Christmas Tree: Natural or Artificial?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
We go to a tree farm and cut our own tree every year. Those farms seem to be getting harder to find every year, as we had to drive 30 miles to one that was still in business.

Maybe an artificial tree next year, or maybe not. Who knows?



Nice. You have more gifts under there than we'll probably have. We've both gotten to the point of "What the hell else do I really need?"

I ask my wife to give me a carton of cigarettes, and bottle of booze, and some ammunition every year, but she keeps forgetting for some reason.

Nice. You have more gifts under there than we'll probably have. We've both gotten to the point of "What the hell else do I really need?"

I ask my wife to give me a carton of cigarettes, and bottle of booze, and some ammunition every year, but she keeps forgetting for some reason.

We stopped bothering exchanging gifts about 15 years ago

I agree. After a point, what more do you need?
Pretty tree!

I was an awful snot-face about it and proclaimed our home fake tree free!

Then the kids all moved out and this reason and that reason saw us not only buying a fake assed tree but it even has lights installed already!

It looks really nice and decorating is easier. Which is good because our asshole cat and her mutant hillbilly kitten are always looking for new and exciting ways to destroy it.

I'm gonna invent some kind of blow up tree or something.
Dang if don't seem to be a conspiracy! Real trees keep getting expensiver and expensiver, and the nice artificials do the same. Can't win.
Pretty tree!

I was an awful snot-face about it and proclaimed our home fake tree free!

Then the kids all moved out and this reason and that reason saw us not only buying a fake assed tree but it even has lights installed already!

It looks really nice and decorating is easier. Which is good because our asshole cat and her mutant hillbilly kitten are always looking for new and exciting ways to destroy it.

I'm gonna invent some kind of blow up tree or something.

I'm ambiguous: Real trees require more maintenance than I care to do. Watering every day, needles all over the place, and within two weeks, the five cats we have will have half the ornaments scattered all over the house.

Then the tree always sits there until February, until I haul it to the burn barrel. We quit taking down the outside Christmas lights too, leaving them on the porch. But the squirrels chew the hell out of them in the summer, so we have to buy new ones every year.

Maybe I should just leave them on all year and electrocute those damned squirrels. That'll teach them.
Something I've done is buy a tree with a root ball on it and then just plant it afterward. If you do it every year, you end up with quite a nice row of pretty barrier trees that look nice when it snows.

You can even get a good sized tree in a three gallon pot.
Real butter, not margarine or that yellow crap that doesn't even have a name.

Real tree.
Something I've done is buy a tree with a root ball on it and then just plant it afterward. If you do it every year, you end up with quite a nice row of pretty barrier trees that look nice when it snows.

You can even get a good sized tree in a three gallon pot.

When we moved here to the outlands of the world, we spent waaaay too long clearing trees for the house and driveway and deciding which to leave where. That was way too much work to undo it.
When we moved here to the outlands of the world, we spent waaaay too long clearing trees for the house and driveway and deciding which to leave where. That was way too much work to undo it.

Yeah. Guess that's the flip side of it.
Dang if don't seem to be a conspiracy! Real trees keep getting expensiver and expensiver, and the nice artificials do the same. Can't win.

But you don't have to buy a new fake tree each year. Ka-ching!

Nice. You have more gifts under there than we'll probably have. We've both gotten to the point of "What the hell else do I really need?"

I ask my wife to give me a carton of cigarettes, and bottle of booze, and some ammunition every year, but she keeps forgetting for some reason.

We stopped bothering exchanging gifts about 15 years ago

I agree. After a point, what more do you need?

I'm spoiled. I really don't need a thing.

But I want things with a firey passion.
We are the Pine Street State! When we first got here in 2007, our 7 ft tree was $19

This year for a $29... 7 ft Douglas Fir.... so they have gone way up in 12 years....

we are lucky and have two tree farms near us, one is just 3 homes down from ours on the main country road, we can walk and get to it... and the other tree place is 2 miles in the other direction.... the one we got this year was cut the day we bought it and still no needles on the ground a week later...

My parents when we were young always bought a fresh tree dug out of the ground and planted it in spring...

We have a huge problem in our garden areas on the outside rim of the house... squirrels keep burying pine nuts and we have around 7 Christmas trees growing, a couple around 4.5 feet now, and need to move them before they get too big so we might do the tree in a can thing with one of them next Christmas, unless I am able to transplant them all to other parts of the yard next summer....

the guy that owns the christmas tree farm a walk away, was killed recently, pulling out of his driveway on his motor cycle... boom, dead! it's been hard on all of us, what a loss! He was the first neighbor we met when moving here.... we had a blizzard, maybe 10 inches on the ground, and he came over, introduced himself and offered to be our snowplow guy at half the price we were paying for it in Massachusetts...

We ended up not needing him to plow in recent years because our newer neighbor has a plow and does it for free for us, along with doing the dirt road we live on...

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