Citing rise of ‘Christian nationalism,’ Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019

WASHINGTON (RNS) — A Democratic group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump’s actions involving religion and to “restore a vision of constitutional secularism.”

The 28-page document, crafted by the Secular Democrats of America PAC, is being presented to the incoming administration by Democratic Representatives Jamie Raskin and Jared Huffman — both co-chairs of the Congressional Freethought Caucus.

The SDA’s agenda offers a wide range of policy recommendations to push back against the so-called “Christian nationalist movement,” which the the group describes as an “extraordinarily well-funded and well-organized” phenomenon whose “extreme and sectarian agenda (was) on constant display under the Trump-Pence administration.”

Work with Congress to incentivize states to increase their vaccination rates by repealing all nonmedical exemptions to mandatory vaccination for children in schools and day care centers. States like California and New York have taken such actions, but only after experiencing severe outbreaks of measles and whooping cough. Parents and children have the right to a school environment free of vaccine preventable diseases. The most vulnerable among us who are medically ineligible for vaccination depend on herd immunity to protect them.

Move along, nothing see here....well except for a direct attack on Religious Liberties that is.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.

Too funny, yes they are, you're just too lazy to read the article AND the document.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
well people don't want homosexuality, transgender and so on forced down their throats either.
Oh noes!!! Not Christian nationalism!!!
You mean people that advocate continuing the values and principles that this nation was founded on? Placing the well being of OUR people and nation as the primary responsibility of OUR federal government? People who also wish to be left alone and not have the government impose the will of others on them? Perish the thought!

I’ve always found it incredible... liberals and their little collaboration of malcontents they call constituents (gays, Muslims, trannies, etc) are constantly and have historically been crying about religious groups, mainstream society, conservatives, etc persecuting them and imposing their will upon these groups. They constantly cry foul, that they are the victims. Yet everywhere you look, who is doing the imposing of their will?
Bake this cake or we will sue you into bankruptcy!
Use these pronouns or we will shame you into submission.
Don’t use these words, or oppose our beliefs in any way or we will have you blackballed and black listed, destroy your business, and do everything we can to ostracize you.
Oh, you won’t call us the pronouns we feel like using? We will claim you are discriminating against us and get you fired.
We want to teach kids all about gay sex and having 2 Dad’s and multiple partners or dildos and all the rest... as young as humanly possible as well. Oh you don’t want your kids taught that in school? Well fuck you, you’re a bigot and we are doing it anyway.
Oh, we can’t stop what we are doing at work and pray 5x a day? We are suing you.
Hey, there are a decent number of us Muslims here... it’s time you start doing things our way. We want the lunch menu changed. We don’t want girls in the same area as the boy’s in school or public or wherever. We want to have our own separate court system under sharia.
And on and on.
What exactly are those evil Christians and conservatives doing to others? Why, they want to be left alone, free to teach their kids what they want when they want. They want to be free from others imposing their will on them. Maybe they don’t want to bake you a cake, and who gives a shit what the reason is? Call you your preferred pronoun or else? How about you are free to dress up like whatever of the 89 genders you “identify as” today, but I’m also free to not give a shit and I am also free to not play along with your make believe bullshit and your mental issues.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.

Too funny, yes they are, you're just too lazy to read the article AND the document.

I did read it. Here's the only paragraph that's relevant.
Organized religion, in ANY form, has NO place in government at the federal and state level.
If you really believe in the Constitution, this wouldn't be an issue for you.

"A Democratic group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump’s actions involving religion and to “restore a vision of constitutional secularism.”
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
well people don't want homosexuality, transgender and so on forced down their throats either.

None of these issues affect you directly. So if you don't identify as one, why do you care?
Unless it's just an excuse to exhibit discrimination and cruelty.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.

Too funny, yes they are, you're just too lazy to read the article AND the document.

I did read it. Here's the only paragraph that's relevant.
Organized religion, in ANY form, has NO place in government at the federal and state level.
If you really believe in the Constitution, this wouldn't be an issue for you.

"A Democratic group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump’s actions involving religion and to “restore a vision of constitutional secularism.”

lol rubbish. The Establishment clause restricts Federal interference in religious matters, nothing to do with 'secularism'. Quit lying for once in your loser sicko life and seek help; sexual fetishes are not political issues, no matter how much mentally ill sickos want validation for their neurotic deviant compulsions and the drive to target and groom little children into accepting assorted sicko 'attentions' as 'normal'. It didn't prevent the individual states from having established Christian sects, either, for that matter, which is why Massachusetts kept its Congregationalist state sect up to 1834 or so. There is no requirement for 'secularism' re Christianity in a general sense, either, it just prevents a particular sect from being able to tax the country at the Federal level. Christmas scenes on Federal property are just fine, so are Ten Commandments posted on courtroom walls, etc.
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Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.

Too funny, yes they are, you're just too lazy to read the article AND the document.

I did read it. Here's the only paragraph that's relevant.
Organized religion, in ANY form, has NO place in government at the federal and state level.
If you really believe in the Constitution, this wouldn't be an issue for you.

"A Democratic group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump’s actions involving religion and to “restore a vision of constitutional secularism.”

You read the paper itself then, not just the article? If you had you'd recognize it as the frontal assault it is.
A fairly objective news report. This part caught my eye:

“The SDA [Secular Democrats of America] offered thoughts on how the White House should engage with religious affairs as well. They single out the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which operated under the Bush and Obama administrations in various capacities but was left to languish under Trump, who eventually created his own religious affairs office led by Florida pastor Paula White.”

Well, we all remember those hysterical videos of Paula White talking in tongues, saying Trump was God’s candidate and asking for money!

Certainly good that she won’t be running the President’s “religious affairs office” in future!

I haven’t read the 21 page document of the SDA and I’m sure it may have controversial parts, though probably I will agree with some of it. Somebody probably should read it carefully and comment on it. But of course it is the suggestion of a relatively small lobby group, one of many within much larger religious-based Democratic lobbying groups.
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WASHINGTON (RNS) — A Democratic group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump’s actions involving religion and to “restore a vision of constitutional secularism.”

The 28-page document, crafted by the Secular Democrats of America PAC, is being presented to the incoming administration by Democratic Representatives Jamie Raskin and Jared Huffman — both co-chairs of the Congressional Freethought Caucus.

The SDA’s agenda offers a wide range of policy recommendations to push back against the so-called “Christian nationalist movement,” which the the group describes as an “extraordinarily well-funded and well-organized” phenomenon whose “extreme and sectarian agenda (was) on constant display under the Trump-Pence administration.”

Work with Congress to incentivize states to increase their vaccination rates by repealing all nonmedical exemptions to mandatory vaccination for children in schools and day care centers. States like California and New York have taken such actions, but only after experiencing severe outbreaks of measles and whooping cough. Parents and children have the right to a school environment free of vaccine preventable diseases. The most vulnerable among us who are medically ineligible for vaccination depend on herd immunity to protect them.

Move along, nothing see here....well except for a direct attack on Religious Liberties that is.
Sounds exactly like Nazi Germany

Paula White (Rumps "pastor") is a Health and Wealth gospel heretic.

She delivers her show for the paying nuts. She´s some kind of pocketfilling Guru. No wonder, Trump likes her. But I think it is dangerous to strengthen the nuts´ religious craze. Only a matter of time until they blow something up.

So what? As blowing shit up, that would be Democrats running around assasinating people and black vermin running around looting and committing violent hate crimes, , i.e. pissant whiners like yourself, not church congregations. Crawl back up that skunk's ass you crawled out of and stay there.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
When Jesus comes to judge you and casts you in to Hell, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you deserved it.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
No one is shoving their religion unless it's muslims. Y'all don't mind them as long as you get their votes. If Christians voted Democrat you'd be silent.

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