Chris Hayes Envisions A World Where No One Has A Job Mining Coal

omg, Hayes is a stupid hack. No wonder their ratings are in the toilet. a video at the site


BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
October 6, 2014 9:16 pm
MSNBC host Chris Hayes told United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts that “in 50 years, no one should have a job mining coal in the world.”
Roberts, who also serves as vice president of the AFL-CIO, pushed back on Hayes’s comments, telling him to “accept science” just as Hayes wants him to “accept science” supporting climate change.
“You know and I know that’s not going to happen,” Roberts said. “Let’s talk about reality: Do you really believe that in your lifetime, you’re a young man, that you’re going to see the day that China stops using coal or even cuts back on using? No, you’re going to be 85 years old, heading into 90 years old looking to be on that Smuckers jar, and China is going to be burning more coal than they are right now, and India is going to be burning huge amounts of coal.”

ALL of it here:
Chris Hayes Envisions A World Where No One Has A Job Mining Coal Washington Free Beacon
Chris Hayes and others of his ilk envision a world where everyone is freed from the tyranny of work, courtesy of the "1%".
Ah, so you don't want tax income of the wealthy, simply want the government to seize their wealth?

Actually, I'd like to break out the guillotine for the wealthy, but some people would think that was harsh.

I'm all for bringing back the Estate Tax and raising their tax rates to 70%.
You are a chronically unemployed bum living at home, aren't you?

Tell the truth now.
I'm curious, Joey...once you've seized the capital of the wealthy to pay for a few years of entitlements...where are you going to go for your next infusion of revenue?

I think you are a little confused here, guy. When you take money from the rich and give it to the working class who actually created it, it doesn't vanish.

The problem with dipshits like you is that you have mistaken parasites for vital organs. Most of the world doesn't have uber rich like we do. German and Japanese companies don't pay their execs 8 figures for failing.

So the Germans and the Japanese don't have "uber rich", Joey? Really?

He'll say ANYthing if he can twist it into partisan politics or character assassination....he's just an agitator who pushes whatever position the DNC has that day...
marxist doubletalk like above is one of his favorite ploys.
Sounds like he found some old SDS literature in his dad's porn collection.
The sheer stupidity of that remark boggles the mind, Joey! You need to sue whatever college you claim to have graduated from for "non-performance". You didn't LEARN anything so God knows you shouldn't have PAID them anything!

Guy, the only lesson that counts in my life was learned at my last job where I got burned because I got injured.

Fuck rich people and the Dressage Horses they rode in on.
Ah, the only guy in the world that couldn't get workman's comp?

What's the matter, you get injured while stoned shitless on the job?
class envy and jealousy...The democratic platform.

Voting against your own economic interests because of racism, sexism, homophobia or wanting a gun to compensate for a tiny dick...the Republican Platform.

class envy, jealousy and now ad homs...look! even got in "racism" and "homophobia"..LMAO...your handlers will be very proud, little partisan! Good boy!

I was Republican for years. Saw the beast from the outside. Even saw the movers and shakers of your party express nothing but contempt for the Rubes when they thought no one was listening.

The GOP is about making the rich more comfortable. they get there by pushing buttons on people like you who will never be rich, but easily manipulated. I'm sorry you can't see that, but then again, it took far too long for me to figure it out.

I hate to break this to you, Joey...but if you think government is the answer...then you still haven't figured it out!

Quite frankly, I'd shocked if you ever met a "mover and shaker" in your whole life. You're the classic case of someone whose life turned into something that you didn't envision and you desperately need to find someone to blame other than yourself.
He's got tattoos, left hand is MOVER, right is SHAKER.
Who in their right mind would actually want a job mining coal?

Coal mining is a very high paying job in some States where high wages simply don't exist otherwise. The person that wants a job mining coal is a high school graduate that can make $70,000 to $80,000 a year working in the mines. Take that job away and what's he going to at McDonalds for $8 an hour?

Not true, of course.

In FACT, if you're talking about a coal miner, its not even close.

Coal Mining - May 2013 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

Not to mention the illness and injury rate:

Coal Mining Injuries Illnesses and Fatalities Fact Sheet

If you want to learn more ...
BLS Search Results

I based my $70,000 to $80,000 figure on a statement that Rand Paul made last night and stand corrected. The figure would actually be closer to $50,000. That doesn't change my point however, Luddly! What OTHER occupation is a high school graduate in Kentucky or West Virginia going to do that is going to bring in $50,000 a year? That's a huge amount of money in that region of the country and if you take that away you ARE going to subject thousands of people who would normally be gainfully employed to unemployment and economic destitution.

What OTHER occupation is a high school graduate in Kentucky or West Virginia going to do that is going to bring in $50,000 a year?


jack up the minimum wage

to 24 dollars and hour

solved --LOL
....and they make fun of people who are concerned about ebola...a disease that kills 70% of the people it they panic over Co2 emissions and the hypothetical damage it causes..LMAO....

Well, no Cleetus, 97% of climate scientists agree that CO2 emmissions are causing climate change.

But dem der scientists ain't right with Jay-a-zus.
97% of "climate change scientists".

97% of Ancient Alien Theorists agree aliens altered the DNA and evolution of mankind.

97% of Crypto-zoologists think bigfoots live in every patch of woods over 40 acres.
Guy, an energy source that destroys our ability to live on the planet is not 'cheap'.
That is why we don't have nuclear plants on the scale of the French.

Hysterical leftists said burn coal instead of building nukes, cuz nukes like make you have kids with two heads and shit.
Guy, an energy source that destroys our ability to live on the planet is not 'cheap'.
That is why we don't have nuclear plants on the scale of the French.

Hysterical leftists said burn coal instead of building nukes, cuz nukes like make you have kids with two heads and shit.

I agree, there was a very big and unnecessary panic over nuclear energy after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

And liberals deserve a lot of the blame for it.
LMAO..really? We use more oil than russia, china, india and japan combined? Are you SURE, joe?
You can go ahead and post your source for that wild claim any time, joe...

We re No. 1 and No. 3 Surprising Facts About the U.S. and Oil - DailyFinance

U.S : 18.8 MBD
China: 8.3
Japan: 4.4
India: 3.1
Russia: 2.7

Yes, I'm sure. But you keep driving your pickup truck. No one is gonna take your pickup truck, cleetus.

LMAO, joe...

18.5 MBD is less than 18.8 by 3/10ths of a percent.
..but those numbers aren't current and are from over 3 years ago,aren't they, joe? :popcorn:

Cherry picking old data as a desperate measure to save face, now?...:laugh2:

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