Christian Conservative Hate Group causes cancellation of Tea Party Rally

Really? You ever been to a gay pride parade? Except for 2 or 3 bar floats, they're pretty mild....much more so than Mardi Gras parades or Spring Break events.

I'm just not into public displays of sexuality, I guess.
Does that go for string bikinis, thongs, Playboy Magazine and any beer commercial on the air today, or is it just homosexuality you find so revolting?

And why would one support one and not the other?
I wasn't aware anyone had proved the tea party was promoting racism or homophobia.

masresistance is against marriage equality and all gay rights related issues. This is why they were disinvited from the Tea Party rally.

There has certainly been plenty of flap over some racist signs at Tea Party rallies. Where have you been?
Question is,

why, in the first place, would a Tea Party rally invite a group whose apparent sole raison d'etre is to attack gays??

Again, did you bother to find out why he was invited to speak? Was he speaking on this or something else?

People do have more than one issue they care about. If I am invited to speak at a Church, I am not going to start talking about local politics simply because I am also involved in that.

We don't have enough information to conclude he was invited because of his organization or for some other reason.

What's so frustrating about this is we just got done with a week of news stories that should have told us that above all else we need context, yet no one has a problem judging them without context. Amazing.
If you go to their website it's pretty evident what they're about.

The Southern Poverty Law Center named MassResistance among "anti-gay" groups on its list of "Active U.S. Hate Groups in 2008." The SPLC continued: "Anti-gay groups are organizations that go beyond mere disagreement with homosexuality by subjecting gays and lesbians to campaigns of personal vilification." Even conservative commentator Dean Barnett has stated that the organization "verges on being a hate group."
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The message is that homsexuality doesn't need to be promoted to children, from what I can see.

I agree. Children shouldn't be sexualized, period. And they don't need blatant sexual imagery thrown in front of them all the time. From what I read on the site, the gripe is with overt sexual imagery and indoctrination. I didn't read everything, but that's what I got. The objection was to cross dressers in the schools and the gay pride parades, which include children.

They're also lobbying against homosexual marriage. The jury is still out on that one. Honestly, I don't have a problem with homosexual marriage, but the minute the state determines it's a violation of civil rights to NOT grant homosexuals marriage, the state will start telling the churches what they must do. That's my only objection to it.

And I know that's what the pro-marriage lobbyists want. Because homosexuals can already find churches and clergy that will marry them in religious ceremonies.
Perhaps if you broadened your knowledge and outlook, you would be taken more seriously as a debater. Read the website, think about it in the context of the Tea Party movement and their current controversy being labeled "Racist" and make a rational judgment based on evidence.

Otherwise, your ham-handed defense of everything Conservative comes off looking more like partisan hackery than informed, reasoned opinions.

Checking out the website, I don't see raciali issues being at all the focus of the group MassResistance. In fact, I didn't see race mentioned at all.
I asked stephanie to put the message of MassResistance in CONTEXT with the controversy over Racism.

And of course racism and homosexuality have absolutely nothing to do with one another. So there is no context.

Nor have you proved that this speaker was going to talk about his platform for MassResistance. You have no clue what he was going to say. You have no idea what he was invited to say.

Context matters. But I suppose it's convenient to forget about it.
Question is,

why, in the first place, would a Tea Party rally invite a group whose apparent sole raison d'etre is to attack gays??

Again, did you bother to find out why he was invited to speak? Was he speaking on this or something else?

People do have more than one issue they care about. If I am invited to speak at a Church, I am not going to start talking about local politics simply because I am also involved in that.

We don't have enough information to conclude he was invited because of his organization or for some other reason.

What's so frustrating about this is we just got done with a week of news stories that should have told us that above all else we need context, yet no one has a problem judging them without context. Amazing.
mass resistance is pretty fixated on gay rights issues. Check out their website. I don't see anything relevant to the Tea Party platform.
Does that go for string bikinis, thongs, Playboy Magazine and any beer commercial on the air today, or is it just homosexuality you find so revolting?

And why would one support one and not the other?
Allie said she was not into public displays of sexuality. Any and all sexuality, or just homosexuality is my question.

Overt displays. Displays that are about sex only.

So I don't particularly want to see swingers' parades, either.

You have just forfeited any credibility, respect, enlightenment and regard. You have forfeited any legitimate claim that Liberals are in any way intellectually inferior to you. You have staked out a claim in Ignorance Territory and are welcome to it.

But never NEVER criticize me or my fellow Liberals here again as "loony", "stupid", "kooky" or any other disparaging term.

You are proving your worth as an adversary, and that worth is nothing.

hahahaha, I will do as I wish, like I always have. I've been around too many moons to change now.
I'm a free thinker, I don't have to fall into "GROUP THINK" like you lefties.

You may very well be free Stephanie, but no one believes you're a thinker.
However, I'm not for shutting down gay pride parades. Bod is right, mardi gras is crazy too. Best just to avoid them if you don't want your kids to see some interesting and confusing things.
You have just forfeited any credibility, respect, enlightenment and regard. You have forfeited any legitimate claim that Liberals are in any way intellectually inferior to you. You have staked out a claim in Ignorance Territory and are welcome to it.

But never NEVER criticize me or my fellow Liberals here again as "loony", "stupid", "kooky" or any other disparaging term.

You are proving your worth as an adversary, and that worth is nothing.

hahahaha, I will do as I wish, like I always have. I've been around too many moons to change now.
I'm a free thinker, I don't have to fall into "GROUP THINK" like you lefties.

You may very well be free Stephanie, but no one believes you're a thinker.

Don't speak for everyone!
It drives Bodecea nuts!
The message is that homsexuality doesn't need to be promoted to children, from what I can see.

I agree. Children shouldn't be sexualized, period. And they don't need blatant sexual imagery thrown in front of them all the time. From what I read on the site, the gripe is with overt sexual imagery and indoctrination. I didn't read everything, but that's what I got. The objection was to cross dressers in the schools and the gay pride parades, which include children.

They're also lobbying against homosexual marriage. The jury is still out on that one. Honestly, I don't have a problem with homosexual marriage, but the minute the state determines it's a violation of civil rights to NOT grant homosexuals marriage, the state will start telling the churches what they must do. That's my only objection to it.

And I know that's what the pro-marriage lobbyists want. Because homosexuals can already find churches and clergy that will marry them in religious ceremonies.

You clearly do not understand civil marriage equality issues. We are talking about civil marriage. It has nothing to do with Churches.

Gay people are not trying to shut down Churches.