Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

52 posts into the thread and not one of my detractors has even attempted to justify the words of this radical preacher. Rather, all of you guys just keep throwing as much dung as you can excrete at the wall hoping that something sticks in order to distract from the topic and derail the thread. Says a lot about the brain power out there .

Why should any of us defend him? Your attempt to smear all of conservatism and Christianity by association with this freak notwithstanding, he's an aberration, who is not the least representative of any mainstream part of conservatism or Christianity.

He is no more representative of mainstream conservatives or Christians than an equally-degenerate freak who fantasizes about the use of alien mind-control drugs to “cure” people of thoughts and beliefs with which he disagrees is representative of mainstream LIbEralism.

Thank you for a rare, almost reasonable and on topic response without going off on some bizarre tangent attacking me. However, I never said anything about this preacher representing mainstream Christians. My point is that he is inappropriate and dangerous, and that he is abusing the right to free speech and freedom of religion. It's good that you're not defending him.
You kids always say that, but where are the wackos from the liberal side saying things like this?

can you quote a few of them please?

Wow! Thanks for the softball. I will wait for you to defend all of your liberal pals after reading some of the garbage they puke up.
Here are a few to get you started
  1. Congresswoman Maxine Waters on socialism: "Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal will be about socializing...uh, um...Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.

    Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, DC: "If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate."

    Bill Maher on Christianity: "I think religion is a neurological disorder.

    Wanda Sykes: "I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight ... Rush Limbaugh -- I hope the country fails. I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a waterboarding, that's what he needs."

    Congressman Hank Johnson on Guam: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,"

    Joe Biden on culturalism: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

    Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.” -- Louis Farrakhan in 1984.

    The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man." -- Louis Farrakhan in 1984.
Look Moron, you're wasting your time with this shit because you are countering an argument that I did not make. I never claimed that no one on the left has ever said something that was inappropriate or divisive. So for starters, this is a straw man logical fallacy, not to mention a red herring fallacy intended to distract from the actual topic.

In addition, its an appeal to hypocrisy fallacy . However true your post might be, it in no way refutes or negates the points that I made. Now, do you or do you not support and agrees with this type of rhetoric that I described. Try to stay on topic or shut the fuck up.

Look whiny bitch, first thing, learn to read. Craptus asked for those quotes. I was responding to his request.

If you weren’t such a miserable piece of maggot shit, I’d feel bad for you, because you always seem agitated and angry. Great way to go through life. ENJOY!
Look again moron! I don't give a fuck who you were responding to. You posted it and anyone can respond. Now all you can do is get defensive and attack me because you don't have the integrity to own up to the stupid shit that you post and you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually deal with the topic. Now just shut the fuck up.

Some people are just permanently angry and irrational. I have only ignored 3 posters here so far until now. The other 3 were blatant racist, and they had bad evil energy. You have some sort of personal issue inside you which makes you feel unworthy. It’s manifested in a bitter tongue and a wholly unpleasant disposition. I am sure you spend most of your time interacting with others either complaining, bitching, moaning or outright fighting. That is truly a horrible way to go through life, but a way to go through life that you clearly deserve. I don’t know how long you’ll live, but most of your time on earth will unhappy for you, and disturbing for others when your present. And when you take your last breath the collective joy on earth will rise.
Still can't deal with the topic I see. Rather, you are now going to try to psychoanalyze me. What a fucking joke ! Where did you get your degree?
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

Liberals prove over and over again they are already happy to drive people out of restaurants, out of their jobs, and out of their homes for simply having the "wrong opinions". Of course the next stop are camps, this only makes sense if you're watching. The question is: can we prevent it in time?
Thank you for confirming that you are just as paranoid and whacked out as this preacher.
52 posts into the thread and not one of my detractors has even attempted to justify the words of this radical preacher. Rather, all of you guys just keep throwing as much dung as you can excrete at the wall hoping that something sticks in order to distract from the topic and derail the thread. Says a lot about the brain power out there .

You know, we sometimes try to get you stupid Moon Bats to justify some of the destructive shit that comes out of the mouths of the extreme far Left.

You never do. You just ignore it.

The oppression in this country now comes from the Left.

The only thing is that we are not going to go as quietly as you assholes think we will. You may be in for a surprise.
Says he who is unable to justify some of the destructive shit that comes out of the mouths of the extreme far right as documented in my op.
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

I believe you are a decent man and that you have honor. I also believe that you would stand up and be heard even at your own peril. We are a thousand miles apart on political issues and the remedies to cure the ills of not only this country but the world as well. I would be glad to sit down and "break bread" with you and as a gesture of friendship? I would insist on n picking up the check.

Now, with that being said? You are 100 percent wrong. This is the plan with the globalists using the communists to do their dirty work. William Ayers? Remember him? He is unapologetic and still involved in education and pushing a Marxist agenda. Larry Grathwohl...remember him?

Thank you for the first paragraph. However, you go totally off the rails in the second . This has nothing to do with globalism or communism except to the extent that this preacher moronically invoked communism. Tell us, what do you think of his remarks?
Look at what the left is trying to do to Tucker Carlson. They're trying to silence him, not because of what he said a decade ago but because of what he is saying now. If they succeed they'll move on to another target and another and another until it's not safe for anyone.

If that doesn't make you worry about the future, then there's something wrong with you.
Another deflection to avoid dealing with the issue that I raised regarding this preachers bizarre and irresponsible rant. Do you or do you not believe that he went to far and that he is inciting violence as I contend?

It's not a deflection, Im trying to make you understand why he might feel the way he does. But you don't want to understand.
Isn't it telling that the last time Americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps it was a Democrat President that did it?
I guess this is about Japanese Americans, but I remember a polemic not too long ago where "conservatives" claimed that Obama was going to put people who disagree with him in FEMA camps, or something like that. I don't remember exactly how it went, it was just a stupid conspiracy theory like the one in this thread.
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
We are in a communist revolution”: Christian TV host Rick Wiles warns his followers that if liberals are not “put down,” they’ll start rounding-up conservatives and placing them in “concentration camps.”

Wiles, speaking on his “TruNews” program earlier this week, warned his followers about the evils of a “communist revolution” supposedly sweeping the nation. Wiles explained that this “revolution” will end with conservatives in “concentration camps,” and Russian and Chinese soldiers patrolling our streets.

Wiles told his audience:

We are in a communist revolution. If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed. Their next step is a concentration camp for you.

Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

Liberals prove over and over again they are already happy to drive people out of restaurants, out of their jobs, and out of their homes for simply having the "wrong opinions". Of course the next stop are camps, this only makes sense if you're watching. The question is: can we prevent it in time?

There are wrong opinions; lies, such as yours. And there are those of us who point out people like you. Sanders is a damn liar, she is rude and obnoxious and got what she gave.
Isn't it telling that the last time Americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps it was a Democrat President that did it?
I guess this is about Japanese Americans, but I remember a polemic not too long ago where "conservatives" claimed that Obama was going to put people who disagree with him in FEMA camps, or something like that. I don't remember exactly how it went, it was just a stupid conspiracy theory like the one in this thread.

Communists are well known for their "reeducation" camps.
Isn't it telling that the last time Americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps it was a Democrat President that did it?
I guess this is about Japanese Americans, but I remember a polemic not too long ago where "conservatives" claimed that Obama was going to put people who disagree with him in FEMA camps, or something like that. I don't remember exactly how it went, it was just a stupid conspiracy theory like the one in this thread.

Communists are well known for their "reeducation" camps.
So show me some proof that Obama put those millions of US citizens in concentration camps.

While you're at it, show me some proof that Obama is a communist.
Christian TV Host Warns That Liberals Will Put Conservatives In Concentration Camps

Folks, I am going to be right up front. I believe the First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion. However, all freedoms have their limits and I have a major problem with this. Yes, I already can hear the howling that I am a religious bigot, and that I hate America and the Constitution. Save it. I don't care . I’m not impressed or swayed. But instead of trolling me, why don't we try to have an adult discussion on the topic.

Not only is this type of rhetoric divisive, it is inflammatory and intended to stoke fear and hatred. In these turbulent times such emotions are all too often translated into violent actions. In fact it is calling for violence by suggesting that Liberals should be “put down “ There are many unstable and fanatical people out there who might well act on this rhetoric. Yes, he is putting lives at risk

At the very least, it is slanderous and worst ,treasonous by actively trying to destabilize the country.. I fail to see how this type of speech is in anyway a responsible exercise of a right.

Some of what he said:
Oh, and the part about “Communist Revolution” ….seriously?? All liberals are Communists? I’m not a Communist and none of my liberal/progressive friends and acquaintances – of which there are many are.

"Liberals" using "concentration camps" :lmao:


Two of the liberal democrats favorites are the only ones to ever throw innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps. History doesn’t care that it puts the lie to what democrats want to think about themselves.

I made no mention of "democrats [sic]". I noted the oxymoronic use of the term "Liberal".

Lern hau two reed. And write too --- we capitalize proper nouns in English.

Your attempt at doublespeak was noted and disregarded. And democrats do not deserve the respect of capitalization.

Read the post again. You fucked up, and you got caught at it. I said "Liberals", not "democrats [sic]" and I said that deliberately. You were either too dim to read it, or so obsessed with your partisan hackery that you couldn't see it. I strongly suspect the latter, given the rest of your hallucinogenic phlegm spat out above.

Also, learn to English. Capitalization has nothing to do with "respect". If you ever stumble upon a copy of what we call the "Constitution" you'll find that all the nouns are capitalized including the common ones. That's not "respect" for common nouns; it's how the fucking Germanic language still worked at the time. Whelp, proper nouns STILL work that way despite whatever hurt floats your butt.

Even I capitalize "Rump". That's so readers can follow what I'm writing, certainly not out of any sense of "respect". The word "democrats" does exist but it doesn't mean anything like what you've fantasized here. "Democrats" / "democrats" --- know the difference.

I told you already that your amateur attempt at doublespeak had been seen through, junior. You lack the facility with language to play semantics with any expectation of success. Make no mistake, you are firmly JV and unlikely to ever be anything more. You democrats try (so desperately!) to twist words to avoid facing the reality of your party and your ideology. It's not just that democrats have always been about oppression and control, it's that they still are.

Once AGAIN the density. I may be a "democrat" but not a "Democrat" which is presumably what you're flailing at here in a desperate lunge to save face after your own failure of reading comprehension. That's a distinction to which you remain oblivious.

Once again Fuckball, *YOU* brought up "democrats [sic]" in your slavish ignorance; I didn't. I deliberately pounced on the term "Liberals" ----------- which is what the fucking OP article put down. And "Liberals" is not a political party. If you can't handle what the words on the page plainly say, then you have no business being here at all. You're a rhetorically-crippled pissant.

I made the pertinent part of the original post (that you excised out because you're a fucking COWARD) real big so your remedial reading teacher can point it out to your sorry ass.
Last edited:
Look at what the left is trying to do to Tucker Carlson. They're trying to silence him, not because of what he said a decade ago but because of what he is saying now. If they succeed they'll move on to another target and another and another until it's not safe for anyone.

If that doesn't make you worry about the future, then there's something wrong with you.
Another deflection to avoid dealing with the issue that I raised regarding this preachers bizarre and irresponsible rant. Do you or do you not believe that he went to far and that he is inciting violence as I contend?

It's not a deflection, Im trying to make you understand why he might feel the way he does. But you don't want to understand.
I don't give a fuck why he feels the way he does. He is not rational, nor is anyone who thinks that this shit is ok.I care about the racist, xenophobic hate that he spews just like I care about the hate that Rick-whatever the fuck his name is -spews that can cause people to die. . Fear is no excuse for inciting violence and being divisive which is what they both are doing.
Look at what the left is trying to do to Tucker Carlson. They're trying to silence him, not because of what he said a decade ago but because of what he is saying now. If they succeed they'll move on to another target and another and another until it's not safe for anyone.

If that doesn't make you worry about the future, then there's something wrong with you.
Another deflection to avoid dealing with the issue that I raised regarding this preachers bizarre and irresponsible rant. Do you or do you not believe that he went to far and that he is inciting violence as I contend?

It's not a deflection, Im trying to make you understand why he might feel the way he does. But you don't want to understand.
I don't give a fuck why he feels the way he does. He is not rational, nor is anyone who thinks that this shit is ok.I care about the racist, xenophobic hate that he spews just like I care about the hate that Rick-whatever the fuck his name is -spews that can cause people to die. . Fear is no excuse for inciting violence and being divisive which is what they both are doing.

Don't you realize that it's your attitude that causes them to feel this way? "I don't care why he feels threatened! Just shut him down!"

You want people that you disagree with silenced, marginalized and punished. You are what he's warning everyone about and you don't even realize it.
.... *YOU* brought up "democrats [sic]"...

I pointed out the truth that you are now trying so hard to run from, and failing so miserably to spin with your amateur-hour, clumsy attempts at semantics.

NO Fuckles, you tried to morph my words into other words that (a) I never brought up, and (b) you couldn't figure out how to write correctly anyway. And then you keep cutting it out of the quote thinking that makes it just 'go away'. You're a dishonest, lying, mendacious HACK and I'm well aware that's a triple redundancy but you earned it.

So FUCK YOU and everybody who thinks like you, dishonest lying mendacious HACK.
Here ya go, one for each adjective. :fu: :fu: :fu:
.... *YOU* brought up "democrats [sic]"...

I pointed out the truth that you are now trying so hard to run from, and failing so miserably to spin with your amateur-hour, clumsy attempts at semantics.

NO Fuckles, you tried to morph my words into other words that (a) I never brought up...

I realize English is not your strong suit, but I have explained this to you twice already. Try to pay attention, stupid. Your words were not changed at all, they were just revealed for what they always meant and what their obvious intention was. Now that you have been fully triggered I suppose you will need some time in your safe space to get yourself together. Enjoy your hissy fit.
.... *YOU* brought up "democrats [sic]"...

I pointed out the truth that you are now trying so hard to run from, and failing so miserably to spin with your amateur-hour, clumsy attempts at semantics.

NO Fuckles, you tried to morph my words into other words that (a) I never brought up, and (b) you couldn't figure out how to write correctly anyway. And then you keep cutting it out of the quote thinking that makes it just 'go away'. You're a dishonest, lying, mendacious HACK and I'm well aware that's a triple redundancy but you earned it.

So FUCK YOU and everybody who thinks like you, dishonest lying mendacious HACK.
Here ya go, one for each adjective. :fu: :fu: :fu:

I realize English is not your strong suit, but I have explained this to you twice already. Try to pay attention, stupid. Your words were not changed at all, they were just revealed for what they always meant and what their obvious intention was. Now that you have been fully triggered I suppose you will need some time in your safe space to get yourself together. Enjoy your hissy fit.

Get this shit straight Hunior ---- YOU do not decide what MY words "should mean" just because YOU find yourself too much of a fucking pissant coward to deal with what they actually said.

Go fuck yourself you inveterate fascist asshole waste of protoplasm.
Thank you for a rare, almost reasonable and on topic response without going off on some bizarre tangent attacking me. However, I never said anything about this preacher representing mainstream Christians. My point is that he is inappropriate and dangerous, and that he is abusing the right to free speech and freedom of religion. It's good that you're not defending him.

Your denial notwithstanding, your intent was quite obvious.

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