Classroom teachers can have guns. Painful debate marks final passage by Florida House

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
After about seven hours of angry, sometimes deeply painful debate about race and gun violence that spanned two days, the Florida House passed a bill that would allow classroom teachers to be armed in an expansion of the program it created last year after the Parkland shooting.

The bill is now on its way to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ desk. For teachers and other staff to be armed, school districts must opt-in to the so-called “Guardian program,” which allows teachers and other staff to volunteer to carry a gun on campus after undergoing screening and training by a local sheriff’s office.
Classroom teachers can have guns. Painful debate marks final passage by Florida House.
Finally - some common-sense gun control!!!
Why does anyone think is is a good idea to leave schooklids unprotected by people with the means to project deadly force onto someone bent on shooting up a school?

Also of note:
["T]the commission created to investigate the failings of the Parkland shooting issued a report that recommended the Legislature allow classroom teachers to be armed. Last year after Parkland, lawmakers created the “Guardian” program that allows staff to carry guns, but excluded teachers who “exclusively perform classroom duties” as a compromise. This bill would undo that exception.

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Naples, pointed out the fact that the law enforcement officer assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland did not engage the shooter.
If the police will not protect your kids, and the school faculty/staff/administration cannot protect your kids, who will?
After about seven hours of angry, sometimes deeply painful debate about race and gun violence that spanned two days, the Florida House passed a bill that would allow classroom teachers to be armed in an expansion of the program it created last year after the Parkland shooting.

The bill is now on its way to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ desk. For teachers and other staff to be armed, school districts must opt-in to the so-called “Guardian program,” which allows teachers and other staff to volunteer to carry a gun on campus after undergoing screening and training by a local sheriff’s office.
Classroom teachers can have guns. Painful debate marks final passage by Florida House.
Finally - some common-sense gun control!!!
Why does anyone think is is a good idea to leave schooklids unprotected by people with the means to project deadly force onto someone bent on shooting up a school?

Also of note:
["T]the commission created to investigate the failings of the Parkland shooting issued a report that recommended the Legislature allow classroom teachers to be armed. Last year after Parkland, lawmakers created the “Guardian” program that allows staff to carry guns, but excluded teachers who “exclusively perform classroom duties” as a compromise. This bill would undo that exception.

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Naples, pointed out the fact that the law enforcement officer assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland did not engage the shooter.
If the police will not protect your kids, and the school faculty/staff/administration cannot protect your kids, who will?

I might take it one step farther:

Make it legal again that if any of these kids get too far out of line disrupting the classroom, they get their asses paddled. Hard.

Then the parents get a warning that if they don't keep discipline with their kids at home that they'll get fined for a 2nd occurrence.

Kids bring guns to school that the parent owned or didn't know the kid had: the parent get charged for accomplice to murder!
After about seven hours of angry, sometimes deeply painful debate about race and gun violence that spanned two days, the Florida House passed a bill that would allow classroom teachers to be armed in an expansion of the program it created last year after the Parkland shooting.

The bill is now on its way to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ desk. For teachers and other staff to be armed, school districts must opt-in to the so-called “Guardian program,” which allows teachers and other staff to volunteer to carry a gun on campus after undergoing screening and training by a local sheriff’s office.
Classroom teachers can have guns. Painful debate marks final passage by Florida House.
Finally - some common-sense gun control!!!
Why does anyone think is is a good idea to leave schooklids unprotected by people with the means to project deadly force onto someone bent on shooting up a school?

Also of note:
["T]the commission created to investigate the failings of the Parkland shooting issued a report that recommended the Legislature allow classroom teachers to be armed. Last year after Parkland, lawmakers created the “Guardian” program that allows staff to carry guns, but excluded teachers who “exclusively perform classroom duties” as a compromise. This bill would undo that exception.

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Naples, pointed out the fact that the law enforcement officer assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland did not engage the shooter.
If the police will not protect your kids, and the school faculty/staff/administration cannot protect your kids, who will?
I'd love to see some nut job get taken out by a teacher at a classroom door. pop the dude ten times. pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. then blow the smoke away, and say, did I shoot nine shots or ten, to be honest, in all the chaos, I lost count myself. Do you feel lucky punk? do you?
That sure makes a lot of sense.


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