'Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

I'm not the one who was best friends with racists, you are. So pull your own head out of your own ass.

And your random rambling has nothing to do with whether or not my statement about it being a ridiculous comparison is accurate.

Which of course it is.

You're just a pathetic loser. Own it.
I'm not the one who was best friends with racists, you are. So pull your own head out of your own ass.

And your random rambling has nothing to do with whether or not my statement about it being a ridiculous comparison is accurate.

Which of course it is.

You're just a pathetic loser. Own it.

What best friends of mine were racist?
That boy that was my friend despised his father. Steve did 2 tours in Nam and is now retired TN State Patrol.
No, Allie, I do not and have never run with losers.
From 1963-1978 the combined record of the teams I played on was 121-37.
Yeah, I know, you're always telling us how fantastic you are.

You're a self-aggrandizing blowhard, and ignorant besides. But please continue to list your spectacular accomplishments.

Anyway, your comment has no merit. None.
Allie, you are ignorant, immoral person of weak character. You have to look in the mirror and stop this nonsense. Gadawg73 is dead on, and many of us Christian whites who are successful here and have been for decades, will agree that G is right and you are wrong.

You have to stop your self abuse, because it is obviously affecting your brain.
As I said, ridiculous comparison.

How would you know? Did you grow up in the late 50s and 60s in Georgia and the deep south?
I did and he is right on it 100%.
I saw it first hand and it was pathetic. When MLK was killed my best friend was being dropped off at my house by his father, a powerful deacon in the local Baptist church.
He was cheering and so happy to hear that King had been gunned down. Saw his hood and robes at his house many times.
Just a fact. Get your head out of the sand.

I'm willing to bet a month's paycheck that your friend's father who was so happy about MLK being killed was also a Democrat. I too grew up during the 50s and 60s and know good and damn well who the racists were then, are now and will continue to be in the future. I know which party OWNS its filthy, revolting history in spite of their all out effort to re-write history in order to deceive people into believing the other party, the one founded on and reaffirms at every convention its core founding principle that our shared citizenship alone demands our government be COLOR BLIND and gives every citizen the right and full expectation to be treated on an identical and equal basis with the next citizen -regardless of skin color, religion and gender! Of course if I were a Democrat I'd try to convince others that stomach turning history belonged to the other party too -but in reality such tactics just provide more evidence of its underlying rot anyway.

Its the same party who were the slave owners, the same who responded to seeing the first President from the abolitionist Republican party elected by encouraging the secession of Democrat controlled states from the Union, the same who founded and populated the KKK, the same that opposed black (and women's suffrage) and created Jim Crow laws in response, the same who did the lynching and the only political party that refused to condemn racial lynchings as part of their party platform until years after they ended, the same that spawned the vicious, violent segregationist Dixiecrat Party, the same who welcomed them back UNQUESTIONINGLY with open arms and with NO caveats to disavow their vicious racism (and more than 98% of them returned and remained loyal Democrats to their dying day), the same that tried to filibuster the passage of the most important civil rights legislation in the country (which would not have passed in a Democrat controlled Congress were it not for the fact Republicans were united in favor of it), the same who killed civil rights workers in Mississippi, the same who referred to KKK grand poobah Roberty Byrd as their "conscience" in spite of him being the same man who, during a TV interview just a few years ago used the "n" word more times in 30 minutes than I have heard from any white person in the previous 25 years - proving it was a word that was not only very much part of his everyday vocabulary but that his stripes remained the same and were always only thinly and poorly disguised, the same party that tried to whitewash this disgusting racist's own personal revolting, disgusting history even at his funeral earlier this year with enough lies and deceit to gag a maggot, the same that cloaked their racism under a thin veneer of paternalistic racism and successfully sold it and continue to sell it to this very day to more than 90% of American blacks with the black family and soul destroying message that they are and always will be inferior to the other two races and can't expect to succeed if competing against the other two more superior races unless whitey lowers expectations for them and makes exceptions for them while holding those of the other races to a higher standard, that blacks can't even be expected to provide for their own families without hand-outs from whitey.

The ONLY way to get a color blind government is to demand one. But all efforts to enforce a color blind government are defeated by the RACISTS. You will NEVER have a color blind government by creating and fostering one that treats citizens differently based on the shade of their skin color but that is what we have. In spite of the fact it is our shared citizenship alone that demands my government should treat my next door neighbor -who happens to be black -absolutely no differently than it treats me. And every time it does treat me or my neighbor differently based on the skin color, it is a de facto RACIST GOVERNMENT. Something Democrats endorsed, promote and desire and will NEVER, EVER abandon. And they do because it not only allows them to continue to manipulate racism and racist policies for the political gain of their own party, it allows the racists to pat themselves on the back pretending their paternalistic racism is somehow "good" while insisting those who refuse to wallow in that revolting paternalistic racism are actually the real "racists". At the core of that party is the same hardcore, undying racism that continues unabated and unapologetic about simply disguising it under a cloak of paternalism to this day. Nothing has changed of any substance with this party -they were and are intent at all times to manipulate blacks for the financial and political benefit of their own members. The notion that this party dropped its very core principles at the VERY same time the Republican party dropped their own and adopted the filth of Democrats instead never happened. But it is being successfully sold AND taught in our public schools that the Republican party actually owns the DISGUSTING history of the Democrats. With the active help of lying ass Democrats who know what they are saying is a filthy lie.

The truth is NEITHER party changed its stripes at all. Occam's Razor applies here too -that the simplest answer is likely the correct one. It is ridiculous to pretend a convoluted, lying ass STUPID claim that BOTH parties for reasons never clearly and legitimately explained as part of REALITY simultaneously dumped their own core principles and SIMULTANEOUSLY adopted those of the other party instead. Get real. NEITHER PARTY CHANGED AT ALL!

The Republican party insists to this day and continues to reaffirm at every convention as part of its party platform that our shared citizenship endows us all with equal rights in this country. Democrats avoid that language like the plague it is for them because they do NOT believe it at all! Democrats simply tried to keep its members by wrapping their overt and blatant racism under a cloak of paternalistic racism while insisting anyone who refused to join them in it were now the "real" racists. The fact is paternalistic racism allows racists to feel good about their racist beliefs pretending they are doing something "good" for the very people they are burying with it. And the fact I refuse to join you in that paternalistic racism will never make ME the real racist here.
Many of the older whites in the GOP of the south were segregationist whites in the DP of the south.

That has not changed, FG, and your whining changes nothing.
The so-called "religious right" composed of Christian fundamentalists (evangelical fanatics) and extremists, have hijacked the Republican party. They are not Christians, but the worst kind of political subversives. They are unethical and intellectually dishonest, their professed beliefs a perversion of Christ’s teachings, and their practices a corruption of the most basic tenets of Christian faith. They are, in short, pious frauds; they are anathema. It is they - not the Muslim terrorists - that pose the greatest threat to American democracy. They will be their own undoing; for it is they who have pushed the Republicans far from their traditional conservative values in order to impose their own radical agenda on the nation and the world. They shall succeed only in alienating true conservatives and causing a rift in the Republican party; which, ultimately, shall result in their political downfall.

You know- they have medicine for your condition.;)
Allie, you are ignorant, immoral person of weak character. You have to look in the mirror and stop this nonsense. Gadawg73 is dead on, and many of us Christian whites who are successful here and have been for decades, will agree that G is right and you are wrong.

You have to stop your self abuse, because it is obviously affecting your brain.

I thought I run your little fuck face off. Remember when you edited a post of mine then denied doing it?
The so-called "religious right" composed of Christian fundamentalists (evangelical fanatics) and extremists, have hijacked the Republican party. They are not Christians, but the worst kind of political subversives. They are unethical and intellectually dishonest, their professed beliefs a perversion of Christ’s teachings, and their practices a corruption of the most basic tenets of Christian faith. They are, in short, pious frauds; they are anathema. It is they - not the Muslim terrorists - that pose the greatest threat to American democracy. They will be their own undoing; for it is they who have pushed the Republicans far from their traditional conservative values in order to impose their own radical agenda on the nation and the world. They shall succeed only in alienating true conservatives and causing a rift in the Republican party; which, ultimately, shall result in their political downfall.

Could you name me the last skyscraper brought down by Christians in this country? In fact, name me the last mass murder of any sort committed by Christians in this country.

If you can't, take your "greatest threat to American democracy" and shove it up your bigoted, Christian-hating, ignoramus ass.
When I try to reconcile conservative ideology with the teachings of Christ, I can only wonder how the man who gave out the loaves and fishes to the multitude by the Sea of Galilee would not be branded a “liberal” today.

Easy. He didn't tax the multitudes - or anyone else - to buy the loaves and fishes.


1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

2. At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee;
on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

3. Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

4. Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
but the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
we have Christ's own promise, and that cannot fail.

5. Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,
this through countless ages men and angels sing.


Where does that song say anything about persecuting and killing humans? Where does it say that Christians are supposed to go to war against other groups of people? Where does it say anything about weapons other than the cross of Jesus and anthems?

The song is all allegory. Nothng more. Some dummy on another forum thought it was a song written for the Crusades, as no doubt do some on here. :lol:

This hymn was originally a processional song for children:

The lyric was written as a processional hymn for children walking from Horbury Bridge, where Baring-Gould was curate, to Horbury St Peter's Church near Wakefield, Yorkshire, at Whitsuntide in 1865. It was originally entitled, "Hymn for Procession with Cross and Banners."

Onward, Christian Soldiers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I mean how do you even tolerate going to a graduation and having Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance played?

Are there words to "Pomp and Circumstance"?

Land of hope and glory

Mother of the free,

How shall we extol thee,

Who are born of thee.

Wider still and wider

Shall thy bounds be set,

God who made thee mighty

Make thee mightier yet

God who made thee mighty

Make thee mightier yet

Oh, God (you should excuse the expression). Now you've done it. Liberals didn't know "Pomp and Circumstance" HAD any words. Now we're going to see them suing and rioting in the streets to have it removed from graduation ceremonies.
Didn’t know there were “Christian militants” did you? Goes along with our military coming home and becoming “terrorists,” doesn’t it! But this is the goal of the left and Islamofascists anyway, so pinning it on Christians or other Patriots trying to bring back the Constitution is merely misdirection.

getdclu.com (slash) archives (slash) 2965

Well the Christian militants aka the Nazis also made a mess of Germany..

Nazis? Christians? :lmao:

"The insanity of the Christian doctrine of redemption really doesn't fit at all into our time." - Joseph Goebbels

“National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.” - Martin Bormann

"It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" - Adolf Hitler

Oh, yeah, big Christian militants, those guys. :lmao:
‘Christian Militants

Links to:

Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants

Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’
Thursday, June 16, 2011
By Michael W. Chapman
(CNSNews.com) – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”


Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”

Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”

Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not -- your distinction is not answering the question.”​

Ahhh. So one guy blew up an abortion clinic, and Lee thinks that's a greater threat to America than foreign-financed terrorists.

Lee is an idiot.

This is from the same idiot that thinks we should sell F-16s to Venezuela.

Hugo is our friend, and American Christians are our enemies.

Way to go liberals, keep up the good work in letting all of America know what fucking idiots you are.
If there's a wrong side to an issue, the left jumps on it with both feet. :cool:

If there's a mob, the left jumps in front to lead it.
The useful idiot parrots from the left who defend Islam need Christian bad guys to take the focus off Islam. Who knew Timothy McVeigh was a Jesus lover who murdered all those people in the name of Jesus. Insane.

Timothy McVeigh was no more a Christian OR a far-rightwinger than I am Queen Elizabeth II. As a wise woman once said, liberals just figure if he's a white man and knows how to use a gun, he must be a conservative (because after all, we all look alike to them).
nothing here worth repeating

The Bible is very clear that Christian culture is social and communal, that the individual serves Jesus by serving others, as He said. The Savior died forso others may live is the best example. In a nation based on Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman principles, the role of our government is to help those who can't help themselves.

If Jesus were to come today and see Michelle Bachman's world, He would sigh and tell someone "I will be down at the Garden. Tell the Police Chief. We will have to do this all over again."

Anyone ever notice how liberals love Jesus and want to follow him when they want bigger government, but then mock Christians when the Christians exercise their constitutional rights.

I HAVE noticed how they fanatically fight to remove any reference to Christianity (or Judaism, for that matter) from anything even slightly political, but then jump to hide behind the hem of Jesus' robe in defense of their political policies. Apparently, Jesus would want children to go to shitty public schools, but then be prevented from praying there. :eusa_eh:
Liberals personify the Christian ideals far more closely than do conservatives who want to deny help to the needy.

I don't know any conservatives who want to deny help to the needy. Of course, unlike liberal idiots, conservatives don't define "help for the needy" as "get the government to tax someone. I'm too busy to be bothered with those peasants myself."

1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

2. At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee;
on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

3. Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

4. Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
but the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
we have Christ's own promise, and that cannot fail.

5. Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,
this through countless ages men and angels sing.


Where does that song say anything about persecuting and killing humans? Where does it say that Christians are supposed to go to war against other groups of people? Where does it say anything about weapons other than the cross of Jesus and anthems?

The song is all allegory. Nothng more. Some dummy on another forum thought it was a song written for the Crusades, as no doubt do some on here. :lol:

This hymn was originally a processional song for children:

Onward, Christian Soldiers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I mean how do you even tolerate going to a graduation and having Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance played?

Are there words to "Pomp and Circumstance"?

Land of hope and glory

Mother of the free,

How shall we extol thee,

Who are born of thee.

Wider still and wider

Shall thy bounds be set,

God who made thee mighty

Make thee mightier yet

God who made thee mighty

Make thee mightier yet

Oh, God (you should excuse the expression). Now you've done it. Liberals didn't know "Pomp and Circumstance" HAD any words. Now we're going to see them suing and rioting in the streets to have it removed from graduation ceremonies.

The so-called "religious right" composed of Christian fundamentalists (evangelical fanatics) and extremists, have hijacked the Republican party. They are not Christians, but the worst kind of political subversives. They are unethical and intellectually dishonest, their professed beliefs a perversion of Christ’s teachings, and their practices a corruption of the most basic tenets of Christian faith. They are, in short, pious frauds; they are anathema. It is they - not the Muslim terrorists - that pose the greatest threat to American democracy. They will be their own undoing; for it is they who have pushed the Republicans far from their traditional conservative values in order to impose their own radical agenda on the nation and the world. They shall succeed only in alienating true conservatives and causing a rift in the Republican party; which, ultimately, shall result in their political downfall.

You know- they have medicine for your condition.;)

Really? What medicine cures stupid, and why aren't we putting it in every reservoir in the country?
The useful idiot parrots from the left who defend Islam need Christian bad guys to take the focus off Islam. Who knew Timothy McVeigh was a Jesus lover who murdered all those people in the name of Jesus. Insane.

Timothy McVeigh was no more a Christian OR a far-rightwinger than I am Queen Elizabeth II. As a wise woman once said, liberals just figure if he's a white man and knows how to use a gun, he must be a conservative (because after all, we all look alike to them).

You will never be correct or Christian or a queen, for that matter, because you can't think clearly and your spirit is dark.

Watch for those who claim Christ but mutter darkness. You are a leech. That's our gal, Cecilie1200.

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