Cincinnati says huge conspiracy against blacks in city. Starts massive quota-hiring system

The idea of having actual qualifications for civil servant jobs were abandoned long ago.

This is why government services suck.
Yeah, well the issue of racism goes a little deeper than what I say on a message board. White have and will always blame blacks for their problems.

Another racist analysis of the situation. Can you possibly look at things without the racist glasses you wear all the time?

AA is just the newest scapegoat, before that it was voting rights, before that segregation, before that the slaves didnt work the field hard enough and thats why you're a failure.

Whites were enslaves back then too, bubba, and by the same class of people who bought the black slaves the fought the unions later.

Today these same people divide the working class along racial lines and get their way with Congress while racist morons like you distract the rest of the public from the influx of illegal immigration and H1-bs that deny blacks jobs far more than Jim Crow ever did.

Who is most often displaced by Dravidian H1-Bs who pass themselves off as black?

Lol, but you cant see the real source of the problems because you got your debil and he's a white debil, lolol.

Sorry, not sorry

You are too big a fool to ever be sorry for anything. I think we all realize that, dumbass.
Yeah, and thats why Obama is your POTUS lol
That's kinda the point. Failure is failure, he just did it at a much higher level. Giving a black man a suit and calling him president for nothing other than being black obviously hasn't worked.

He didnt lose it, he won it. TWICE
And he has failed across the board. Obamacare, foreign policy, economy, race relations etc. What is it that you don't understand?

Black unemployment is higher under our black President Obama than it was under Reagan or either Bush.

But that don't matter as long as they a brother at the top!
Another racist analysis of the situation. Can you possibly look at things without the racist glasses you wear all the time?

Why would I? You didnt disagree with anything I said.

I said AA is the newest again, declined to disagree
Another racist analysis of the situation. Can you possibly look at things without the racist glasses you wear all the time?

Why would I?

Why would you want to drop your racist skewering of reality? I would suppose so that you can see Reality for what it truly is. Why would anyone have to explain that to you?

You didnt disagree with anything I said.

I said AA is the newest again, declined to disagree

I disagree with just about everything you have said.

That is because I do not see Reality through a racist lens, dude.
Why would you want to drop your racist skewering of reality? I would suppose so that you can see Reality for what it truly is. Why would anyone have to explain that to you?

You can throw in all the adjectives you like but you didnt disagree with me so why would I revise it when I'm right?
Why would you want to drop your racist skewering of reality? I would suppose so that you can see Reality for what it truly is. Why would anyone have to explain that to you?

You can throw in all the adjectives you like but you didnt disagree with me so why would I revise it when I'm right?

I said I disagree with racist analysis of problems, like you do constantly.

How do you turn that into I didn't disagree?

I do think that you are a fellow traveler for the corporate interests who divide the working class so we cannot present a united front to protect working class interests.

But that's OK with you as long as some whites get discriminated against in some random Norhtern city, lol.
Why would you want to drop your racist skewering of reality? I would suppose so that you can see Reality for what it truly is. Why would anyone have to explain that to you?

You can throw in all the adjectives you like but you didnt disagree with me so why would I revise it when I'm right?

I said I disagree with racist analysis of problems, like you do constantly.

How do you turn that into I didn't disagree?

I do think that you are a fellow traveler for the corporate interests who divide the working class so we cannot present a united front to protect working class interests.

But that's OK with you as long as some whites get discriminated against in some random Norhtern city, lol.

You dont disagree with what I said you just put a bunch of adjectives in front of it and say you're against those adjectives. My message is untouched and thank you
He didnt lose it, he won it. TWICE

Obozo won in 2008 but he stole 2012 with the help of 5 million illegal alien voters.

Thats the newest excuse for white failure...the other brown meat lol

Again, you go with a racist perspective.

How does 11 to 40 million illegals help legal black citizens get jobs?

Why are you such a retard?

Oh I see, he blames the illegals and I'm racist!

I say he blames it on hispanics and you bring up blacks vs hispanics getting jobs.

Then after you see arguments that are not there you call ME a retard. Thats rich
Why would you want to drop your racist skewering of reality? I would suppose so that you can see Reality for what it truly is. Why would anyone have to explain that to you?

You can throw in all the adjectives you like but you didnt disagree with me so why would I revise it when I'm right?

I said I disagree with racist analysis of problems, like you do constantly.

How do you turn that into I didn't disagree?

I do think that you are a fellow traveler for the corporate interests who divide the working class so we cannot present a united front to protect working class interests.

But that's OK with you as long as some whites get discriminated against in some random Norhtern city, lol.

You dont disagree with what I said you just put a bunch of adjectives in front of it and say you're against those adjectives. My message is untouched and thank you

I said I am against racism and all you are is racism.

How that translates into your message being untouched is just you mentally masturbating to your own fantasies, dude.
Oh I see, he blames the illegals and I'm racist!

I say he blames it on hispanics and you bring up blacks vs hispanics getting jobs.

Then after you see arguments that are not there you call ME a retard. Thats rich

You are a retard. Otherwise you would understand how black market labor is preventing legal labor from getting employment in massive numbers.

But now that is racist of me to point out?

See, that is another example of what I am talking about when I say that you are a racist fool being played by corporate interests.
Quotas are not the answer to hiring problems. What you'll get is incompetent blacks hired instead of the most qualified, which may be a white person.
Quotas are not the answer to hiring problems. What you'll get is incompetent blacks hired instead of the most qualified, which may be a white person.
Yep, you get political hacks, suck ups and family members instead of the best person for the job.
Oh I see, he blames the illegals and I'm racist!

I say he blames it on hispanics and you bring up blacks vs hispanics getting jobs.

Then after you see arguments that are not there you call ME a retard. Thats rich

You are a retard. Otherwise you would understand how black market labor is preventing legal labor from getting employment in massive numbers.

But now that is racist of me to point out?

See, that is another example of what I am talking about when I say that you are a racist fool being played by corporate interests.

I might understand that but since we're not talking about that at all.....
caption is an idiot, as usual.

Any system that says "you MUST give preference to minorities" is equally as racist as any policy that says not to consider minorities.

Suure! Its super racist! lol

Oh the horrible terrible life of a victimized white man...When will the world understand such turmoil?

What you are essentially saying is that you are okay with racism towards whites because whites have had the advantage for so long.

That is stupid, and dangerous thinking.

Yeah, I'm saying whites have had the whole pie for so long that it would be unfair at this point to give other people a shot at that pie. Just let the white people keep it, dont want them to cry about injustice or anything lol
When it comes to opportunity, it is not a pie; it is not limited. Opportunity is unlimited. All you have to do is seize it. To not take that opportunity is to waste the efforts of the earlier generations who didn't have equal opportunity.

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