Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow: 'I've Never Heard of a Country That Didn't Have a Border'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Chris apparently hasn't conducted an in depth look into the modern Dimocrat party. Going "forward" under the leadership of these people (provided they return to a leadership role) borders will eventually become a relic of the past, and immigration laws will never be enforced.

On election night 2016, MSNBC host Chris Matthews defended Donald Trump for running on the issues of anti-war, more jobs, and an end to illegal immigration.

"Trade, immigration and wars, I think he was on the popular side of," Mathews said. "I think the country hates all these wars, the establishment in both parties have been supporting these wars, including Hillary. The fact that we don't have an immigration system that we enforce. Business wants the cheap labor, democrats want the jobs and the votes. Nobody's gotten it together. In terms of trade...just drive through Michigan, drive through Wisconsin, and you'll see places that are hollowed out…Trump said, ‘You know what, I think I can run against this stuff.'"

He added, "It was a legitimate campaign on those issues. I never heard Hillary railing against these stupid wars, I never heard Hillary railing genuinely against these trade deals...I never heard her really come out with a comprehensive immigration program which included enforcement on illegal hiring...sure, she went out and got Latino votes, but did she ever come out for a sound, workable, progressive, enforceable, immigration policy? No."

Matthews was then interrupted by cohost Rachel Maddow, who said that Clinton "did have a comprehensive immigration policy."

"Where was she on enforcement?" Matthews said.

"She was all for the Obama part of the enforcement," Maddow replied.

Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow: 'I've Never Heard of a Country That Didn't Have a Border'
As a matter of curiosity, what are the jobs the 'Democrats' want that come from immigration. I guess in this context 'business' is the Republicans.
Chris apparently hasn't conducted an in depth look into the modern Dimocrat party. Going "forward" under the leadership of these people (provided they return to a leadership role) borders will eventually become a relic of the past, and immigration laws will never be enforced.

On election night 2016, MSNBC host Chris Matthews defended Donald Trump for running on the issues of anti-war, more jobs, and an end to illegal immigration.

"Trade, immigration and wars, I think he was on the popular side of," Mathews said. "I think the country hates all these wars, the establishment in both parties have been supporting these wars, including Hillary. The fact that we don't have an immigration system that we enforce. Business wants the cheap labor, democrats want the jobs and the votes. Nobody's gotten it together. In terms of trade...just drive through Michigan, drive through Wisconsin, and you'll see places that are hollowed out…Trump said, ‘You know what, I think I can run against this stuff.'"

He added, "It was a legitimate campaign on those issues. I never heard Hillary railing against these stupid wars, I never heard Hillary railing genuinely against these trade deals...I never heard her really come out with a comprehensive immigration program which included enforcement on illegal hiring...sure, she went out and got Latino votes, but did she ever come out for a sound, workable, progressive, enforceable, immigration policy? No."

Matthews was then interrupted by cohost Rachel Maddow, who said that Clinton "did have a comprehensive immigration policy."

"Where was she on enforcement?" Matthews said.

"She was all for the Obama part of the enforcement," Maddow replied.

Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow: 'I've Never Heard of a Country That Didn't Have a Border'
Both Rs and Ds are guilty on this issue. W and BO should have been impeached for failing to enforce immigration laws. Clearly illegal immigration benefits the Oligarchy, which is why both party's support it.

PS...another example of how the two party's are the same.
Chris apparently hasn't conducted an in depth look into the modern Dimocrat party. Going "forward" under the leadership of these people (provided they return to a leadership role) borders will eventually become a relic of the past, and immigration laws will never be enforced.

On election night 2016, MSNBC host Chris Matthews defended Donald Trump for running on the issues of anti-war, more jobs, and an end to illegal immigration.

"Trade, immigration and wars, I think he was on the popular side of," Mathews said. "I think the country hates all these wars, the establishment in both parties have been supporting these wars, including Hillary. The fact that we don't have an immigration system that we enforce. Business wants the cheap labor, democrats want the jobs and the votes. Nobody's gotten it together. In terms of trade...just drive through Michigan, drive through Wisconsin, and you'll see places that are hollowed out…Trump said, ‘You know what, I think I can run against this stuff.'"

He added, "It was a legitimate campaign on those issues. I never heard Hillary railing against these stupid wars, I never heard Hillary railing genuinely against these trade deals...I never heard her really come out with a comprehensive immigration program which included enforcement on illegal hiring...sure, she went out and got Latino votes, but did she ever come out for a sound, workable, progressive, enforceable, immigration policy? No."

Matthews was then interrupted by cohost Rachel Maddow, who said that Clinton "did have a comprehensive immigration policy."

"Where was she on enforcement?" Matthews said.

"She was all for the Obama part of the enforcement," Maddow replied.

Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow: 'I've Never Heard of a Country That Didn't Have a Border'
Both Rs and Ds are guilty on this issue. W and BO should have been impeached for failing to enforce immigration laws. Clearly illegal immigration benefits the Oligarchy, which is why both party's support it.

PS...another example of how the two party's are the same.

Border protection and illegal immigration has been an out of control problem for decades, and yes all parties are responsible.

Go after the employers aggressively, and much of the problem would go away.
As a matter of curiosity, what are the jobs the 'Democrats' want that come from immigration. I guess in this context 'business' is the Republicans.
Traditionally, Democratic supporters have claimed illegal immigrants do jobs no other Americans want. That's no a true statement since the problem is about pay, not type of work. When an illegal immigrant is willing to work for less than minimum wage, it drives down the income of all minimum wage workers.
I watched when Chrissy said that to Madcow. It was hilarious to watch the spittle dripping off her chin. Ten 'blinks' a second!
A record even for her!
If it was a fact that if 99% of illegals ended up voting REP. Madcow would personally be at the border holding an assault weapon trying to keep the illegals from crossing the border.
As a matter of curiosity, what are the jobs the 'Democrats' want that come from immigration. I guess in this context 'business' is the Republicans.
Traditionally, Democratic supporters have claimed illegal immigrants do jobs no other Americans want. That's no a true statement since the problem is about pay, not type of work. When an illegal immigrant is willing to work for less than minimum wage, it drives down the income of all minimum wage workers.
And don't forget that it's not just Americans they are serving in these undesirable jobs. They work for each other, too. They moved their entire culture into our country, usurping American culture and stretching our infrastructure with low or non-existent tax contribution.
Chris apparently hasn't conducted an in depth look into the modern Dimocrat party. Going "forward" under the leadership of these people (provided they return to a leadership role) borders will eventually become a relic of the past, and immigration laws will never be enforced.

On election night 2016, MSNBC host Chris Matthews defended Donald Trump for running on the issues of anti-war, more jobs, and an end to illegal immigration.

"Trade, immigration and wars, I think he was on the popular side of," Mathews said. "I think the country hates all these wars, the establishment in both parties have been supporting these wars, including Hillary. The fact that we don't have an immigration system that we enforce. Business wants the cheap labor, democrats want the jobs and the votes. Nobody's gotten it together. In terms of trade...just drive through Michigan, drive through Wisconsin, and you'll see places that are hollowed out…Trump said, ‘You know what, I think I can run against this stuff.'"

He added, "It was a legitimate campaign on those issues. I never heard Hillary railing against these stupid wars, I never heard Hillary railing genuinely against these trade deals...I never heard her really come out with a comprehensive immigration program which included enforcement on illegal hiring...sure, she went out and got Latino votes, but did she ever come out for a sound, workable, progressive, enforceable, immigration policy? No."

Matthews was then interrupted by cohost Rachel Maddow, who said that Clinton "did have a comprehensive immigration policy."

"Where was she on enforcement?" Matthews said.

"She was all for the Obama part of the enforcement," Maddow replied.

Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow: 'I've Never Heard of a Country That Didn't Have a Border'

What can we expect they are both paid off gov. trolls who lick the chit off their boots.
Both Rs and Ds are guilty on this issue. W and BO should have been impeached for failing to enforce immigration laws. Clearly illegal immigration benefits the Oligarchy, which is why both party's support it.

PS...another example of how the two party's are the same.
Wow, we really need a "Double Plus Good Star of Acclamation".

I would have given you one.
I watched when Chrissy said that to Madcow. It was hilarious to watch the spittle dripping off her chin. Ten 'blinks' a second!
A record even for her!
If it was a fact that if 99% of illegals ended up voting REP. Madcow would personally be at the border holding an assault weapon trying to keep the illegals from crossing the border.
Illegals don`t vote ...moron. Why would an illegal risk fines, imprisonment and deportation to vote?
I watched when Chrissy said that to Madcow. It was hilarious to watch the spittle dripping off her chin. Ten 'blinks' a second!
A record even for her!
If it was a fact that if 99% of illegals ended up voting REP. Madcow would personally be at the border holding an assault weapon trying to keep the illegals from crossing the border.
Illegals don`t vote ...moron. Why would an illegal risk fines, imprisonment and deportation to vote?
LMFAO, seems you are the MORON yes they do vote douche wtf have you been on another planet.
I watched when Chrissy said that to Madcow. It was hilarious to watch the spittle dripping off her chin. Ten 'blinks' a second!
A record even for her!
If it was a fact that if 99% of illegals ended up voting REP. Madcow would personally be at the border holding an assault weapon trying to keep the illegals from crossing the border.
Illegals don`t vote ...moron. Why would an illegal risk fines, imprisonment and deportation to vote?
California Signs Law Allowing Illegals To Vote - RAW Conservative
I watched when Chrissy said that to Madcow. It was hilarious to watch the spittle dripping off her chin. Ten 'blinks' a second!
A record even for her!
If it was a fact that if 99% of illegals ended up voting REP. Madcow would personally be at the border holding an assault weapon trying to keep the illegals from crossing the border.
Illegals don`t vote ...moron. Why would an illegal risk fines, imprisonment and deportation to vote?
ICE Officials Tell TRUMP Illegals Are Being Allowed to Vote - That's Why They They Won't Deport Them
I watched when Chrissy said that to Madcow. It was hilarious to watch the spittle dripping off her chin. Ten 'blinks' a second!
A record even for her!
If it was a fact that if 99% of illegals ended up voting REP. Madcow would personally be at the border holding an assault weapon trying to keep the illegals from crossing the border.
Illegals don`t vote ...moron. Why would an illegal risk fines, imprisonment and deportation to vote?
California Signs Law Allowing Illegals To Vote - RAW Conservative
No dumbass, California does not allow illegals to vote. Using Google can help you not to look as stupid as you really are. You`re welcome.
FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections

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