Chucky is looking for work, who do you figure will hire him?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Or is it Popeye?

Wholly shit, John Gruden pissed someone off, might have been Vegas itself. They "discovered" old emails where he used a racist something or another, called Goodell faggy and such and even shared emails of, you ready..........................?????


Yeah, chicks with no top, two cheerleaders included. So yeah, they picked over some emails to ruin the guy, I don't even like Chucky, the guy is wacked, he probably thinks he's George Patton.

However, bet your ass the guy uses profanity all the time, boo fucking hoo, was it worth ruining a guys life and career? He'll never find work on the front of the NFL again due snowflakes and theatre. Let he without sin cast the first stone. I seriously doubt Gruden is racist, and yeah Gruden probably likes fake tits, the bigger the better guy, another reason we disagree:cool:

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Or is it Popeye?

Wholly shit, John Gruden pissed someone off, might have been Vegas itself. They found old emails where he used a racist something or another, called Goodell a Fag and such and even shared emails of, you ready..........................?????

TITS. Yeah, chicks with no top, two cheerleaders included. So yeah, they picked over some emails to ruin the guy, I don't even like Chucky, the guy is wacked, he probably thinks he's George Patton.

However, bet your ass the guy uses profanity all the time, boo fucking hoo, was it worth ruining a guys life and career? He'll never find work on the front of the NFL again due snowflakes and theatre. Let he without sin cast the first stone. I seriously doubt Gruden is racist, Goodell is kind of a homo, and yeah Gruden probably likes fake tits, the bigger the better guy, another reason we disagree:cool:

Fat Ass and incompetent Davis has to pay him what, 7 yrs............BAWWWWHAHA

nfl finger.jpg

Good thing guys like me don't have a management position any longer or to come, I still remember when we were normal.

I used a gay word, and I don't know, somewhere I must have a post to sell sake of racism. My friend sends tits and much more, we're horrible people.

"Where would all the fun be without blacks and gay people?" Dave Chapelle
Good thing guys like me don't have a management position any longer or to come, I still remember when we were normal.

I used a gay word, and I don't know, somewhere I must have a post to sell sake of racism. My friend sends tits and much more, we're horrible people.

"Where would all the fun be without blacks and gay people?" Dave Chapelle
You're right. Everyone should have one as a pet. They are fun to tease
It's common knowledge Plugs blurts out his repertoire of N jokes when he gets a little sloppy on Scotch. Some really funny stuff from what we hear. That's one of the reasons they keep a little girl handy for a distraction sniff....

Or is it Popeye?

Wholly shit, John Gruden pissed someone off, might have been Vegas itself. They "discovered" old emails where he used a racist something or another, called Goodell faggy and such and even shared emails of, you ready..........................?????


Yeah, chicks with no top, two cheerleaders included. So yeah, they picked over some emails to ruin the guy, I don't even like Chucky, the guy is wacked, he probably thinks he's George Patton.

However, bet your ass the guy uses profanity all the time, boo fucking hoo, was it worth ruining a guys life and career? He'll never find work on the front of the NFL again due snowflakes and theatre. Let he without sin cast the first stone. I seriously doubt Gruden is racist, and yeah Gruden probably likes fake tits, the bigger the better guy, another reason we disagree:cool:

Who cares, the whole damned league can fold for all I care.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

"If you haven’t figured it out, this is not the kind of math the NFL wants swirling around a $100 million coach. It’s not good for the league. It’s not good for the Las Vegas Raiders. Most of all, it’s not good for the wide audience of human beings who are being courted by an NFL that is incrementally shaping a more inclusive culture."

Gruden has only himself to blame.

So much for conservatives and ‘personal responsibility.’
Before Trump was elected, a radio host stated a few times that we are headed for a society that will mimic the Soviet Union in many ways. Images and videos of people walking down streets not smiling and passing half empty shops for products. i believe we should try to temper our remarks. I also believe that we are humans. Everyday there are Prog shills making remarks against voters they do not agree with. And they get away with it. They even get insulted when someone insults them for doing what they do. You put your faith in people who are politically and elitist backed. But most of them are weak in many ways.
So the message of the day is, while every place has assholes and lips the likes of Gruden, our society has no place for them and they need to be rooted out.

Honest to shit if you read & watch MSM stories and commentary, you'd think Gruden was a rapist & pedophile and he kicked your dog too. Neat how leftists claim their counterparts are authoritarian, totalitarian, Gestapo blah blah blah, but what are you going to, if a leftist says it always take it as a confession.

Thanks for making 1984 a reality..................leftists.
It's a shame that it happened. I suppose it was inevitable that Gruden was forced out after this came to light. The vast majority of NFL players are black. Once this came out, he'd have lost the support of his own players. Now his whole legacy is shot. Nowhere for him to go, at least in football. Too bad considering many of the players in the league today and in the past have done far worse than make stupid racist emails. Even a murderer like OJ is still in the Hall of Fame.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

"If you haven’t figured it out, this is not the kind of math the NFL wants swirling around a $100 million coach. It’s not good for the league. It’s not good for the Las Vegas Raiders. Most of all, it’s not good for the wide audience of human beings who are being courted by an NFL that is incrementally shaping a more inclusive culture."

What it is is a bunch of bullshit. Seems to be the new norm .
It's a shame that it happened. I suppose it was inevitable that Gruden was forced out after this came to light. The vast majority of NFL players are black. Once this came out, he'd have lost the support of his own players. Now his whole legacy is shot. Nowhere for him to go, at least in football. Too bad considering many of the players in the league today and in the past have done far worse than make stupid racist emails. Even a murderer like OJ is still in the Hall of Fame.
oj is a negro so its ok
What it is is a bunch of bullshit. Seems to be the new norm .

What's BS; Gruden being held to account or the fact that saying or writing something offensive to a whole group of people can cause a reputation to be destroyed overnight? I was a huge fan of Gruden's, but it was very disappointing to see and hear how he really feels about players! In the year 2021! You'd think he'd be above it this sort of thing! He wasn't and he's paying the price! He won't starve! He's made a fortune thru coaching and commentating! "Don't cry for me Argentina!" :dunno: :rolleyes::eek:o_O:omg:
What's BS; Gruden being held to account or the fact that saying or writing something offensive to a whole group of people can cause a reputation to be destroyed overnight? I was a huge fan of Gruden's, but it was very disappointing to see and hear how he really feels about players! In the year 2021! You'd think he'd be above it this sort of thing! He wasn't and he's paying the price! He won't starve! He's made a fortune thru coaching and commentating! "Don't cry for me Argentina!" :dunno: :rolleyes::eek:o_O:omg:
Perhaps you are right. Or maybe he was a bit belligerent. Most people have some of that in them. It is just who is judging them.
What's BS; Gruden being held to account or the fact that saying or writing something offensive to a whole group of people can cause a reputation to be destroyed overnight? I was a huge fan of Gruden's, but it was very disappointing to see and hear how he really feels about players! In the year 2021! You'd think he'd be above it this sort of thing! He wasn't and he's paying the price! He won't starve! He's made a fortune thru coaching and commentating! "Don't cry for me Argentina!" :dunno: :rolleyes::eek:o_O:omg:
Oh get over it . Chist , didn't mom ever tell ya , sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you. We live in a world of pussies where there will be no more jokes or free speech because everyone is afraid to say anything for fear of losing everything they worked for their entire lives. Don't be a snatch.

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