Christmas came early for Santa


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
we all know who the red-coated lying marxist Santa is....

we all know who the slobbering voters expecting their goodies are....

but what idiot libs don't won't be just 'the rich" who'll's going to be every last working stiff...'elf'... in the middle class....get ready to work your tail off for The Man in the red suit...

Happy Holidays....i can't wait for you liberal 'elves' to figure out what's really in Santa's bag....

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O'Reilly called it last night, long before it became obvious it was over.
He said "America is no longer the America of JFK.." "Ask not what your your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.." "Today its where's my free stuff.."
Obama had a bead on what happened last night way back in 1998 at Loyola University when he said "Those Americans receiving welfare and other forms of government largesse along with the working poor constitute a critical mass, that if manipulated properly, could lead to putting a Liberal in high office and maintaining him there..." "Slick Willie" was pres way back then and "Slick Willie" was pretty much considered a Lib through and through yet the Obambi was speaking af if he was looking down his nose at "Slick Willie" because he wasn't Liberal enough. After four years of the Obambi, we know he really meant Communist instead of Liberal, otherwise he would have been having palpitations over "Slick Willie" like the rest of the ladies, especially the one in upstate New York, who offered in a letter to the editor in her local paper to fellate "Slick Willie" in perpetuity if he could somehow just arrange it so that all Governments from the Federal on down to her local town government were somehow run by the 'Right' people.
we all know who the red-coated lying marxist Santa is....

we all know who the slobbering voters expecting their goodies are....

but what idiot libs don't won't be just 'the rich" who'll's going to be every last working stiff...'elf'... in the middle class....get ready to work your tail off for The Man in the red suit...

Happy Holidays....i can't wait for you liberal 'elves' to figure out what's really in Santa's bag....



You crybaby lames need to get fucked and get out of our way.
O'Reilly called it last night, long before it became obvious it was over.
He said "America is no longer the America of JFK.." "Ask not what your your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.." "Today its where's my free stuff.."
Obama had a bead on what happened last night way back in 1998 at Loyola University when he said "Those Americans receiving welfare and other forms of government largesse along with the working poor constitute a critical mass, that if manipulated properly, could lead to putting a Liberal in high office and maintaining him there..." "Slick Willie" was pres way back then and "Slick Willie" was pretty much considered a Lib through and through yet the Obambi was speaking af if he was looking down his nose at "Slick Willie" because he wasn't Liberal enough. After four years of the Obambi, we know he really meant Communist instead of Liberal, otherwise he would have been having palpitations over "Slick Willie" like the rest of the ladies, especially the one in upstate New York, who offered in a letter to the editor in her local paper to fellate "Slick Willie" in perpetuity if he could somehow just arrange it so that all Governments from the Federal on down to her local town government were somehow run by the 'Right' people.

yeah Reilly got it right...we have become a nation with a HUGE group of takers.....that's the ONLY reason BO won....

welcome to "soft tyranny"....which may not be so 'soft' in the future...
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we all know who the red-coated lying marxist Santa is....

we all know who the slobbering voters expecting their goodies are....

but what idiot libs don't won't be just 'the rich" who'll's going to be every last working stiff...'elf'... in the middle class....get ready to work your tail off for The Man in the red suit...

Happy Holidays....i can't wait for you liberal 'elves' to figure out what's really in Santa's bag....



You crybaby lames need to get fucked and get out of our way.

another meathead who voted for an ANTI-AMERICAN MARXIST.....get the FUCK out of my country....

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