Cindy Sheehan is Right

LuvRPgrl said:
Pass the foil hat please.

...aluminium foil would be more appropriate...but then again you are young and need real life experience...which I am sure you will have oneday! :cof:
GunnyL said:
Cute. :laugh:

It makes perfectly good business sense without the conspracy theory factor for the oil companies to lobby against funding research for alternative sources of fuel. It takes money directly out of their pockets.

We have known for years the day was coming when we would need a different source of fuel and little has been done about it. Even if we had not come with one yet, we could be a good 30 years down the road to finding it.

If for no other reason than a generically produced alternative source of fuel would alleviate our dependence on foreign countries for fuel it would be woth it to me.

the energy industry has had a alternaative fuel for decades now...they are sitting and waiting for fossil fuels to run out...why not make a extra buck while they can and do...they do not care about you or me or anyone else in the middle and below income group! :rolleyes:
GunnyL said:
Cute. :laugh:

It makes perfectly good business sense without the conspracy theory factor for the oil companies to lobby against funding research for alternative sources of fuel. It takes money directly out of their pockets.

And it makes even more sense for the companies to do the research themselves so they can corner the market on the new fuel source. Exxon spends more money on alternative fuel sciences than any other company in the world. So to suggest that oil companies are lobbying against the funding of it is kinda silly since they are the ones actually funding it. I'd rather them fund it than the govt. anyway. The govt. usually isn't as effective as the private sector.
archangel said:
Laugh all ya want and pass the tin foil hats all ya like...however those who are not in the need to know...never will know!Okay gunny the go get em point man and bunny 'luv'...what experience in real life that you can draw your opinion to conclude Area 51 as well as a few other areas are not real...never said anything about UFO's so you assumed you were making fun of a conspiracy theorist...although if you take the time to really research the issue...Try a credible witness to what you are alluding to...Try one former Astronaut and former test "Cooper"... many others who are credible can also be found...but never mind you think the world is black and white...because you have been told so....geeez! Did you not ever wonder why the Trilateral is pushing for a "New World Order"? Did you not ever wonder why some people within the really high income group never seem to suffer from medical problems that can't seem to be solved for the majority....guess not cause you live in a created bubble! :rolleyes:

gunny just jerking your chain as I see you got my drift with the Ostrich feather comment!

Yeah I kinda figured you were talking about area 51 as a research and testing facility. I don't know why people assumed that you were talking about UFOs. The govt. actually wants us to think that there are UFOs flying around because that is better than us knowing what the govt. is actually building. Like you said there is about a 10 year lag between what the govt. has and what we know about.
NATO AIR said:
i can't adequately respond in this thread because my jewish masters will not authorize me to.

I'll take that as a pun...not to worry you are young and learning fast...someday when your career is finished and you also can let the truth be heard...all ya have to remember is to not devulged exact names,dates and places...this will protect you from violation of the "Secrecy Oath" :rolleyes:
archangel said:
Laugh all ya want and pass the tin foil hats all ya like...however those who are not in the need to know...never will know!Okay gunny the go get em point man and bunny 'luv'...what experience in real life that you can draw your opinion to conclude Area 51 as well as a few other areas are not real...never said anything about UFO's so you assumed you were making fun of a conspiracy theorist...although if you take the time to really research the issue...Try a credible witness to what you are alluding to...Try one former Astronaut and former test "Cooper"... many others who are credible can also be found...but never mind you think the world is black and white...because you have been told so....geeez! Did you not ever wonder why the Trilateral is pushing for a "New World Order"? Did you not ever wonder why some people within the really high income group never seem to suffer from medical problems that can't seem to be solved for the majority....guess not cause you live in a created bubble! :rolleyes:

gunny just jerking your chain as I see you got my drift with the Ostrich feather comment!

I didn't think I was making fun of a conspiracy theorist. I misunderstood your post and assumed you were calling ME one. Not my style. :cool:
Powerman said:
And it makes even more sense for the companies to do the research themselves so they can corner the market on the new fuel source. Exxon spends more money on alternative fuel sciences than any other company in the world. So to suggest that oil companies are lobbying against the funding of it is kinda silly since they are the ones actually funding it. I'd rather them fund it than the govt. anyway. The govt. usually isn't as effective as the private sector.

I'm always willing to learn something new. Got a :link: ?
archangel said:
...aluminium foil would be more appropriate...but then again you are young and need real life experience...which I am sure you will have oneday! :cof:

I am young? And you know my age just how?

Regarding life experience, I would put mine against yours anyday.

Well, bottom line is, I dont really give a rats ass if we are not in the know about some technology, or if there is some world wide banking conspiracy, I live extremely well as do all Americans if they choose to. We have it better than any society in history, so if they are controlling things, I say they are doing a pretty good job.

As for rich people not getting diseases and dieing?? Are you for real?
Wasnt the Shah of Iran a pretty rich guy? What about Marcos, he had billions. Oh yea, now you will come up with some reason they werent included. But the list would go on and on,,,
William Joyce said:
What is so "proud" about being a neocon? Neocons are for abortion, open borders, Mexican invasion, Hollywood garbage, globalism, you name it, anything bad. True conservatives are for traditional America: the place where you can get on planes without a strip-search, where you can leave your door unlocked, where "affirmative action" doesn't keep you out of a job.

I don't know who's worse: neocons or liberals.

Full text of Sheehan's letter to ABC in this article:

neo con means the new era of consefvatives of which i am one and i belive in none of what you claim

as a :traditional conservative" which you claim to be....let me guess....your uniform would include a white hood given your distane for certain races
archangel said:
The technology is already in place to produce alternative is the cure for cancer etc etc...Big the government...see Trilateral Commission..."Shadow Government"...when the public sees new technology it is already some ten years old....y'all really need to face reality...."Area 51" is real as is the other high tech industries...we all are being hoodwinked so the International Banking and Big business industry can milk the profits to death! :wtf:

so let me see if i have this correct....

the rich and privledged have access to a cure for cancer that the shadow government and international banking won't release to the general public as they wan't to milk the profits on current treatments to the poor and middle class and that is why the privledged don't get cancer?
LuvRPgrl said:
I am young? And you know my age just how?

Regarding life experience, I would put mine against yours anyday.

Well, bottom line is, I dont really give a rats ass if we are not in the know about some technology, or if there is some world wide banking conspiracy, I live extremely well as do all Americans if they choose to. We have it better than any society in history, so if they are controlling things, I say they are doing a pretty good job.

As for rich people not getting diseases and dieing?? Are you for real?
Wasnt the Shah of Iran a pretty rich guy? What about Marcos, he had billions. Oh yea, now you will come up with some reason they werent included. But the list would go on and on,,, stated in a earlier post you were "actually 15"...although I believe you were being are probably thirty something...and as for putting your experience against mine I relate to your above comment..."I don't really give a rats ass if we are not in the know about some technology"
Says alot about your lifetime experience or lack of it!

As for the rich not getting disease...never said that just that they are privvy to better and more advanced for the "Shaw of Iran" comment he passed away from cancer over thirty years ago...he was in fact denied treatment in the US per one Jimmy Carter who shipped him off to Mexico to avoid political backlash...nice of Jimmy don't ya think? ;)
manu1959 said:
so let me see if i have this correct....

the rich and privledged have access to a cure for cancer that the shadow government and international banking won't release to the general public as they wan't to milk the profits on current treatments to the poor and middle class and that is why the privledged don't get cancer?

Yes they get cancer...however they are in fact privvy to better and more advanced technology...and yes the drug companies do in fact have technology available but since the profit ratio is bad will not release it...nice of them eh!
I love Israel and would gladly give my life in their defense.

Most of me, however, wishes Israel would stop pussyfooting around with the PLO and other terrorists...Israel has likely the largest can of whoop-ass available on the planet. I wouldn't put too much faith in OUR military vs theirs...they could definately bring a hurting upon another nation - if they chose to.
archangel said:
Yes they get cancer...however they are in fact privvy to better and more advanced technology...and yes the drug companies do in fact have technology available but since the profit ratio is bad will not release it...nice of them eh!

so explain why one of my father's best friends who was national republican party chairman under reagan died of brain cancer?
manu1959 said:
so explain why one of my father's best friends who was national republican party chairman under reagan died of brain cancer?

however I am not a medical doctor...all I know about brain cancer is that it is the most agressive and hard to treat...never said there was a perfect cure for all forms of cancer...just that there is technology available but not released to the general public...and what pray tell does being the GOP party chair have to do with my assessment and connection to the Trilateral commission...was he also a member? :huh:
-=d=- said:
I love Israel and would gladly give my life in their defense.

Most of me, however, wishes Israel would stop pussyfooting around with the PLO and other terrorists...Israel has likely the largest can of whoop-ass available on the planet. I wouldn't put too much faith in OUR military vs theirs...they could definately bring a hurting upon another nation - if they chose to.

yes, ISRAEL is very militaristic. but they are forced to... all the high-tec army is for living, not aggression.
canavar said:
yes, they are very militaristic. but they are forced to... all is for living, not aggression.

The PLO? or Israel? nobody forces the PLO to be a terrorist breeding ground. The PLO is composed of Militant Arabs who hate the fact Israel kicked their collective asses so many times throughout history. Now, the Arabs in that region want FREE stuff...they want Israel to 'give back' the land Israel earned a LONG time ago. Imagine if Native Americans insisted the US government give the land back to them...and started bombing our school busses, cafes, and such, in a 'holy war'.
archangel said:
however I am not a medical doctor...all I know about brain cancer is that it is the most agressive and hard to treat...never said there was a perfect cure for all forms of cancer...just that there is technology available but not released to the general public...and what pray tell does being the GOP party chair have to do with my assessment and connection to the Trilateral commission...was he also a member? :huh:

you said the rich and privileged had access to things that the general public did not .... being the chair of the party in power is pretty high up there ... i would think that he would have access to "the treatments" that others can not get .... yet he received the same treatments as my uncle, my mother and my grandmother....not say you are blowing smoke but your theories and my experiences don't seem to match up
manu1959 said:
you said the rich and privileged had access to things that the general public did not .... being the chair of the party in power is pretty high up there ... i would think that he would have access to "the treatments" that others can not get .... yet he received the same treatments as my uncle, my mother and my grandmother....not say you are blowing smoke but your theories and my experiences don't seem to match up

For every pro there is a con...I am sorry to hear your family has a history of such magnitude...still does not extinguish my theory or facts available! Just saying the priviledged do in fact have access to more advanced treatments...and this applies to all other matters!If God called them home then no treatment man can provide will help!