Civilians Killed In Strikes On Isis, As Fears Grow On The Ground

No, President Obama is not carpet bombing, he is using the most modern pinpoint bombing to do maximum damage at the least cost. This also results in the least cost in civilian casualties. Yes, there will be some civilian casualties, but nothing like what we saw in Bush's idiocy.

40 Tomahawk missiles in one day at a cost of $1.5 million each, with only 100 to be made in his 2015 military budget.

Bet that will be changed.

What, you think he really is GOD and can take them back?:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well that's no surprise. The so-called "targeted" airstrikes are never as precise as the administration would like us to believe, and of course there's the fact that they often strike with little to no information in regards to who exactly they're targeting.

I hate to agree with your picture but you are correct. There are MANY MANY Documentaries about us attacking innocents with no one of danger. We generally attack the ones we train so we can say they "flipped". The end game still remains, we want to take out any Country that compromises our Petrol Dollar.

Nearly ever middle east Country we find a reason to go to war with has openly changed their oil trading currency to something other than the USD..........General Wesley Clark talks about future wars due to this and then they happen. Us waiting for it to happen are not surprised at all.

THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX buys all politicians. People need to learn more about it. Because if you don't go to war when your highest donors want you to use their product, it's like Obama becoming president and not creating wind energy....$$$ Controls Politicians, Politicians are Puppets.
No, President Obama is not carpet bombing, he is using the most modern pinpoint bombing to do maximum damage at the least cost. This also results in the least cost in civilian casualties. Yes, there will be some civilian casualties, but nothing like what we saw in Bush's idiocy.
Remember that next time Palestinians accuse Israel of the same.
No, President Obama is not carpet bombing, he is using the most modern pinpoint bombing to do maximum damage at the least cost. This also results in the least cost in civilian casualties. Yes, there will be some civilian casualties, but nothing like what we saw in Bush's idiocy.
Remind us where you were in regards pin point strikes when Israel was doing it?
WE are killing civilians.....does anyone on the left give a shit?

Syria Deeply ^

Activists and rebel groups have concerns about civilian casualties – particularly because ISIS has entrenched itself in residential areas. Yesterday's U.S.-led airstrikes on Syria, targeting an al-Qaida command center in Idlib, resulted in the death of at least 11 civilians, according to the Center for Documentation of Violation in Syria (VDC).On Monday the U.S., along with five Arab allies, began an airstrike campaign against ISIS and al-Nusra targets across northern and eastern Syria, including the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, and parts of Aleppo, Deir Ezzor and Hasakeh provinces.As U.S. officials released photographic evidence of "significant damage" to ISIS training camps...

Jesus Christ, you people are so naive! In WW I, WW II countless civilians were killed. Sorry but collateral damage is an aspect of war. It happens in every conflict and is unavoidable!

The bullshit humane war is only tossed at Israel and the US. We need to fight to win. Kill the enemy. Islam is the enemy!

Only the LEFT is supposed to give a shit about the civilian deaths, but since it's being done by their Mess...iah, Obuma, they can't without looking and being hypocrites!
Fruitcake far right Vigilante had no problems with Bush killing everything in sight.

Simple hypocrite: hates having a black man as president. Vigi, you can vote against him in 2016. :lol: Nutter.
When all else fails, play the race card.

That's what you freaks on the far right always do, so I will always call you out.
Nice try, Mr. "You don't like Obama because he's black". Say goodbye to your credibility (again).
WE are killing civilians.....does anyone on the left give a shit?

Syria Deeply ^

Activists and rebel groups have concerns about civilian casualties – particularly because ISIS has entrenched itself in residential areas. Yesterday's U.S.-led airstrikes on Syria, targeting an al-Qaida command center in Idlib, resulted in the death of at least 11 civilians, according to the Center for Documentation of Violation in Syria (VDC).On Monday the U.S., along with five Arab allies, began an airstrike campaign against ISIS and al-Nusra targets across northern and eastern Syria, including the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, and parts of Aleppo, Deir Ezzor and Hasakeh provinces.As U.S. officials released photographic evidence of "significant damage" to ISIS training camps...

This from one of the nutters who calls them rag heads, towel heads and calls for their annihilation in a ground war.

Make up your flimsy little mind.

What, Nuttley, you were all pissed when Bush did this shit, now, NO CONCERN?...Figures you hypocrite bitch!

Jezzus. You're just plain dumb.

Bush - ground war, almost 5000 Americans dead, thousands of Americans maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead and/or maimed, billions of dollars.

You need to THINK before you post.

Indeed- And for all that sacrifice your ilk elected a coward who cut and run from Iraq only to marginalize the deaths of warriors. The cities where American blood was shed, Obama turned over to ISIS.

Well now, here we are. The 'Conservatives' supported Putin against our President. Now they are supporting ISIS against our President. Such fucking class they are showing.

And, as usual, they can't even be honest about it. Saying we're carpet-bombing and killing civilians like Bush did - its simply not true.

But we'll be seeing more and more RWs here siding with ISIS. Count on it.
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Fruitcake far right Vigilante had no problems with Bush killing everything in sight.

Simple hypocrite: hates having a black man as president. Vigi, you can vote against him in 2016. :lol: Nutter.
When all else fails, play the race card.

That's what you freaks on the far right always do, so I will always call you out.
Nice try, Mr. "You don't like Obama because he's black". Say goodbye to your credibility (again).

Says the racist. It's all you have. I do understand that you ate, saw it in the South, don't like it, but can live withit. It's the birfers and the and religionists that irritate me.

But like dealing with all trash, I just sweep you folks in a dustpan and put you in the bin.

But he and his party beat us twice, which his place is secure, whether we like him or not.
No, President Obama is not carpet bombing, he is using the most modern pinpoint bombing to do maximum damage at the least cost. This also results in the least cost in civilian casualties. Yes, there will be some civilian casualties, but nothing like what we saw in Bush's idiocy.

I think it might be in this thread that I described the videos I saw on the news. Explained by a military general, they showed before and after of various targets. It clearly showed that the bombs/missiles were the exact target they were intended for.

One was a communication array on the corner of a building. That was wiped out but the rest of the building was untouched.

Someone here complained that they were bombing during the night when people were not in the buildings being targeted. The building, or a portion of it, was the target. Not the people. Bombing at night made it possible to do the damage without killing innocent civilians.

I hate war. I hate bombing people or buildings. But I hate terrorists more.

The RWs will lie about and hate anything Obama does. They will side with ISIS against their own country just as they have sided with Pootin.
Any who sides against BHO is this campaign side with shooting, beheading, crucifixtion by ISIS ISIL.
Nope, I am pointing out the lack of patriotism of those who oppose the war effort because of their hatred for the president.

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