Chucky loved a Wall in 2009 when our debt totaled $10t...Hates Wall with $21t debt..WTF?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Can anybody make any sense out of this...I thought we hated it when politicians change their position?
Chucky: “The symbol of America should be the Statue of Liberty, not a 30-foot wall,"

Can anybody make any sense out of this...I thought we hated it when politicians change their position?
Chucky: “The symbol of America should be the Statue of Liberty, not a 30-foot wall,"

Oh the symbol of America should be that wall. It will let one and all know they just can't walk into our country.

Works for me.
We gave you wall money ten years ago

That is all you are getting
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...I realize that would bust most LefTarded folks but couldn’t you find that buried in your couch?
If a builder was offering to build walls around communities for $50 per resident do you think many would decline?
I know folks who pay THOUSANDS more to live in gated communities.
Come on’s time to start making fucking sense.
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

LefTard Logic:
“My home is broke in to once a month, I’m robbed of $1,000 each time...but I can’t afford a $500 security system to stop it from happening.”
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...

Uh-huh, that's the same logic that got us to the point that the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits now stand at 108% of GDP and accelerating and long term unfunded Federal liabilities totaling over $122 Trillion.

Congratulations on demonstrating your affinity for big gub'mint progressivism.
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...

Uh-huh, that's the same logic that got us to the point that the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits now stand at 108% of GDP and accelerating and long term unfunded Federal liabilities totaling over $122 Trillion.

Congratulations on demonstrating your affinity for big gub'mint progressivism.

All sound like a retard trying to appear smart.
When .gov stops spending $1 to save $10 as you are proposing we are in deep DEEP shit.
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...

Uh-huh, that's the same logic that got us to the point that the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits now stand at 108% of GDP and accelerating and long term unfunded Federal liabilities totaling over $122 Trillion.

Congratulations on demonstrating your affinity for big gub'mint progressivism.

All sound like a retard trying to appear smart.

Yeah I know, big numbers and multisyllabic words tend to confuse you dimwitted, hyper-partisan gub'mint worshippers.

Sorry, next time I'll attach a coloring book version so you can handle it without going into full foaming-at-the-mouth mode.

Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

LefTard Logic:
“My home is broke in to once a month, I’m robbed of $1,000 each time...but I can’t afford a $500 security system to stop it from happening.”

Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...

Uh-huh, that's the same logic that got us to the point that the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits now stand at 108% of GDP and accelerating and long term unfunded Federal liabilities totaling over $122 Trillion.

Congratulations on demonstrating your affinity for big gub'mint progressivism.

All sound like a retard trying to appear smart.
When .gov stops spending $1 to save $10 as you are proposing we are in deep DEEP shit.

NightFox I’m so “confused” that you’ll pretend you didn’t see the posts above huh?
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

LefTard Logic:
“My home is broke in to once a month, I’m robbed of $1,000 each time...but I can’t afford a $500 security system to stop it from happening.”

Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...

Uh-huh, that's the same logic that got us to the point that the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits now stand at 108% of GDP and accelerating and long term unfunded Federal liabilities totaling over $122 Trillion.

Congratulations on demonstrating your affinity for big gub'mint progressivism.

All sound like a retard trying to appear smart.
When .gov stops spending $1 to save $10 as you are proposing we are in deep DEEP shit.

NightFox I’m so “confused” that you’ll pretend you didn’t see the posts above huh?

Please resend your message in something approximating coherent English since my Lemming Gibberish to English translator is currently offline for maintenance.

K, Thanks.
Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

LefTard Logic:
“My home is broke in to once a month, I’m robbed of $1,000 each time...but I can’t afford a $500 security system to stop it from happening.”

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...

Uh-huh, that's the same logic that got us to the point that the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits now stand at 108% of GDP and accelerating and long term unfunded Federal liabilities totaling over $122 Trillion.

Congratulations on demonstrating your affinity for big gub'mint progressivism.

All sound like a retard trying to appear smart.
When .gov stops spending $1 to save $10 as you are proposing we are in deep DEEP shit.

NightFox I’m so “confused” that you’ll pretend you didn’t see the posts above huh?

Please resend your message in something approximating coherent English since my Lemming Gibberish to English translator is currently offline for maintenance.

K, Thanks.

LefTard Logic:
“When made to look like an ignorant fool always pretend others are the ignorant fool.”
This is why Dem's can't afford a public fight with Trump on this. They previously had no issue with funding the wall, their refusal now seems not just petty but at the expense of American blood and lives.

Also neither Pelosi or Schumer can do battle on live air. Social Media has judged their appearance last night as creepy. Here's the face of the Dem party lol.

Oh the symbol of America should be that wall..

Yeah.. thanks but no thanks, America already has a symbol that it needs to care for

Before it becomes

We can start taking care of it by not blowing a bunch of treasure on expanding a border wall that we don't need.

LefTard Logic:
“My home is broke in to once a month, I’m robbed of $1,000 each time...but I can’t afford a $500 security system to stop it from happening.”

The Wall works out at $50 per citizen...

Uh-huh, that's the same logic that got us to the point that the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits now stand at 108% of GDP and accelerating and long term unfunded Federal liabilities totaling over $122 Trillion.

Congratulations on demonstrating your affinity for big gub'mint progressivism.

All sound like a retard trying to appear smart.
When .gov stops spending $1 to save $10 as you are proposing we are in deep DEEP shit.

NightFox I’m so “confused” that you’ll pretend you didn’t see the posts above huh?

Please resend your message in something approximating coherent English since my Lemming Gibberish to English translator is currently offline for maintenance.

K, Thanks.

LefTard Logic:
“When made to look like an ignorant fool always pretend others are the ignorant fool.”

LOL, so that's your gambit, up to this point I thought you were just another run of the mill sociopathic, hyper-partisan Republicrat lunatic.

It's good know that's not the case; you're a sociopathic, hyper-partisan Republicrat lunatic adept at using "LeftTard Logic" , whatever that is.
I guess knowing the difference between a 700 foot fence and a 2000 mile boondoggle is too hard a concept for some people to grasp.
I guess knowing the difference between a 700 foot fence and a 2000 mile boondoggle is too hard a concept for some people to grasp.
If your property line is 2,000 miles in linear distance why would you think a 700' fence would suffice for the purpose of keeping trespassers out?

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