The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Why isn't Joe Biden being arraigned right now along with his puppeteer Hillary who has cleverly gone off the radar just like the Unabomber did?
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Why isn't Joe Biden being arraigned right now along with his puppeteer Hillary who has cleverly gone off the radar just like the Unabomber did?
Conspiracy theories are for making stupid people feel smart.
I'm fine with Plugs fading into shame and oblivion. I don't see him stealing our oxygen much longer. Dementia will take him down soon.

But I want that fucking lowlife Hunted to face a jury on charges of raping and torturing children. They've got all the video evidence they need.... get it done. The gang bangers and hardened convicts don't like that shit and they'll "dahmer" him. He's naked with his 14-year old niece. WTF kind of monstrous piece of shit family is this?
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Why isn't Joe Biden being arraigned right now along with his puppeteer Hillary who has cleverly gone off the radar just like the Unabomber did?
Conspiracy theories are for making stupid people feel smart.

God knows Democrats know all to well about that.
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Why isn't Joe Biden being arraigned right now along with his puppeteer Hillary who has cleverly gone off the radar just like the Unabomber did?
Conspiracy theories are for making stupid people feel smart.
The evidence is in. The Democrat hope to communize America is over. Get out while you can.

Do you have evidence , really??

There is a mountain more evidence here than the Democrats in the House used to impeach a sitting President.
You know tramp is the con man, not the Bidens.
We know you're a liar with TDS. Got any facts?
He has been judged guilty in courts for being a con man and fraud. Trump University comes to mind. He nor his family can operate a charitable organization because they were caught being fraudsters.
Do try to keep up.
1. Trump University NEVER went to court. Liar.
2. Your Trump Foundation claim is true. We'll see how that compares to the Biden's scams.
There is a mountain more evidence here than the Democrats in the House used to impeach a sitting President.
Evidence of what exactly?

Something I just realized. This email about China and "the big guy" was in May 2017, which is after Joe Biden left office.
There is a mountain more evidence here than the Democrats in the House used to impeach a sitting President.
Evidence of what exactly?

Something I just realized. This email about China and "the big guy" was in May 2017, which is after Joe Biden left office.

Evidence of pay for play.

Not sure on the "big guy" email regarding China, but there are plenty of other references to the "big guy" during Hunter's employment and Joe's time in office. It does beg the question, if these emails are fabricated and all of this is just an elaborate setup, why would they fabricate an email about China and "the big guy" and be so careless to date it after his time in office? Weird huh?
There is a mountain more evidence here than the Democrats in the House used to impeach a sitting President.
Evidence of what exactly?

Something I just realized. This email about China and "the big guy" was in May 2017, which is after Joe Biden left office.
He meant to say there was fodder for their rabid fantasies, not evidence.
Hunter's Biden ex-partner, veteran confirms 'genuine' email, says former VP stood to profit from China deal
Hunter's Biden ex-partner, veteran confirms 'genuine' email, says former VP stood to profit from China deal

"Tony Bobulinski, who was listed as the recipient of an email published by the New York Post that appeared to detail a business arrangement involving a Chinese company and members of the Biden family, has confirmed that the email is "genuine" and provided more information regarding the Bidens' role in the deal."

"The reference to 'the Big Guy' in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden," Bobulinski said."

"I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line," Bobulinski said."

The man is the one this e-mail was sent to, one of several recipients of the e-mail who was involved with this deal, who was involved with Hunter and Joe Biden IN THIS DEAL, & he has now come out and confirmed to confirm the e-mail is 'genuine'.

He has just confirmed Hunter and Joe Biden WERE BOTH INVOLVED, and that Joe Biden just LIED his ass off yesterday ... and previously ... by claiming he never knew what Hunter was doing, never met with Burisma, never was part of the $1.5 BILLION deal with China, that the laptop is not Hunter's, and this is all fake.

Joe Biden, the Democratic party, the Fake News Media Cabal, and Big Tech Social Media are all trying to tell us / convince us that:

The DOJ, DNI, & FBI are lying by saying this is NOT Russian/foreign disinformation

The DOJ & FBI are lying about verifying the receipt signature as that of Hunter Biden

DHS and the Treasury Department are lying about having evidence of Hunter Biden trafficking Russian money

The Treasury Department lied and did not attempt to verify the authenticity / ownership of the laptop and e-mails prior to starting their 2019 investigation of Money laundering by the Bidens

The FBI lied about verifying the authenticity of the e-mail they took possession of back in 2019 despite/after finding out it had evidence that would prove the President was innocent during the Democrats' faux Impeachment coup

The FBI's top Child Porn / Trafficking / Pedophile investigator is investigating the Bidens based on evidence found on Hunter's laptop...but they have not verified the authenticity of the laptop AND, according to snowflakes on this board, the FBI's top investigators can't tell the difference between a real photograph and one that has been photo-shopped.

The State Department Member who testified under oath during the Impeachment hearings that Joe Biden DID meet with Burisma members - before going to Ukraine, during which trip Biden himself later confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM into firing the prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter - lied / committed Perjury. .

2 of Hunter Biden's former partners cooperating with investigators, who turned over thousands of e-mails confirming the authenticity of Hunter Biden's e-mails and that the laptop is Hunter's are both lying

Hunter's former partners took the time and effort to write thousands of fake e-mails - complete with false date/time/laptop ID numbers/geolocation data - implicating Hunter and Joe Biden, placed them on a laptop AFTER sending them all to themselves as well, somehow got Hunter Biden to take the laptop to a computer repair business, sign the receipt, and leave the computer

Joe Biden, the Democratic party, the Fake News Media Cabal, and Big Tech Social Media are all trying to tell us / convince us that all of the overwhelming evidence that has been revealed, released, and that is still coming out - all the e-mails, govt documents, sworn testimony - is all FAKE...that DHS is lying, the DNI is lying, the DOJ is lying, the State Department is lying, the FBI is lying, Hunter's former partners are lying...and the only ones telling the truth is a crack-head who finished near the bottom of his law class and was kicked out of the military for illegal drug use and his father who is an old, white, elitist, racist, self-enriching, pu$$y-grabbing, child sniffing/fondling, dementia-suffering politician who has failed to do anything in his 47 years as a politician.....

:p Bwuhahahahaha......

"Bobulisnki added that the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees requested that he turn over "all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals," and that he intends to fully cooperate.

"I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future," he said."
Evidence of what exactly?

Something I just realized. This email about China and "the big guy" was in May 2017, which is after Joe Biden left office.

That's the way corruption works. You don't get immediate gratification for favors done. You have to be patient and wait for rewards.

What we're talking about here is four months after Biden left office as VP.
I'm fine with Plugs fading into shame and oblivion. I don't see him stealing our oxygen much longer. Dementia will take him down soon.

But I want that fucking lowlife Hunted to face a jury on charges of raping and torturing children. They've got all the video evidence they need.... get it done. The gang bangers and hardened convicts don't like that shit and they'll "dahmer" him. He's naked with his 14-year old niece. WTF kind of monstrous piece of shit family is this?

The FBI is now claiming that this evidence is a part of a much larger investigation which is why they've been sitting on it so long. I don't know if I can believe that, but if so, the FBI brings charges all at once, not one person at a time giving others a chance to flee the country or be suicided.

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