Christian Evangelicals: Stop lying to yourselves!

AFL-CIO, United Steel Workers Praise Trump for Tariffs They Couldnā€™t Get Dems to Impose

Two major union leaders praised President Donald Trump for imposing steel tariffs that theyā€™ve been trying ā€“ unsuccessfully - ā€œfor decadesā€ to get from Democrats. Both United Steel Workers President Leo Gerard and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka took to MSNBC Wednesday to tout the tariffs and deride the Democrats.

"What he did is what weā€™ve been fighting for for more than 30 years," Gerard said. "What makes me sad is weā€™ve been trying to get Democrats to do this for more than 30 years." "Donald Trump was able to see the steel worker agenda," Gerard said, adding that "Itā€™s going to make it very hard for our members to ignore what he just did."

HELLO SWING STATES.........................the very ones that turned Red for Trump......

And what have they seen................A President who got rid of the Trans Pacific Free Trade Agreement..........and now taking the fight to China on unfair Trade practices to try and save our industries.....................

States that were always blue................NOW DEMS ARE BLUE............BOO HOO
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ā€˜I am Very Pro-Choiceā€™

Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian? Certainly none of the Evangelicals I've heard.

You have to love it when other people try to lecture Christians about what they're supposed to believe and how they're supposed to vote.

"Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian?" trump.:lmao:

it's true! two corinthians heard him!:auiqs.jpg:


Values Voter Summit
Trump, unlikely religious favorite, hails Christian values
By Jonathan Lemire and Ken Thomas | October 13, 2017
It was a far cry from the skeptical welcome Trump received when he first addressed the group as a neophyte politician in 2015. With questions swirling then about whether he could appeal to evangelicals over conservative candidates like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Trump held a Bible aloft and declared: ā€œI believe in God. I believe in the Bible. Iā€™m a Christian.'ā€
ā€œI pledged that in a Trump administration, our nationā€™s religious heritage would be cherished, protected and defended like you have never seen before,ā€ Trump said. ā€œAbove all else in America, we donā€™t worship government. We worship God.ā€
Trump, unlikely religious favorite, hails Christian values

that's just 2 quotes from a single source.

you're wlecome.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ā€˜I am Very Pro-Choiceā€™

It's not 1999 celebrity Trump. He has changed into more conservative ideals. Now he is pro-life. And not to mention a lot of evangelical leaders help mentor him. Did you forget that he has helped the evangelicals by standing with Israel recognizing Jerusalem as the capital? And also the tax cuts helping churches all over the country? We didn't elect a pastor and chief. We elected the commander and chief of this country. To paraphrase Jerry Fallwell Jr.

oh please- that con man knew just what to say & do to get the fundies' vote. why do you think he chose pence to be VP? btw.... that was manafort's idea.
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The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.

Have to use a broad brush. The slobs of the "religious right" don't seem to have one name and one organization, like normal Christian churches do. They use this to hide behind the "how can you prove it's me" game. Whatever organizations morons like frankie graham, tony perkins, james dobson, swaggert, pence, whatever the texas morons are, family research council, focus on the family, american center for law and justice, et al. are, they are still the same lowlifes. They're just playing dodgeball.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know how pseuedocons claim that unless every Muslim publicly disavows ISIS, they must support ISIS?

Yeah. Right back at ya.

The FRC is in the gutter, chained to Trump.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know what I see Trump's Chumps doing since this all broke? They either A) congratulate him for being a stud or B) blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

They DEFEND him.

The same people who claim homos violate their Christian values and shouldn't get a cake.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know what I see Trump's Chumps doing since this all broke? They either A) congratulate him for being a stud or B) blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

They DEFEND him.

The same people who claim homos violate their Christian values and shouldn't get a cake.

If it's a straight white "Christian" guy on the ropes for violating their "Christian values" with regard to sex, these "Christians" totally ignore the situation or back-peddle furiously. Actually, I have found it wonderful that LGBTs have fought so hard to enter solemn legal marriage together. They sure have set an example for heterosexuals who are not quite so enthusiastic, view marriage as a power-trip in which one partner dominates the other, and/or take the institution of marriage so lightly that they are willing to marry, divorce, marry, divorce, and perhaps indulge in a bit of domestic violence along the way.

It can be said that the efforts of the LGBT community to solemnize their relationships with their partners has helped strengthen the institution of marriage.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know what I see Trump's Chumps doing since this all broke? They either A) congratulate him for being a stud or B) blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

They DEFEND him.

The same people who claim homos violate their Christian values and shouldn't get a cake.

If it's a straight white "Christian" guy on the ropes for violating their "Christian values" with regard to sex, these "Christians" totally ignore the situation or back-peddle furiously. Actually, I have found it wonderful that LGBTs have fought so hard to enter solemn legal marriage together. They sure have set an example for heterosexuals who are not quite so enthusiastic, view marriage as a power-trip in which one partner dominates the other, and/or take the institution of marriage so lightly that they are willing to marry, divorce, marry, divorce, and perhaps indulge in a bit of domestic violence along the way.
I have a difficult time believing Trump has ever set foot in a church.
Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know what I see Trump's Chumps doing since this all broke? They either A) congratulate him for being a stud or B) blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

They DEFEND him.

The same people who claim homos violate their Christian values and shouldn't get a cake.

If it's a straight white "Christian" guy on the ropes for violating their "Christian values" with regard to sex, these "Christians" totally ignore the situation or back-peddle furiously. Actually, I have found it wonderful that LGBTs have fought so hard to enter solemn legal marriage together. They sure have set an example for heterosexuals who are not quite so enthusiastic, view marriage as a power-trip in which one partner dominates the other, and/or take the institution of marriage so lightly that they are willing to marry, divorce, marry, divorce, and perhaps indulge in a bit of domestic violence along the way.
I have a difficult time believing Trump has ever set foot in a church.
Me, too. Whatever are the differences of thought between you and me, I've developed a set of values from family, hours spent in Catholic and Episcopalian pews, the hard benches of Quaker meeting, as well as other experiences with other faith traditions, and I can never think that this man has spent even one moment on introspective thought of a spiritual nature. To be honest, I'm completely flummoxed. I think that he has no spiritual grounding whatsoever. There seems to be a complete void.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ā€˜I am Very Pro-Choiceā€™

Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian? Certainly none of the Evangelicals I've heard.

You have to love it when other people try to lecture Christians about what they're supposed to believe and how they're supposed to vote.

"Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian?" trump.:lmao:

it's true! two corinthians heard him!:auiqs.jpg:


Values Voter Summit
Trump, unlikely religious favorite, hails Christian values
By Jonathan Lemire and Ken Thomas | October 13, 2017
It was a far cry from the skeptical welcome Trump received when he first addressed the group as a neophyte politician in 2015. With questions swirling then about whether he could appeal to evangelicals over conservative candidates like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Trump held a Bible aloft and declared: ā€œI believe in God. I believe in the Bible. Iā€™m a Christian.'ā€
ā€œI pledged that in a Trump administration, our nationā€™s religious heritage would be cherished, protected and defended like you have never seen before,ā€ Trump said. ā€œAbove all else in America, we donā€™t worship government. We worship God.ā€
Trump, unlikely religious favorite, hails Christian values

that's just 2 quotes from a single source.

you're wlecome.

You would think that would have been big news to Christians. I guess no one took him seriously.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.

Have to use a broad brush. The slobs of the "religious right" don't seem to have one name and one organization, like normal Christian churches do. They use this to hide behind the "how can you prove it's me" game. Whatever organizations morons like frankie graham, tony perkins, james dobson, swaggert, pence, whatever the texas morons are, family research council, focus on the family, american center for law and justice, et al. are, they are still the same lowlifes. They're just playing dodgeball.

It seems that way because there is no "religious right" organization. It's just a way to label people and project thoughts and opinions on them that are not theirs.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know how pseuedocons claim that unless every Muslim publicly disavows ISIS, they must support ISIS?

Yeah. Right back at ya.

The FRC is in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Nice comparison between apples and horses. Are you really going to let "pseuedocons" set your standard for you?
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know what I see Trump's Chumps doing since this all broke? They either A) congratulate him for being a stud or B) blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

They DEFEND him.

The same people who claim homos violate their Christian values and shouldn't get a cake.

You're wandering off topic just a bit there, and still with the broad brush.
Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.
You know what I see Trump's Chumps doing since this all broke? They either A) congratulate him for being a stud or B) blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

They DEFEND him.

The same people who claim homos violate their Christian values and shouldn't get a cake.

If it's a straight white "Christian" guy on the ropes for violating their "Christian values" with regard to sex, these "Christians" totally ignore the situation or back-peddle furiously. Actually, I have found it wonderful that LGBTs have fought so hard to enter solemn legal marriage together. They sure have set an example for heterosexuals who are not quite so enthusiastic, view marriage as a power-trip in which one partner dominates the other, and/or take the institution of marriage so lightly that they are willing to marry, divorce, marry, divorce, and perhaps indulge in a bit of domestic violence along the way.
I have a difficult time believing Trump has ever set foot in a church.

I would agree with that.
The Religious Right have given Trump so many mulligans that the Bible is going to need a rewrite! Their morals and their religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.

Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.

Have to use a broad brush. The slobs of the "religious right" don't seem to have one name and one organization, like normal Christian churches do. They use this to hide behind the "how can you prove it's me" game. Whatever organizations morons like frankie graham, tony perkins, james dobson, swaggert, pence, whatever the texas morons are, family research council, focus on the family, american center for law and justice, et al. are, they are still the same lowlifes. They're just playing dodgeball.

It seems that way because there is no "religious right" organization. It's just a way to label people and project thoughts and opinions on them that are not theirs.

I just said that there is no single "religious right" organization. The "religious right" is a loose coalition of sick-minded and aggressive individuals with a warped theology in common and an intent to force all of us Americans under their demented thrall.
Trump's greatest legacy will be how he destroyed evangelicism and how easy he did it.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

But boy did they turn their backs on their jesus & fall in line despite his paganistic non believing fornicating behavior once he got the nomination.

They had a choice between a candidate that was trying to build bridges to them, and one that was actively hostile to them and everything they stand for.

They made the right choice in my opinion.

YOur spin on this, is based on nothing but your bitterness over losing and YOUR active hostility to Christians.

Did you think that Christians would never notice that you liberals are actively hostile to them?
Ignorance pretending to be wisdom.
Let me know the second the Family Research Council finally disavows Trump. In the meantime, they are chained to him in the gutter.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ā€˜a Mulliganā€™ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The FRC is the religious right, or they are a single organization of many on the right? You're using a wide brush there.

Have to use a broad brush. The slobs of the "religious right" don't seem to have one name and one organization, like normal Christian churches do. They use this to hide behind the "how can you prove it's me" game. Whatever organizations morons like frankie graham, tony perkins, james dobson, swaggert, pence, whatever the texas morons are, family research council, focus on the family, american center for law and justice, et al. are, they are still the same lowlifes. They're just playing dodgeball.

It seems that way because there is no "religious right" organization. It's just a way to label people and project thoughts and opinions on them that are not theirs.

I just said that there is no single "religious right" organization. The "religious right" is a loose coalition of sick-minded and aggressive individuals with a warped theology in common and an intent to force all of us Americans under their demented thrall.

Like I said, projecting.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.
I beleive he did get the majaroity of the evangelical vote in the primary election. Who else were they going to vote for? Hillary.

I see it kind of similar to feminists that supported Bill Clinton. As long as Bill Clinton supported the policies that the feminists liked, they gave him a pass concerning his personal behavior. The evangelicals are giving Trump a similar treatment.

As long as Bill Clinton supported the policies that the feminists liked, they gave him a pass concerning his personal behavior.

Well no kidding! What a surprise. How come it has never been understood by the right-wing that people support, or don't support, a politician based on whether they approve of or reject the POLICIES that they would be left living with regardless of whether that politician remained in office or not? Bill Clinton never sought or approved legislation that would violate women's right to sovereignty over their bodies and women's right to choose their religion for themselves rather than submit to a government's mandate to submit to a religion of its choosing. Similarly, the repeal of environmental regulations will result in years of pollution, which will cause health problems, will have to be cleaned up, and will cost the taxpayers millions if not billions to do so. This is only a smattering of the policy questions we have to worry about. Matters of policies that we have to live with far outstrip any concern for someone's personal behavior.

Why would any woman, or man for that matter, who believes in freedom and wants to keep our nation clean, free, safe, healthy, and un-involved in unnecessary wars want anything to do with trump?

Everyone has got to learn to speak policy,

So, you admit that when feminists and the media gin up some sex scandal about republicans, that it has nothing to do with the scandal itself, that is just a weapon they use to destroy someone who opposes them politically?

I realized that, a long time ago, but thanks for being honest about that, for those who don't know you, like I do.

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