecting a local or at least US firm
So, are you saying that the government should be in the business of picking winners?
Only approving those projects that they think will be successful?
Well, I'm no expert and don't know all the power sources Buffalo has, but Niagara/Horseshoe Falls have been rolling for a hell of a long time through sun, rain, snow, ice chunks, and I never experienced a total winter blackout while I lived there.
Well, I'm no expert and don't know all the power sources Buffalo has, but Niagara/Horseshoe Falls have been rolling for a hell of a long time through sun, rain, snow, ice chunks, and I never experienced a total winter blackout while I lived there.
Buffalo, Minnesota. Not New York.

Thanks!! I entirely missed the boat on that little detail ... I thought it was weird that it had MN approval for a Buffalo, NY project! I forget there are other "Buffalo" places in the US. I'd bitch slap myself on that gaffe ... but being Polish is usually my best defense! :D

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