Christie Assails Mandatory Sentencing Guidelines For Drug Offenders.


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
Dated September 30, 2014 at 5:34 PM

NEWARK — Speaking before a packed inner city gospel church at an addiction roundtable, Gov. Chris Christie declared making drug and alcohol treatment “more available for everybody” was “part of government’s job,” and then wasted no time in assailing mandatory sentencing guidelines for drug offenders.

“With 23 million folks addicted, it’s not working,” Christie said of the nation’s current drug interdiction policy. “There’s gotta be a separation between the criminal act [of using illegal drugs] and the disease.”Christie preaches drug treatment over jail ending mandatory prison terms for drug offenses
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Nice job Christie. He might just win my support back after all. The 'War on Drugs' is a disastrous failure. Why shouldn't the People be allowed to get high? It's none of the Government's business. Millions & Millions of Americans are addicted to alcohol and 'legal' prescription drugs. And personally, i consider them far more dangerous than Marijuana.

Getting high should not be illegal. It's no different than getting drunk or zonked out on prescription drugs. The act of getting high is not wrong. It's not a criminal act. At the very least, decriminalize Marijuana and release all those in prison who were convicted of Marijuana charges. They don't belong in prison. Christie has it right. Drug addiction is a personal problem. It's not a Government issue. Prison isn't the solution. Treatment is. So kudos to Christie for speaking common sense and reason.
Long overdue

Our prisons are full enough with nonviolent offenders

Well said. Yeah, i'm both surprised and pleased to hear Christie speaking such common sense & reason. If he keeps it up, he might just win my support back.
What a reasonable and lucid argument by Gov. Christie. That of course won't stop the supporters of the War on Drugs from trying to paint Christie as some radical "soft on crime" politician.
What a reasonable and lucid argument by Gov. Christie. That of course won't stop the supporters of the War on Drugs from trying to paint Christie as some radical "soft on crime" politician.

Yeah, most Americans have been conditioned to believe that the act of getting high is a criminal act. But of course it's not. It's no different than getting drunk or getting wrecked on 'legal' prescription drugs. It's an adult choice. It's not a Government issue.

It's absolutely preposterous that our Government is still sending Citizens to prison over Marijuana. Decriminalize it immediately, and then release all those in prison convicted of marijuana charges. They don't belong in prison.
What a reasonable and lucid argument by Gov. Christie. That of course won't stop the supporters of the War on Drugs from trying to paint Christie as some radical "soft on crime" politician.

Yeah, most Americans have been conditioned to believe that the act of getting high is a criminal act. But of course it's not. It's no different than getting drunk or getting wrecked on 'legal' prescription drugs. It's an adult choice. It's not a Government issue.

It's absolutely preposterous that our Government is still sending Citizens to prison over Marijuana. Decriminalize it immediately, and then release all those in prison convicted of marijuana charges. They don't belong in prison.

I couldn't agree more. I am smart enough to know that if I spend every waking moment smoking pot that it will have an adverse effect on my health and bank account. I don't need the government stepping and making these decisions for me. I am adult and I am well aware of the consequences of my actions. I feel the same exact way when folks get all uppity and try to ban trans fat or large sodas. Yes, I am well aware that if I eat foods loaded with trans fat on a regular basis that I will become obese. I don't need the nanny state to jump and make the decision for me. In short, mind you damn business.
What a reasonable and lucid argument by Gov. Christie. That of course won't stop the supporters of the War on Drugs from trying to paint Christie as some radical "soft on crime" politician.

Yeah, most Americans have been conditioned to believe that the act of getting high is a criminal act. But of course it's not. It's no different than getting drunk or getting wrecked on 'legal' prescription drugs. It's an adult choice. It's not a Government issue.

It's absolutely preposterous that our Government is still sending Citizens to prison over Marijuana. Decriminalize it immediately, and then release all those in prison convicted of marijuana charges. They don't belong in prison.

I couldn't agree more. I am smart enough to know that if I spend every waking moment smoking pot that it will have an adverse effect on my health and bank account. I don't need the government stepping and making these decisions for me. I am adult and I am well aware of the consequences of my actions. I feel the same exact way when folks get all uppity and try to ban trans fat or large sodas. Yes, I am well aware that if I eat foods loaded with trans fat on a regular basis that I will become obese. I don't need the nanny state to jump and make the decision for me. In short, mind you damn business.

Spot On. Thanks.
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Christie,seems to be a blossoming progressive. Both parties have them. I think Christie is showing the GOP how to change course and win elections.
Inner city gospel church is dog whistle for black. He better support legalized drugs if he's talking to the inner city.

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