Christie calls Trump a "liar and a coward."

Christie is correct. The idea that Trump is being indicted "for us" is another part of his grift and his narcissistic personality in which he takes no responsibility for his actions.

"I'm being indicted for you"???
Christie and DTMB....make a perceptive observation. It is a tic of Don Trump's behavior to NOT take responsibility. (Remember his 'non-responsibility' Covid remark from the podium?).
Don Trump was indicted for his behavior. Not yours. Not mine. He did it. We didn't.
I'm sure you will agree that the indictment was NOT meant for you.

That fat fuck has ZERO chance of being the GOP nominee.
So be it, but......but he has a role to play. The picador's role. The 'hold-Trump-accountable' role. That is not a bad thing. In 2016 and 2020 none of the bunnyrabbit Republicans would confront Trump. His name calling intimidated them. Thus, things that should have been described, words that should have been said --in order for us voters to have a better informed view of candidates ---were not described, were not said.
Hopefully, Christie can serve that function this time around.
Regardless if he has zero chance, or a 10% chance, he has a utilitarian role to play.

Trump comes out as a freaking hero regardless.......
A "Hero" ain't a guy who dodges military duty with faked "bone spurs". Heroes don't cheat on three wives. Heroes don't grift people with fake charities, or a fake university's high dollar courses, or cheat on taxes.
I know all here know that.
But some simply hafta go through the motions of fanboyism, of cultism.
We get it.

Nobody cares what he has to say.
Well, some do. Lest you wouldn't, and we wouldn't be reading this thread. And the media wouldn't be given him air-time and ink to inform us on what he says.
Captain Obvious says....."Duh"!

Trump will drop out when he feels he's fleeced enough sheep... He'll say he has to as part of a plea deal...
We are starting to see some opinionizing by talking heads and columnist on that very development. That if these criminal investigations truly appear to have a hook hard set.....well, Trump, at 77 and on a generous ex-POTUS annual stipend, will simply say 'Fudge this'......and go play more golf. AFTER.....negotiating a deal with the DOJ, and other heavy-weights that he'll not see a numbered jump-suit color-matched to his tanning-lamp tan.

I'm ambivalent about it. Getting him out of the mix does has it's value.
So, I will keenly look for more expositions of the idea.....for the pros and cons.
But, I must admit ---I find it a plausible scenario.
It could happen. ???
"I'm being indicted for you"???
Christie and DTMB....make a perceptive observation. It is a tic of Don Trump's behavior to NOT take responsibility. (Remember his 'non-responsibility' Covid remark from the podium?).
Don Trump was indicted for his behavior. Not yours. Not mine. He did it. We didn't.
I'm sure you will agree that the indictment was NOT meant for you.


So be it, but......but he has a role to play. The picador's role. The 'hold-Trump-accountable' role. That is not a bad thing. In 2016 and 2020 none of the bunnyrabbit Republicans would confront Trump. His name calling intimidated them. Thus, things that should have been described, words that should have been said --in order for us voters to have a better informed view of candidates ---were not described, were not said.
Hopefully, Christie can serve that function this time around.
Regardless if he has zero chance, or a 10% chance, he has a utilitarian role to play.

A "Hero" ain't a guy who dodges military duty with faked "bone spurs". Heroes don't cheat on three wives. Heroes don't grift people with fake charities, or a fake university's high dollar courses, or cheat on taxes.
I know all here know that.
But some simply hafta go through the motions of fanboyism, of cultism.
We get it.

Well, some do. Lest you wouldn't, and we wouldn't be reading this thread. And the media wouldn't be given him air-time and ink to inform us on what he says.
Captain Obvious says....."Duh"!

We are starting to see some opinionizing by talking heads and columnist on that very development. That if these criminal investigations truly appear to have a hook hard set.....well, Trump, at 77 and on a generous ex-POTUS annual stipend, will simply say 'Fudge this'......and go play more golf. AFTER.....negotiating a deal with the DOJ, and other heavy-weights that he'll not see a numbered jump-suit color-matched to his tanning-lamp tan.

I'm ambivalent about it. Getting him out of the mix does has it's value.
So, I will keenly look for more expositions of the idea.....for the pros and cons.
But, I must admit ---I find it a plausible scenario.
It could happen. ???
Christie will get under Trump's orange skin. Christie will not win anything, he's just there to piss Trump off
Christie is correct. The idea that Trump is being indicted "for us" is another part of his grift and his narcissistic personality in which he takes no responsibility for his actions. He was repeatedly asked to return the classified documents he had in his possession. He repeatedly refused.

First of all, there were only 71 classified docs out of the 15,000 he had mixed together in 150 boxes, so I doubt Trump knew he had any classified docs,.
Second is that the law is extremely clear, that presidents make the law on classified docs, can do whatever they want, and it never end when their term is over, or else all those allies, ambassadors, labs, generals, etc., that a president gave copies of classified docs to, would have to return them each time an election changed presidents.
And clearly that never happens.
No one ever returns classified docs they were given.

Those claiming NARA or PRA requires their return, are lying.
All NARA and PRA require is to satisfy FOIA, and since Trump only had copies and not originals, there is no possible way he could have been in violation of anything.
The fat fuck as you call him probably will be the GOP nominee, guaranteeing 4 more years of Joe Biden, Jr, is how I figure it. Personally, I am glad the oath breaking, lying, anti constitution POS will fail to win. I just worry, that Joe has Kamala as VP. At his age, having her as VP and on the ticket as his VP is a mark against the Biden Presidency, but may have no choice, in order to keep the traitorous Trump from getting back in, to finish off representative democracy as we know it.

I am far left, but except for stacking the SCOTUS, Trump did better than most presidents.
If you think Trump did anything "traitorous", you are ignorant.
He was correct on covid, China, wars, etc.
And he was certainly correct on the copies of classified docs he was sent for weekly briefings.
They are insignificants and perfectly legal.
Christie would make a fine president

Not from what I have read.
NJ has a reputation of the single most corrupt state in the country.
Christie has a reputation of one of the most corrupt governors NJ ever had.

The Fort Lee lane closure scandal, also known as the George Washington Bridge lane closure scandal or Bridgegate,[1][2] was a political scandal involving a staff member and political appointees of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie colluding to create traffic jams in Fort Lee, New Jersey, by closing lanes at the main toll plaza[3][4] for the upper level of the George Washington Bridge.[5]

The problems began on Monday, September 9, 2013, when two of three toll lanes for a local street entrance were closed during morning rush hour. Local officials, emergency services, and the public were not notified of the lane closures, which Fort Lee declared a threat to public safety.[6] The resulting back-ups and gridlock on local streets ended only when the two lanes were reopened on Friday, September 13, 2013, by an order from Port Authority Executive Director and Democrat from New York, Patrick Foye. He said that the "hasty and ill-informed decision" could have endangered lives and violated federal and state laws.[7]

It was later suggested that the lanes had been closed intentionally to cause the massive traffic problem for political reasons, and especially theorized that they were a retributive attack against Fort Lee's Mayor Mark Sokolich, a Democrat who had not supported Christie as a candidate in the 2013 New Jersey gubernatorial election. The ensuing investigations centered on several of Christie's appointees and staff, including[8][9] David Wildstein, who ordered the lanes closed,[10] and Bill Baroni, who had told the New Jersey Assembly Transportation Committee that the closures were for a traffic study.[11]
elektra will not accept anything as evidence is the point why she is not considered a serious poster here.
yet so important are my posts you must try to discredit me, without addressing my posts,

slow horse is such a serious poster, it is character assassination, not an exchange of ideas, facts, or opinions that is the reply of slow horse, you are such a nag
I am far left, but except for stacking the SCOTUS, Trump did better than most presidents.
If you think Trump did anything "traitorous", you are ignorant.
He was correct on covid, China, wars, etc.
And he was certainly correct on the copies of classified docs he was sent for weekly briefings.
They are insignificants and perfectly legal.
Is that why he publicly thanked China for the way they were combatting Covid-19 in their country and sent the many millions of dollars of PPE that would be desperately needed by our medical personnel a month later?
He is dead wrong on The documents, and will be convicted guilty, by a jury of his peers.
so I doubt Trump knew he had any classified docs,.
Well, maybe. But probably.....he did. Likely he did.
After all, even he alluded to witnesses that he knew they were classified. He told the people he was showing them to...that they were classified.
I think, poster Rigby a little more due diligence may help your arguments.
Just sayin'.

and it never end when their term is over,
Ah, good poster Rigby, you know that can't be so.
A nation as big, diverse, and important as we are.....must not, will not, intentionally create a development that allows a single disgraced ex-POTUS to hold all of our nation's secrets....and then disperse any of 'em for any reason he wishes...even just to brag about what he knows. They are secret for a reason. And there is a ..ummm?.... an'infrastructure' of care built around them and their exposure. Trust me.
Trust me, that America cannot and will not have our secrets used as vanity-plates for some needy ex-guy.

Think about it.
Christie is right of course. That Trump is a liar is not in dispute. Trump is also a coward that can't accept his election loss
"I'm being indicted for you"???
Christie and DTMB....make a perceptive observation. It is a tic of Don Trump's behavior to NOT take responsibility. (Remember his 'non-responsibility' Covid remark from the podium?).
Don Trump was indicted for his behavior. Not yours. Not mine. He did it. We didn't.
I'm sure you will agree that the indictment was NOT meant for you.


So be it, but......but he has a role to play. The picador's role. The 'hold-Trump-accountable' role. That is not a bad thing. In 2016 and 2020 none of the bunnyrabbit Republicans would confront Trump. His name calling intimidated them. Thus, things that should have been described, words that should have been said --in order for us voters to have a better informed view of candidates ---were not described, were not said.
Hopefully, Christie can serve that function this time around.
Regardless if he has zero chance, or a 10% chance, he has a utilitarian role to play.

A "Hero" ain't a guy who dodges military duty with faked "bone spurs". Heroes don't cheat on three wives. Heroes don't grift people with fake charities, or a fake university's high dollar courses, or cheat on taxes.
I know all here know that.
But some simply hafta go through the motions of fanboyism, of cultism.
We get it.

Well, some do. Lest you wouldn't, and we wouldn't be reading this thread. And the media wouldn't be given him air-time and ink to inform us on what he says.
Captain Obvious says....."Duh"!

We are starting to see some opinionizing by talking heads and columnist on that very development. That if these criminal investigations truly appear to have a hook hard set.....well, Trump, at 77 and on a generous ex-POTUS annual stipend, will simply say 'Fudge this'......and go play more golf. AFTER.....negotiating a deal with the DOJ, and other heavy-weights that he'll not see a numbered jump-suit color-matched to his tanning-lamp tan.

I'm ambivalent about it. Getting him out of the mix does has it's value.
So, I will keenly look for more expositions of the idea.....for the pros and cons.
But, I must admit ---I find it a plausible scenario.
It could happen. ???

Trump violated no law, and is being indicted illegally by people who are committing treason by trying to prevent an election.

And Trump's bone spurs do not disqualify him in the least, because that was the illegal and immoral war in Vietnam, and anyone who did not avoid that is who we should be skeptical of.

The only thing Trump did badly was to stack the SCOTUS.
Unlike Obama, he did not start any new wars.

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