CIA director says entire GOP worse than the Taliban


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Defund the FBI?

What about the CIA?
Get rid of both of them.. AND the IRS

Then start all over again...

Defund the FBI?

What about the CIA?
Defund both those traitorous POS pit of vipers.
Shut down every investigation & start over.
Then go after the other Fed agencies like the IRS, FDA, EPA, DOJ & the rest.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Wow, leftists have lost their freakin' minds.

Former CIA Director Brennan,btw, was caught / exposed by D-Boxer for illegally spying in US Senators. To avoid prison he was forced to confess on the floor of the Senate & promise never to do it again.

From there he went on to join Clapper (NSA) & Comey (FBI) to help try to carry out Hillary's & Obama's failed Russian Collusion coup.

Same traitorous criminal scum as FBI, just different 3-letter designator.
What this really means is the left should surrender and run away like fucking cowards from the GOP.

Just like the left did with the Taliban.

Defund the FBI?

What about the CIA?
Well the Dirty Democrats are the Taliban's best friends, sooooo
Joe Biden put the Taliban and Al Qaeda back in business in Afghanistan.



Defund the FBI?

What about the CIA?
Hayden is another dishonest hate and fear mongering left wing knuttjob.
The Democrat Party's incredible corruption, epic dishonesty and political violence is the real danger.
They are using the CIA, DOJ and FBI as political weapons.
The Republicans are just complaining about it.
No one can explain all of the evil the democrats and corrupt govt. agencies have exacted on the American people these past 7 years.
Nor can anyone explain why the lefty voters don't seem to care, or will even acknowledge the glaring truths and harm.
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Defund the FBI?

What about the CIA?

In a very logical way, he is correct in his assessment. IF the millions of Americans who still love their country decided to band together and rise up in the name of America, not in the name of any current or former politician,the US government would have an insurgency on its hands that would make the Taliban insurgency seem like a game of jacks in comparison. Of course, such an uprising is pure fantasy only as real American men do seem to be in quite short supply these days.
No one can explain all of the evil the democrats and corrupt govt. agencies have exacted on the American people these past 7 years.
Nor can anyone explain why the lefty voters don't seem to care, or even acknowledge the glaring truths and harm.

People at large are embracing pure evil. In fact, people at large are sitting down to all-you-can-eat buffets of evil and they're coming back for seconds and thirds. Must be a hole in the earth's magnetosphere or something driving everyone fruitcake.
So what is the aim here, to try and set off every right wing lunatic out there with an AR 15 or just to let half the country know they are not welcome in their own country?
So what is the aim here, to try and set off every right wing lunatic out there or just to let half the country know they are not welcome in their own country?

The "aim here" is to END American culture, history, society, government, individual freedom and civilization as we know it. Our American government has declared war on more than half the population. We are at the point of: allow yourself to be governed (to death) or else.

Defund the FBI?

What about the CIA?
Defund the FBI, CIA, DEA, DHS to start.
Pull the security clearance of all former employees and appointees.
The "aim here" is to END American culture, history, society, government, individual freedom and civilization as we know it. Our American government has declared war on more than half the population. We are at the point of: allow yourself to be governed (to death) or else.
Well they have taken over

Now what?
Defund the FBI, CIA, DEA, DHS to start.
Pull the security clearance of all former employees and appointees.

I agree these alphabet agencies must be neutered or recreated, however, while we're busy doing that who will man the castle gates . . . if you know what I mean. Not that the modern CIA is really protecting America much anyway, I mean they seem to be looking in more than out.

CIA director says entire GOP worse than the Taliban​

I cannot argue with this assessment. Problem with it is that he stopped with the GOPers and neglected to point out that the dimocraps are an even worse collection of mugs, thugs, pugs, freaks, and leeches.

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