Cityslickers vs country

If you can buy a car with cash, you don't need credit.
The oldsters also invest the money.

I think you should be able to pay cash for everything you buy after a certain age within reason.
House,trucks and vaca properties.


Along with my truck and the Wifes..

It happens here in Houston all the time although the trend has slowed recently.
Good old gentrification.
Is there population too large for the infrastructure?
Traffic in Nassau County is insane and we're running out of water and have to interconnect with NYC.
Is there population too large for the infrastructure?
Traffic in Nassau County is insane and we're running out of water and have to interconnect with NYC.

The population is just fine. However the negros in the area are going ape shit over the tax increases.
The negroes who own and dont rent are fine with selling their shacks for $500k and moving to the burbs.

The worst thing as far as to many people are in the fast developing areas like we live in.
When we first moved in 16 years ago traffic was light,now they're building apartments all over the place which of course brings a lot of traffic.
The population is just fine. However the negros in the area are going ape shit over the tax increases.
The negroes who own and dont rent are fine with selling their shacks for $500k and moving to the burbs.

The worst thing as far as to many people are in the fast developing areas like we live in.
When we first moved in 16 years ago traffic was light,now they're building apartments all over the place which of course brings a lot of traffic.
Are country bumpkins with no teeth smarter than city folk b/c of the rodent issue and the disease issue? Which you can read about it im articles online I am not a sock!
What if the two blend together where it is difficult to separate them?

Where I live at, 50 years ago was a tiny community without much economic pull. The entire county had a population of around 40K.
And then the big change happened [read: big, big headquarters - Walmart, JB Hunt, Tyson Foods, Daisy, Car-Mart] where we have been going through 40% growth every decade since. The result is we now have a population around 300K but with the money of a much larger city.
Small town feel, big city money.
High education, low poverty, high employment, low crime. Heck, I can leave my front door unlocked [often do - but big dog inside], know all of my neighbors, will have them all together at neighborhood parties with hundreds of people of all backgrounds.
City folks are smarter but on one issue, rodents, diseaseas flourish in big urban areas. Does the fact a yankee not know this make them dumber? What about Carlin?
Unless you live in a small community that brings in highly educated people from all over the world.
No matter where you go, people are moving from the country to the city.

The reasons are obvious.
More people are leaving the city for rural areas.
Is there a piece of propaganda you wont swallow, boot licker?
What sources do you have?
Well if you're educated and intellectual you will prefer the city, The country is filled with Murica types, just idiots!

Nice stereotyping. Having lived in both, I can say that there are as many, if not more idiots in the city.

And what is it you call a "Murica type"?
Are country bumpkins with no teeth smarter than city folk b/c of the rodent issue and the disease issue? Which you can read about it im articles online I am not a sock!

Country bumpkins can do plenty of things city folk don't know how to do.

Can you grow a garden? (its more than just a seed in the ground)
Can you fish or hunt for your own food?
Can you survive the worst weather, and make sure your neighbors do too?
Can you build things with your own hands?

Quit pretending the stereotypes are accurate.

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