Chucky is looking for work, who do you figure will hire him?

Or is it Popeye?

Wholly shit, John Gruden pissed someone off, might have been Vegas itself. They "discovered" old emails where he used a racist something or another, called Goodell faggy and such and even shared emails of, you ready..........................?????


Yeah, chicks with no top, two cheerleaders included. So yeah, they picked over some emails to ruin the guy, I don't even like Chucky, the guy is wacked, he probably thinks he's George Patton.

However, bet your ass the guy uses profanity all the time, boo fucking hoo, was it worth ruining a guys life and career? He'll never find work on the front of the NFL again due snowflakes and theatre. Let he without sin cast the first stone. I seriously doubt Gruden is racist, and yeah Gruden probably likes fake tits, the bigger the better guy, another reason we disagree:cool:

This is just one more reason to ignore the NFL

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