Classic example of ABC News biased reporting..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

She had nausea, vertigo and muscle weakness. Those are all symptoms of COVID-19.
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
I guess you didn't understand the glaring distinction. She took chloroquine . The Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family and Trump has been specific as has almost all the Task force. Not "chloroquine".
But Hydroxychloroquine is what has been specified.
ABC played the story about chloroquine incorrectly... again to bias the story.
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
I guess you didn't understand the glaring distinction. She took chloroquine . The Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family and Trump has been specific as has almost all the Task force. Not "chloroquine".
But Hydroxychloroquine is what has been specified.
ABC played the story about chloroquine incorrectly... again to bias the story.

I see you're desperately running away from your own point that the news medium's "sin" was reporting that the drug had side effects --- WHICH IT DOES.

But just to indulge your little deflection:

>> On March 13, cryptocurrency investor James Todaro and New York City lawyer Gregory Rigano tweeted out a link to a paper they’d put on the file-sharing service. In it, the men described a drug they’d been following, chloroquine, that in early trials in China and France appeared to show promise as a COVID-19 treatment. Long used as a treatment for malaria, the drug is cheap and plentiful and available to combat the pandemic immediately. Not only has it been deemed “effective in treating COVID-19,” they wrote, but it “also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus.” The pandemic, they suggested, could be snuffed out in one stroke—if the authorities would just take action. The paper ended with a call for readers to disseminate it and translate it into other languages.​
At a time when public anxiety about the pandemic was snowballing, the paper offered a rare ray of hope. As its authors had urged, the paper was quickly disseminated over the internet. On March 16, Elon Musk tweeted a link to the Google Doc, writing: “Maybe worth considering chloroquine for C19.” On March 18, right-wing websites Breitbart and The Blaze picked up the story. On March 19, Rigano went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson that a chloroquine study had shown “a 100% cure rate against coronavirus.”​
From there it was a short leap to the biggest bullhorn of all. That same day Donald Trump declared at a press conference that chloroquine was a possible “game changer” and that the FDA had approved it. “We’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately,” he promised. On Saturday, Trump continued to beat the drum, tweeting that chloroquine had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” << -- Experts: Rump's Touting of Untested "Game Changer" Drug is Dangerous

Wanna see it? Here's your Cult Leader being "specific" as you lieingly claimed:

Poster please.

As far as those side effects?

>> Though it has long been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus as well as malaria, it poses a risk for irreversible eye and heart damage and can potentially cause congenital birth defects. It can be fatal in doses as low as 2 grams per day—just 1 gram more than the dose being tested for COVID-19. One woman in Wuhan took 1.8 grams of the drug she ordered online and developed a malignant cardiac arrhythmia, ending up in the intensive care unit. In Nigeria two patients have been hospitalized after poisoning themselves with it. On Monday a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after they ingested a form of chloroquine used for cleaning fish tanks. << (ibid)​
Oh by the way Jaïr Bolsonaro, Brazil's version of Rump, you know, the antiscience guy who came to Mar-a-Lago with an infected aide --- went apeshit over the drug ordering Brazilian labs to ramp up production, leading to panic buying in that country, and now a study has been halted after it led to too many heart arrhythmias and deaths.

So don't sit on this board and try to sell this bullshit that Rump has been "specific" or "well-read". He's impulsive, dangerous, and spews anything that's in his head with no filter. The only thing he's EVER been specific about in his life is who he's talking about when he rambles on and on and on about ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME". Furthermore, he went on national TV and told the public that it had been "approved", which is BULLSHIT. He does that in the video above right at the end. Note that at 0:52 he also says it's "not going to kill anybody", which is ALSO bullshit, several cases being cited right here in this post.

Why did he do all that? Because he's a fucking moron, that's why. An incurious orange fat fuck who can't be bothered to vet his own fat mouth, and couldn't care less about endangering the public health as long as Numero Uno gets his worship from you sycophants who drool on command and can't get your knee pads on fast enough to do it.
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And then there's ....


--- another fucking moron who doesn't bother to vet his misinformation before he spews. He thought it sounded good so he retwitted it. Later deleted of course but lethal damage was already done.
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
I guess you didn't understand the glaring distinction. She took chloroquine . The Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family and Trump has been specific as has almost all the Task force. Not "chloroquine".
But Hydroxychloroquine is what has been specified.
ABC played the story about chloroquine incorrectly... again to bias the story.

I see you're desperately running away from your own point that the news medium's "sin" was reporting that the drug had side effects --- WHICH IT DOES.

But just to indulge your little deflection:

>> On March 13, cryptocurrency investor James Todaro and New York City lawyer Gregory Rigano tweeted out a link to a paper they’d put on the file-sharing service. In it, the men described a drug they’d been following, chloroquine, that in early trials in China and France appeared to show promise as a COVID-19 treatment. Long used as a treatment for malaria, the drug is cheap and plentiful and available to combat the pandemic immediately. Not only has it been deemed “effective in treating COVID-19,” they wrote, but it “also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus.” The pandemic, they suggested, could be snuffed out in one stroke—if the authorities would just take action. The paper ended with a call for readers to disseminate it and translate it into other languages.​
At a time when public anxiety about the pandemic was snowballing, the paper offered a rare ray of hope. As its authors had urged, the paper was quickly disseminated over the internet. On March 16, Elon Musk tweeted a link to the Google Doc, writing: “Maybe worth considering chloroquine for C19.” On March 18, right-wing websites Breitbart and The Blaze picked up the story. On March 19, Rigano went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson that a chloroquine study had shown “a 100% cure rate against coronavirus.”​
From there it was a short leap to the biggest bullhorn of all. That same day Donald Trump declared at a press conference that chloroquine was a possible “game changer” and that the FDA had approved it. “We’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately,” he promised. On Saturday, Trump continued to beat the drum, tweeting that chloroquine had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” << -- Experts: Rump's Touting of Untested "Game Changer" Drug is Dangerous

Wanna see it? Here's your Cult Leader being "specific" as you lieingly claimed:

Poster please.

As far as those side effects?

>> Though it has long been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus as well as malaria, it poses a risk for irreversible eye and heart damage and can potentially cause congenital birth defects. It can be fatal in doses as low as 2 grams per day—just 1 gram more than the dose being tested for COVID-19. One woman in Wuhan took 1.8 grams of the drug she ordered online and developed a malignant cardiac arrhythmia, ending up in the intensive care unit. In Nigeria two patients have been hospitalized after poisoning themselves with it. On Monday a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after they ingested a form of chloroquine used for cleaning fish tanks. << (ibid)​
Oh by the way Jaïr Bolsonaro, Brazil's version of Rump, you know, the antiscience guy who came to Mar-a-Lago with an infected aide --- went apeshit over the drug ordering Brazilian labs to ramp up production, leading to panic buying in that country, and now a study has been halted after it led to too many heart arrhythmias and deaths.

So don't sit on this board and try to sell this bullshit that Rump has been "specific" or "well-read". He's impulsive, dangerous, and spews anything that's in his head with no filter. The only thing he's EVER been specific about in his life is who he's talking about when he rambles on and on and on about ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME". Furthermore, he went on national TV and told the public that it had been "approved", which is BULLSHIT. He does that in the video above right at the end. Note that at 0:52 he also says it's "not going to kill anybody", which is ALSO bullshit, several cases being cited right here in this post.

Why did he do all that? Because he's a fucking moron, that's why. An incurious orange fat fuck who can't be bothered to vet his own fat mouth, and couldn't care less about endangering the public health as long as Numero Uno gets his worship from you sycophants who drool on command and can't get your knee pads on fast enough to do it.

FACTS dummy!

Both drugs are generally well tolerated at prescribed doses but can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache and more rarely, itchiness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Among them is Katherine Seley-Radtke, who is a medicinal chemist at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She specializes in antiviral drug research, including coronaviruses.
She noted warnings issued by the FDA that the drug can lead to severe problems for people with heart issues and noted that the agency urges doctors to conduct an EKG before prescribing it. (A step Armstrong said was taken on Thursday.) Another side effect involves damage to the retina.

Ms. Seley-Radtke is an expert. No question. But she like you and all other ignorant people seem to forget something...
a doctor will proscribe. A doctor that knows the patients history. So do you really think a Doctor would proscribe for
a patient with heart issues? GEEZ how dumb of a comment!

BUT you dummies! Just because Trump is for it you be against it! How totally ignorant and short-sighted.
If it is something that works, why are you against people getting better using it? Just because Trump recommends it?
How totally childish! Even this not open minded but biased because Trump recommends it!
Grow up idiots! This includes the MSM and it's biased presentations all because the party they donated 96% of their money to lost!
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
I guess you didn't understand the glaring distinction. She took chloroquine . The Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family and Trump has been specific as has almost all the Task force. Not "chloroquine".
But Hydroxychloroquine is what has been specified.
ABC played the story about chloroquine incorrectly... again to bias the story.

I see you're desperately running away from your own point that the news medium's "sin" was reporting that the drug had side effects --- WHICH IT DOES.

But just to indulge your little deflection:

>> On March 13, cryptocurrency investor James Todaro and New York City lawyer Gregory Rigano tweeted out a link to a paper they’d put on the file-sharing service. In it, the men described a drug they’d been following, chloroquine, that in early trials in China and France appeared to show promise as a COVID-19 treatment. Long used as a treatment for malaria, the drug is cheap and plentiful and available to combat the pandemic immediately. Not only has it been deemed “effective in treating COVID-19,” they wrote, but it “also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus.” The pandemic, they suggested, could be snuffed out in one stroke—if the authorities would just take action. The paper ended with a call for readers to disseminate it and translate it into other languages.​
At a time when public anxiety about the pandemic was snowballing, the paper offered a rare ray of hope. As its authors had urged, the paper was quickly disseminated over the internet. On March 16, Elon Musk tweeted a link to the Google Doc, writing: “Maybe worth considering chloroquine for C19.” On March 18, right-wing websites Breitbart and The Blaze picked up the story. On March 19, Rigano went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson that a chloroquine study had shown “a 100% cure rate against coronavirus.”​
From there it was a short leap to the biggest bullhorn of all. That same day Donald Trump declared at a press conference that chloroquine was a possible “game changer” and that the FDA had approved it. “We’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately,” he promised. On Saturday, Trump continued to beat the drum, tweeting that chloroquine had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” << -- Experts: Rump's Touting of Untested "Game Changer" Drug is Dangerous

Wanna see it? Here's your Cult Leader being "specific" as you lieingly claimed:

Poster please.

As far as those side effects?

>> Though it has long been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus as well as malaria, it poses a risk for irreversible eye and heart damage and can potentially cause congenital birth defects. It can be fatal in doses as low as 2 grams per day—just 1 gram more than the dose being tested for COVID-19. One woman in Wuhan took 1.8 grams of the drug she ordered online and developed a malignant cardiac arrhythmia, ending up in the intensive care unit. In Nigeria two patients have been hospitalized after poisoning themselves with it. On Monday a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after they ingested a form of chloroquine used for cleaning fish tanks. << (ibid)​
Oh by the way Jaïr Bolsonaro, Brazil's version of Rump, you know, the antiscience guy who came to Mar-a-Lago with an infected aide --- went apeshit over the drug ordering Brazilian labs to ramp up production, leading to panic buying in that country, and now a study has been halted after it led to too many heart arrhythmias and deaths.

So don't sit on this board and try to sell this bullshit that Rump has been "specific" or "well-read". He's impulsive, dangerous, and spews anything that's in his head with no filter. The only thing he's EVER been specific about in his life is who he's talking about when he rambles on and on and on about ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME". Furthermore, he went on national TV and told the public that it had been "approved", which is BULLSHIT. He does that in the video above right at the end. Note that at 0:52 he also says it's "not going to kill anybody", which is ALSO bullshit, several cases being cited right here in this post.

Why did he do all that? Because he's a fucking moron, that's why. An incurious orange fat fuck who can't be bothered to vet his own fat mouth, and couldn't care less about endangering the public health as long as Numero Uno gets his worship from you sycophants who drool on command and can't get your knee pads on fast enough to do it.

FACTS dummy!

Both drugs are generally well tolerated at prescribed doses but can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache and more rarely, itchiness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Among them is Katherine Seley-Radtke, who is a medicinal chemist at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She specializes in antiviral drug research, including coronaviruses.
She noted warnings issued by the FDA that the drug can lead to severe problems for people with heart issues and noted that the agency urges doctors to conduct an EKG before prescribing it. (A step Armstrong said was taken on Thursday.) Another side effect involves damage to the retina.

Ms. Seley-Radtke is an expert. No question. But she like you and all other ignorant people seem to forget something...
a doctor will proscribe. A doctor that knows the patients history. So do you really think a Doctor would proscribe for
a patient with heart issues? GEEZ how dumb of a comment!

BUT you dummies! Just because Trump is for it you be against it! How totally ignorant and short-sighted.
If it is something that works, why are you against people getting better using it? Just because Trump recommends it?
How totally childish! Even this not open minded but biased because Trump recommends it!
Grow up idiots! This includes the MSM and it's biased presentations all because the party they donated 96% of their money to lost!

So now that you ADMIT there are side effects, ***HOW*** is ABC News "biased" in quoting comments about exactly those side effects from Tom Hanks' wife? Just because it smacks of criticism of Rump, who "recommends" it without the slightest clue what he's talking about, not even the FRIGGIN' NAME OF IT?

Remember this is the same guy who tried to sell personalized vitamins where you send in your pee.....

Doornail Rump, Bad Science and the Vitamin Company that Went Bust

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Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
I guess you didn't understand the glaring distinction. She took chloroquine . The Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family and Trump has been specific as has almost all the Task force. Not "chloroquine".
But Hydroxychloroquine is what has been specified.
ABC played the story about chloroquine incorrectly... again to bias the story.

I see you're desperately running away from your own point that the news medium's "sin" was reporting that the drug had side effects --- WHICH IT DOES.

But just to indulge your little deflection:

>> On March 13, cryptocurrency investor James Todaro and New York City lawyer Gregory Rigano tweeted out a link to a paper they’d put on the file-sharing service. In it, the men described a drug they’d been following, chloroquine, that in early trials in China and France appeared to show promise as a COVID-19 treatment. Long used as a treatment for malaria, the drug is cheap and plentiful and available to combat the pandemic immediately. Not only has it been deemed “effective in treating COVID-19,” they wrote, but it “also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus.” The pandemic, they suggested, could be snuffed out in one stroke—if the authorities would just take action. The paper ended with a call for readers to disseminate it and translate it into other languages.​
At a time when public anxiety about the pandemic was snowballing, the paper offered a rare ray of hope. As its authors had urged, the paper was quickly disseminated over the internet. On March 16, Elon Musk tweeted a link to the Google Doc, writing: “Maybe worth considering chloroquine for C19.” On March 18, right-wing websites Breitbart and The Blaze picked up the story. On March 19, Rigano went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson that a chloroquine study had shown “a 100% cure rate against coronavirus.”​
From there it was a short leap to the biggest bullhorn of all. That same day Donald Trump declared at a press conference that chloroquine was a possible “game changer” and that the FDA had approved it. “We’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately,” he promised. On Saturday, Trump continued to beat the drum, tweeting that chloroquine had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” << -- Experts: Rump's Touting of Untested "Game Changer" Drug is Dangerous

Wanna see it? Here's your Cult Leader being "specific" as you lieingly claimed:

Poster please.

As far as those side effects?

>> Though it has long been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus as well as malaria, it poses a risk for irreversible eye and heart damage and can potentially cause congenital birth defects. It can be fatal in doses as low as 2 grams per day—just 1 gram more than the dose being tested for COVID-19. One woman in Wuhan took 1.8 grams of the drug she ordered online and developed a malignant cardiac arrhythmia, ending up in the intensive care unit. In Nigeria two patients have been hospitalized after poisoning themselves with it. On Monday a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after they ingested a form of chloroquine used for cleaning fish tanks. << (ibid)​
Oh by the way Jaïr Bolsonaro, Brazil's version of Rump, you know, the antiscience guy who came to Mar-a-Lago with an infected aide --- went apeshit over the drug ordering Brazilian labs to ramp up production, leading to panic buying in that country, and now a study has been halted after it led to too many heart arrhythmias and deaths.

So don't sit on this board and try to sell this bullshit that Rump has been "specific" or "well-read". He's impulsive, dangerous, and spews anything that's in his head with no filter. The only thing he's EVER been specific about in his life is who he's talking about when he rambles on and on and on about ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME". Furthermore, he went on national TV and told the public that it had been "approved", which is BULLSHIT. He does that in the video above right at the end. Note that at 0:52 he also says it's "not going to kill anybody", which is ALSO bullshit, several cases being cited right here in this post.

Why did he do all that? Because he's a fucking moron, that's why. An incurious orange fat fuck who can't be bothered to vet his own fat mouth, and couldn't care less about endangering the public health as long as Numero Uno gets his worship from you sycophants who drool on command and can't get your knee pads on fast enough to do it.

FACTS dummy!

Both drugs are generally well tolerated at prescribed doses but can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache and more rarely, itchiness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Among them is Katherine Seley-Radtke, who is a medicinal chemist at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She specializes in antiviral drug research, including coronaviruses.
She noted warnings issued by the FDA that the drug can lead to severe problems for people with heart issues and noted that the agency urges doctors to conduct an EKG before prescribing it. (A step Armstrong said was taken on Thursday.) Another side effect involves damage to the retina.

Ms. Seley-Radtke is an expert. No question. But she like you and all other ignorant people seem to forget something...
a doctor will proscribe. A doctor that knows the patients history. So do you really think a Doctor would proscribe for
a patient with heart issues? GEEZ how dumb of a comment!

BUT you dummies! Just because Trump is for it you be against it! How totally ignorant and short-sighted.
If it is something that works, why are you against people getting better using it? Just because Trump recommends it?
How totally childish! Even this not open minded but biased because Trump recommends it!
Grow up idiots! This includes the MSM and it's biased presentations all because the party they donated 96% of their money to lost!

So now that you ADMIT there are side effects, ***HOW*** is ABC News "biased" in quoting comments about exactly those side effects from Tom Hanks' wife? Just because it smacks of criticism of Rump, who "recommends" it without the slightest clue what he's talking about, not even the FRIGGIN' NAME OF IT?

Remember this is the same guy who tried to sell personalized vitamins where you send in your pee.....

Doornail Rump, Bad Science and the Vitamin Company that Went Bust

NO the problem with ABC is JUST as your stupid video of Trump being snubbed!
YOU DIDN"T show the whole video where Poland’s First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda DID SHAKE hands with President Trump!
And So did the dumb-ass, biased ABC regarding Rita Wilson!
They didn't TELL the viewer that Wilson didn't take the Hydroxychloroquine that President Trump described.
THAT's the problem with people like you and the MSM... YOU don't tell the whole story... Trump shook hands with Poland's first lady
and Rita Wilson DIDN"T take Hydroxychloroquine. Both are selective editing and truth telling!
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
I guess you didn't understand the glaring distinction. She took chloroquine . The Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family and Trump has been specific as has almost all the Task force. Not "chloroquine".
But Hydroxychloroquine is what has been specified.
ABC played the story about chloroquine incorrectly... again to bias the story.

I see you're desperately running away from your own point that the news medium's "sin" was reporting that the drug had side effects --- WHICH IT DOES.

But just to indulge your little deflection:

>> On March 13, cryptocurrency investor James Todaro and New York City lawyer Gregory Rigano tweeted out a link to a paper they’d put on the file-sharing service. In it, the men described a drug they’d been following, chloroquine, that in early trials in China and France appeared to show promise as a COVID-19 treatment. Long used as a treatment for malaria, the drug is cheap and plentiful and available to combat the pandemic immediately. Not only has it been deemed “effective in treating COVID-19,” they wrote, but it “also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus.” The pandemic, they suggested, could be snuffed out in one stroke—if the authorities would just take action. The paper ended with a call for readers to disseminate it and translate it into other languages.​
At a time when public anxiety about the pandemic was snowballing, the paper offered a rare ray of hope. As its authors had urged, the paper was quickly disseminated over the internet. On March 16, Elon Musk tweeted a link to the Google Doc, writing: “Maybe worth considering chloroquine for C19.” On March 18, right-wing websites Breitbart and The Blaze picked up the story. On March 19, Rigano went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson that a chloroquine study had shown “a 100% cure rate against coronavirus.”​
From there it was a short leap to the biggest bullhorn of all. That same day Donald Trump declared at a press conference that chloroquine was a possible “game changer” and that the FDA had approved it. “We’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately,” he promised. On Saturday, Trump continued to beat the drum, tweeting that chloroquine had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” << -- Experts: Rump's Touting of Untested "Game Changer" Drug is Dangerous

Wanna see it? Here's your Cult Leader being "specific" as you lieingly claimed:

Poster please.

As far as those side effects?

>> Though it has long been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus as well as malaria, it poses a risk for irreversible eye and heart damage and can potentially cause congenital birth defects. It can be fatal in doses as low as 2 grams per day—just 1 gram more than the dose being tested for COVID-19. One woman in Wuhan took 1.8 grams of the drug she ordered online and developed a malignant cardiac arrhythmia, ending up in the intensive care unit. In Nigeria two patients have been hospitalized after poisoning themselves with it. On Monday a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after they ingested a form of chloroquine used for cleaning fish tanks. << (ibid)​
Oh by the way Jaïr Bolsonaro, Brazil's version of Rump, you know, the antiscience guy who came to Mar-a-Lago with an infected aide --- went apeshit over the drug ordering Brazilian labs to ramp up production, leading to panic buying in that country, and now a study has been halted after it led to too many heart arrhythmias and deaths.

So don't sit on this board and try to sell this bullshit that Rump has been "specific" or "well-read". He's impulsive, dangerous, and spews anything that's in his head with no filter. The only thing he's EVER been specific about in his life is who he's talking about when he rambles on and on and on about ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME". Furthermore, he went on national TV and told the public that it had been "approved", which is BULLSHIT. He does that in the video above right at the end. Note that at 0:52 he also says it's "not going to kill anybody", which is ALSO bullshit, several cases being cited right here in this post.

Why did he do all that? Because he's a fucking moron, that's why. An incurious orange fat fuck who can't be bothered to vet his own fat mouth, and couldn't care less about endangering the public health as long as Numero Uno gets his worship from you sycophants who drool on command and can't get your knee pads on fast enough to do it.

FACTS dummy!

Both drugs are generally well tolerated at prescribed doses but can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache and more rarely, itchiness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Among them is Katherine Seley-Radtke, who is a medicinal chemist at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She specializes in antiviral drug research, including coronaviruses.
She noted warnings issued by the FDA that the drug can lead to severe problems for people with heart issues and noted that the agency urges doctors to conduct an EKG before prescribing it. (A step Armstrong said was taken on Thursday.) Another side effect involves damage to the retina.

Ms. Seley-Radtke is an expert. No question. But she like you and all other ignorant people seem to forget something...
a doctor will proscribe. A doctor that knows the patients history. So do you really think a Doctor would proscribe for
a patient with heart issues? GEEZ how dumb of a comment!

BUT you dummies! Just because Trump is for it you be against it! How totally ignorant and short-sighted.
If it is something that works, why are you against people getting better using it? Just because Trump recommends it?
How totally childish! Even this not open minded but biased because Trump recommends it!
Grow up idiots! This includes the MSM and it's biased presentations all because the party they donated 96% of their money to lost!

So now that you ADMIT there are side effects, ***HOW*** is ABC News "biased" in quoting comments about exactly those side effects from Tom Hanks' wife? Just because it smacks of criticism of Rump, who "recommends" it without the slightest clue what he's talking about, not even the FRIGGIN' NAME OF IT?

Remember this is the same guy who tried to sell personalized vitamins where you send in your pee.....

Doornail Rump, Bad Science and the Vitamin Company that Went Bust

NO the problem with ABC is JUST as your stupid video of Trump being snubbed!
YOU DIDN"T show the whole video where Poland’s First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda DID SHAKE hands with President Trump!3


I DON'T NEED TO. I'm not claiming to report the news. I'm not claiming anything. I'm simply showing how Rump melts down like a whiny little bitch when Numero Uno doesn't get top priority. You keep looking right past that --- IT'S THE WHOLE POINT. I don't use my sigline to "tell a fucking story". Nobody does. I don't give a shit who shook hands with who --- it's that LOOK ON HIS FACE, it's worth a thousand words. And the more it gets under the skin of y'all Rump Cultists, the more I know it works.

And So did the dumb-ass, biased ABC regarding Rita Wilson!
They didn't TELL the viewer that Wilson didn't take the Hydroxychloroquine that President Trump described.
THAT's the problem with people like you and the MSM... YOU don't tell the whole story... Trump shook hands with Poland's first lady
and Rita Wilson DIDN"T take Hydroxychloroquine. Both are selective editing and truth telling!

Rump named BOTH and diffused them into the same thing. I already gave you the video on that. There's nothing you can do about it now.
Watching David Muir talk about Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson and her negative reaction to the "Extreme"

Side Effects.
Yes... she took the drug that President Trump recommendation ! And she had bad side effects.
"...she was given controversial drug chloroquine,Still, she cautioned that she had "extreme side effects" after taking chloroquine, including being "completely nauseous," having vertigo, and her muscles becoming very weak.

OH my goodness. BAD side effects how terrible of President Trump recommending Chloroquine!

BUT the only problem is she didn't take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE!

The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the president announced, “have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” On paper, it sounds perfect: two common and already FDA-approved drugs that could stem the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. Similar to most sweeping medical claims found on the internet, however, this assertion oversimplifies and misrepresents science while presenting a potential danger to public health.

President Trump was describing hydroxychloroquine!

But of course ABC News didn't make that distinction!

So lemme get this straight here.

"ABC News is 'biased' because they DIDN'T cover up the fact that the user of a drug that's much in the news as experimentation experienced side effects".

That about sum it up?

Have you looked into which hand ABC News wipes its ass with as well?
But Trump never recommended "Chloroquine!
It was hydroxychloroquine! Big difference.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family. It’s mainly sold in the US as Plaquenil (in a sulfate formulation). The big difference between it and chloroquine is that most people can tolerate stronger doses of HCQ for longer durations of time, where chloroquine is generally meant for shorter-term treatments.

How interesting, scat-boi, since I didn't name any drug at all. Evade much?
I guess you didn't understand the glaring distinction. She took chloroquine . The Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a slightly different drug in the same family and Trump has been specific as has almost all the Task force. Not "chloroquine".
But Hydroxychloroquine is what has been specified.
ABC played the story about chloroquine incorrectly... again to bias the story.

I see you're desperately running away from your own point that the news medium's "sin" was reporting that the drug had side effects --- WHICH IT DOES.

But just to indulge your little deflection:

>> On March 13, cryptocurrency investor James Todaro and New York City lawyer Gregory Rigano tweeted out a link to a paper they’d put on the file-sharing service. In it, the men described a drug they’d been following, chloroquine, that in early trials in China and France appeared to show promise as a COVID-19 treatment. Long used as a treatment for malaria, the drug is cheap and plentiful and available to combat the pandemic immediately. Not only has it been deemed “effective in treating COVID-19,” they wrote, but it “also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus.” The pandemic, they suggested, could be snuffed out in one stroke—if the authorities would just take action. The paper ended with a call for readers to disseminate it and translate it into other languages.​
At a time when public anxiety about the pandemic was snowballing, the paper offered a rare ray of hope. As its authors had urged, the paper was quickly disseminated over the internet. On March 16, Elon Musk tweeted a link to the Google Doc, writing: “Maybe worth considering chloroquine for C19.” On March 18, right-wing websites Breitbart and The Blaze picked up the story. On March 19, Rigano went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson that a chloroquine study had shown “a 100% cure rate against coronavirus.”​
From there it was a short leap to the biggest bullhorn of all. That same day Donald Trump declared at a press conference that chloroquine was a possible “game changer” and that the FDA had approved it. “We’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately,” he promised. On Saturday, Trump continued to beat the drum, tweeting that chloroquine had “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” << -- Experts: Rump's Touting of Untested "Game Changer" Drug is Dangerous

Wanna see it? Here's your Cult Leader being "specific" as you lieingly claimed:

Poster please.

As far as those side effects?

>> Though it has long been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus as well as malaria, it poses a risk for irreversible eye and heart damage and can potentially cause congenital birth defects. It can be fatal in doses as low as 2 grams per day—just 1 gram more than the dose being tested for COVID-19. One woman in Wuhan took 1.8 grams of the drug she ordered online and developed a malignant cardiac arrhythmia, ending up in the intensive care unit. In Nigeria two patients have been hospitalized after poisoning themselves with it. On Monday a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after they ingested a form of chloroquine used for cleaning fish tanks. << (ibid)​
Oh by the way Jaïr Bolsonaro, Brazil's version of Rump, you know, the antiscience guy who came to Mar-a-Lago with an infected aide --- went apeshit over the drug ordering Brazilian labs to ramp up production, leading to panic buying in that country, and now a study has been halted after it led to too many heart arrhythmias and deaths.

So don't sit on this board and try to sell this bullshit that Rump has been "specific" or "well-read". He's impulsive, dangerous, and spews anything that's in his head with no filter. The only thing he's EVER been specific about in his life is who he's talking about when he rambles on and on and on about ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME". Furthermore, he went on national TV and told the public that it had been "approved", which is BULLSHIT. He does that in the video above right at the end. Note that at 0:52 he also says it's "not going to kill anybody", which is ALSO bullshit, several cases being cited right here in this post.

Why did he do all that? Because he's a fucking moron, that's why. An incurious orange fat fuck who can't be bothered to vet his own fat mouth, and couldn't care less about endangering the public health as long as Numero Uno gets his worship from you sycophants who drool on command and can't get your knee pads on fast enough to do it.

FACTS dummy!

Both drugs are generally well tolerated at prescribed doses but can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache and more rarely, itchiness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Among them is Katherine Seley-Radtke, who is a medicinal chemist at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She specializes in antiviral drug research, including coronaviruses.
She noted warnings issued by the FDA that the drug can lead to severe problems for people with heart issues and noted that the agency urges doctors to conduct an EKG before prescribing it. (A step Armstrong said was taken on Thursday.) Another side effect involves damage to the retina.

Ms. Seley-Radtke is an expert. No question. But she like you and all other ignorant people seem to forget something...
a doctor will proscribe. A doctor that knows the patients history. So do you really think a Doctor would proscribe for
a patient with heart issues? GEEZ how dumb of a comment!

BUT you dummies! Just because Trump is for it you be against it! How totally ignorant and short-sighted.
If it is something that works, why are you against people getting better using it? Just because Trump recommends it?
How totally childish! Even this not open minded but biased because Trump recommends it!
Grow up idiots! This includes the MSM and it's biased presentations all because the party they donated 96% of their money to lost!

So now that you ADMIT there are side effects, ***HOW*** is ABC News "biased" in quoting comments about exactly those side effects from Tom Hanks' wife? Just because it smacks of criticism of Rump, who "recommends" it without the slightest clue what he's talking about, not even the FRIGGIN' NAME OF IT?

Remember this is the same guy who tried to sell personalized vitamins where you send in your pee.....

Doornail Rump, Bad Science and the Vitamin Company that Went Bust

NO the problem with ABC is JUST as your stupid video of Trump being snubbed!
YOU DIDN"T show the whole video where Poland’s First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda DID SHAKE hands with President Trump!3


I DON'T NEED TO. I'm not claiming to report the news. I'm not claiming anything. I'm simply showing how Rump melts down like a whiny little bitch when Numero Uno doesn't get top priority. You keep looking right past that --- IT'S THE WHOLE POINT. I don't use my sigline to "tell a fucking story". Nobody does. I don't give a shit who shook hands with who --- it's that LOOK ON HIS FACE, it's worth a thousand words. And the more it gets under the skin of y'all Rump Cultists, the more I know it works.

And So did the dumb-ass, biased ABC regarding Rita Wilson!
They didn't TELL the viewer that Wilson didn't take the Hydroxychloroquine that President Trump described.
THAT's the problem with people like you and the MSM... YOU don't tell the whole story... Trump shook hands with Poland's first lady
and Rita Wilson DIDN"T take Hydroxychloroquine. Both are selective editing and truth telling!

Rump named BOTH and diffused them into the same thing. I already gave you the video on that. There's nothing you can do about it now.

ABC,CBS,CNN, all of them including NYT do this and dumb shits like you fall for it!
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