CIA Joins FBI In 'Proven Traitor / Threat To US Democracy Status', Involved In JFK Assassination

No it does not boy it proves me correct]

It proves you gthe bald faced cowardly liar

It names NO ONE who has such infromation and that is a fact

It is a pile of steaming fiction.

Sity down boy you are a liar and yuou have been owned
The link provided says you are a shameless liar.

Your last post proves you are a TRIGGERED liar.

JFK Jr. is writing The Wuhan Cover-Up. Like The Real Anthony Fauci, he will continue to add stuff right up to the publishing point. This means that JFK Jr. will definitely be linking the CIA to the origins of SARS2 as he did in his Fau Chi book.
Of course there might be something they do not want us to know.

Which proves nothing as the government needs to keep secrets
Very true. The government must keep the fact that it is violating the law secret.

For example …

Plus you can bet they would not want to let us know that the CIA and FBI were involved in JFK’s assassination.

No it does not

It proves absolutely and conclusively that I am correct and it proves you are the liar

It names no such source . Your claims are made up out of thin air which means they are lies

The CIA was busted runnung weapons to terrorist out of Benghazi.

Former CIA Director Brennan was busted by Democrats illegally spying on Congress.

These 'choir boys' obviously have nothing to hide.

Very true. The government must keep the fact that it is violating the law secret.

For example …

Plus you can bet they would not want to let us know that the CIA and FBI were involved in JFK’s assassination.

There is no evidence they were involved and if they were they would not document it
There is no evidence they were involved and if they were they would not document it


Who would be stupid enough to document their crimes ... on a laptop ... and then leave that laptop at a computer repair shop ... then have their lawyer call and leave a message on an answering machine confirming its their laptop?

The link provided proves you are a shameless liar.

Your previous post showed you
are a TRIGGERED liat.

This post shows you are a determined liar.


You are full of shit easy

The link proviuded proves no such thing.

The link provided has no one who has any information or evidence to the contrary asnd that is fact

You know it and so do i

You are the screaasching triggered snowflake here
Was that the CIA or the government?


It was Hunter Biden...

Whistleblowers and evidence has already proven the FBI to be criminals and traitors, and, again, the CIA was busted running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi, and the former CIA Director was already caught and exposed by Feinstein for illegally spying on Congress.

You are trying hard to defend proven criminals and traitors. Why is that?
It was Hunter Biden...

Whistleblowers and evidence has already proven the FBI to be criminals and traitors, and, again, the CIA was busted running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi, and the former CIA Director was already caught and exposed by Feinstein for illegally spying on Congress.

You are trying hard to defend proven criminals and traitors. Why is that?

You confuse defending someone with asttacking your lies.

Whatever else they may or may not have done is irrelevant.

Caying they did this or that wrong does not prove jack shit about the specific JFK case.

You have nothing on them for that.

No one has a speck of evidence or information that they were involved and that includes gthe BULLSHIT link you provided which proves you are a liar
Of course there might be something they do not want us to know.

Which proves nothing as the government needs to keep secrets
Indeed, they do not want the People to know how the CIA and Federal agencies were deeply involved in the assassination of JKF.
If Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter, then what can be the threat to "National Security" that requires retention of other files?

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It probably belongs in the history forum but it should be noted that JFK was responsible for empowering the CIA to such a degree that the Agency reserved the option to raise an army to invade a sovereign country (Cuba). Oswald was a criminal traitor who abandoned his military post and his citizenship and chose Russia. Why the hell he was welcomed back into the U.S. with his KGB bride in the coldest part of the Cold War was never addressed while the Warren Commission focused on the phantoms of the "Grassy Knoll".

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