Clarence Thomas-Enemy to Blacks, And all of America

DEI and AA have no place in our country. They are by their very nature discriminatory. You can’t fight potential racism with real racism. It is illogical. I support Thomas because, amoung other things, he believes we should all be judged equally. That makes perfect sense to me. My guess is, you dislike Ben Carson as well.

I know for certain that if I was an African American who worked my butt off to make good grades and to be successful, I would be firmly against allowing fellow African Americans getting a leg up simply because of the color of their skin. It would diminish my well earned accomplishments and would provide less incentive for others to follow in my footsteps, instead relying on a government program to get them over some perceived hump.

There are many African Americans who have earned the right to be in their positions of success. They have out-performed others, regardless of race. Just because there may not be enough to fill some imaginary quota, doesn’t mean we should demean their well earned accomplishments nor should we punish individuals of other races.

AA and DEI are illogical and wrong. It is as simple as that.
Tom makes his decision on the highest bidder.
No they were not excluded by law in most cases and in fact often started their own succesfyul businesses.

You claim is not a fact it is fucking lie

You do not speak for blacks

Mosty black peoplke disagree with you and are smarter than you

including Clarence thomas
Tom is a little piece of shit like Trump is, This countries enemy and traitors to this great country . they have to be disposed of.
Wasn't this hate filled racist post thrown out last week? Anyway Justice Thomas showed blacks how much they can achieve with hard work. It goes against the left's plantation mentality and they hate him for it.
They hate him because his decision has a price tag on it. Like hundreds of thousand of dollars of vacations all around the world. and then not excluding himself from a trial of a company or man where he got his trips from.
Tom was supportive of Trumps attempted overthrow of this country, him and his wife , normal hate party Traitors to this great country , Normal Scum MAGA's, again they have to be disposed of to save our democracy, Trumps and Tom's dictatorship lean is sickening.
Ok, so then logic would dictate that black business owners should be forced to use AA or DEI as well so their biases won’t affect their hiring decisions.

Regardless if pro-sports mean anything to you, I bring it up as an example where clearly your theory about people hiring those like you, not the best person, falls flat. It is a very small but very lucrative business. They are some of the most sought after jobs in the country, but only a few have the ability to do them at the highest levels. The owners make more money if they win, therefore, they hire the best people for these positions. We are supposed to believe your theory only applies in the business world, not the sports world.

Another example of your theory falling flat is the hiring of Asians, by non-Asians, in the business world. This most certainly happens on a daily basis. Again, you theory falls flat.

All that being said, there are certainly biases out there, but they are not exclusive to white vs black or male vs female.

What if you had to make picks for your basketball team based on nothing but names. Assuming you wanted to win, would you pick the kids with black sounding names first? Would you pick the kids with Asian sounding names last? What about if you were picking from the same list for you math team? Would your selection order be reversed? Why?

What is really going on is completely natural. Human nature is formed through experiences. It always has been and it always will be. We all “discriminate” on a daily basis based on past experiences. I may not go to McDonalds again simply because I had a bad experience at a couple of them that had poor management. It doesn’t mean that all McDonalds are bad, but I may choose not to go to any of them again because I have a perception that they are bad. If I see stories on the news about McDonalds having a rash of bad management throughout the country, that may further cement the idea in my mind not to visit another one, despite the fact that the one up the road from me may have great management and be very good.

You wouldn’t likely hire a guy named Cleetus because of the negative connotations of the name. I personally wouldn’t name my child Cleetus because of these negative connotations. Maybe it shouldn’t be that way, but that is reality. Based on your negative perceptions of the South in general, you may not bother to even interview anyone from the South, despite their qualifications. While this is not racist, it is certainly ethnocentric to a point where someone may be harmed. Should you be forced to apply DEI to introduce some Southern diversity into your work environment?

The stark, perhaps unfortunate, reality is that the only real way to change people’s perceptions are through experiences, not government programs that force the hiring of certain groups of people over other groups of people, particularly when they are not applied equally across all groups, as is the case with DEI and AA.
Not, it is easy to find example of bigotry being a prime driver in hiring practices . Screw the best man for the job routine. Ya the best white man for the job routine.

The gains made by blacks is due to capitalism not AA

This country was built by many including blacks but no more so than anyone else

Civil rights legislation has been a failure and abomination
Ya you bet you can dump some of those laws and get back to slavery like all good right wingers. You people are a joke.
This thread should be in the Race Relations forum because that's what it is as always with this OP.
I hate to break this to you, IM2...but you no more "speak for blacks" than I "speak for whites"! You have your opinion. Other blacks have THEIR opinions! Clarence Thomas' views differ from yours. That doesn't make him a bad person any more than Ruth Bader Ginsberg's views made her a bad person. You claiming anyone who doesn't agree with you is a "racist" is nothing more than laziness! Racism has nothing to do with it. You just post stupid stuff!
The OP is the racist here.
Tom is a little piece of shit like Trump is, This countries enemy and traitors to this great country . they have to be disposed of.
Hope the secret service sees this post! Typical leftist, doesn't get his way threatens to kill, from moms basement while eating Bagel Bites!
Hope the secret service sees this post! Typical leftist, doesn't get his way threatens to kill, from moms basement while eating Bagel Bites!
You are a clown a brain fart, you can't make my post into anything that fits your stupidity. You are a microbe, You are exactly where you belong amongst the traitors that you Allie. Simply bottom feeding scum. You belong to a army of bottom feeding scum, you are part a group shitpants raked up from under rocks where society put you to keep you away from our children. Lets make this clear who your God and hero is --------------
Who is Trump , he is a mentally ill rapist and criminal, who is charged with 91 felonies with more coming and when found guilty can be charged with over 700 years in jail. . ,he is a clown who shits in his pants so often that he has a diaper changing crew following him around to change his diapers when he lets loose. They say the biggest problem is his girdle he wears, That has him strapped in like an astronaut. He is a drug addict who smells so bad his own family won't get in a car with him. There is no one as scummy as he is . He is like standing next to an open sewer, that's what his son says anyway. Shitpants is the rights God and leader, You have to be kidding.
Tom is intelligent and correct about most things..
Nothing treasonous about that
Taking hundreds of thousands of dollar from people that end up in his court for him to judge . makes him like all MAGA's- bottom feeding scum. Yup he is one of you.
I speak for blacks more than your ass does and you only think that uncle toms who regurgitate white racist views about blacks are independent thinkers. Thomas is not thinking for himself, those who oppose him are. And if you are white and posting racist bs, that's what you will be called.
Must be tough to see a successful articulate self made black man succeed. Your problem is that you judge based on the color of one’s skin not their character and desire to better their life through hard work and dedication.
Must be tough to see a successful articulate self made black man succeed. Your problem is that you judge based on the color of one’s skin not their character and desire to better their life through hard work and dedication.
Remember Incest Joe said what a nice articulate African American Obama was.
There's a lot of things you don't understand, Cleetus.

Educating you would take too much time.

YOu see, this is what you get wrong. I'm not a liberal, I'm a pragmatist.

Thomas should have never been put on the Court, because he's an idiot.
But attacking him with a charge from a bitter ex-employee who lied her ass off was beyond good taste, and I suspect the reason why he's the most regressive jurist on SCOTUS is that he's rightfully bitter about the way he was treated.

But the Court will be a better place when he's replaced.
AGREE, will add that do think he did something to her.
What most women cant do is just punch a guy in the face because of his behavior.
While its well known that men can do that to women.
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Must be tough to see a successful articulate self made black man succeed. Your problem is that you judge based on the color of one’s skin not their character and desire to better their life through hard work and dedication.
Another person repeating one sentence from King. You judge by color of skin. I am black articulate, educated, and have been sucessful. I dislike Carence Thomas because he sits on the higest court and is trying to end things that have helped blacks. You defend him because he does that then try using that line from Dr. King.

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