Chris Cuomo is a despicable POS - Calls Benghazi Controversy A 'SHAM'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'CNN guest Amy Kremer, a Tea Party activist, praised Trump for "fighting back" against Democrats in Congress and pointed out that "millions of dollars" were spent on the Mueller probe.'

Cuomo immediately responded by bringing up the Benghazi incident, declaring, ""Nothing compared to Benghazi", referring to the Fact-Finding hearings held afterwards to find out what went wrong and how to prevent such attacks in the future.

Kremer responded by asking why Cuomo was bringing up Benghazi...

"Because it was a sham and it took years and seven different hearings and it was a political charade," Cuomo said."

The Benghazi hearings were initiate because 4 Americans were needlessly murdered by terrorists, despite warnings of attacks coming on 9/11/12 and after 2 previous attacks on a US compound that exposed security vulnerabilities that were never addressed before the final attack. The Benghazi hearings were NEVER CRIMINAL investigations.

The investigations into Donald Trump were initiated without any evidence of a crime having been committed ... without any evidence of any crime having been committed involving Trump, his family, or his team ... without any evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel Appointment let alone even an investigation ... investigations / a witch hunt that began based off of political opposition research / propaganda bought by the DNC's Presidential candidate form an exposed biased Trump-hating foreign spy who was working with the Russians and for Obama's investigation that knowingly relied on a source they KNEW was a liar and documents they KNEW were false to perpetrate FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress to get their 'witch hunt' / attempted political coup started....

Cuomo was right when he declared the failed Trump coup attempt by the Democrats / Obama's treasonous Agency Directors was nothing compared to the Benghazi hearings...just not the way he thinks.

The Benghazi hearings were about discovering the FACTS. The continued harassment / Investigations of Trump were always mean to be conducted in the dark with the fact that it was a seditious conspiracy by the Obama administration to affect the outcome of the 2016 election and an attempt to overthrow the elected President of the United States that would never be exposed if Hillary had won.

CNN's Chris Cuomo calls Benghazi scandal a 'sham' during debate on Mueller probe
ALL DEMOCROOKS are despicable treasonous parasites.

There is not one of them alive in a position where they receive tax dollars for any reason, that should not be in prison.

The voters belong in an asylum at best.

These are not simply people we disagree with anymore. These are not our "fellow citizens" that have a different perspective on how government should function. They are the enemy, they are at war against the COTUS and our sovereign republic. Their leaders need to be criminally charged, their voters need to be completely disenfranchised and encouraged to leave the country. I can easily assert this knowing I am not talking about "half the country". I'm talking about a few million traitors who vote in the name of dead people, vote multiple times, and those who are in the country illegally.

If I was wrong, they would have no problem with voter ID laws. If we secured the border and our polling places from their fraud, you would not see another democrook elected to mow the lawn at a public park.

"Because it was a sham and it took years and seven different hearings and it was a political charade," Cuomo said."

Yeah Chris Cuomo, I highly doubt you would say that if Christopher Steven - the US Ambassador to Libya, Sean Smith - the Foreign Service Information Management Officer; Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods were still alive today. They were the men that were killed on September 11, 2012.

US soldiers killed in Niger were outgunned, 'left behind' in hunt for ISIS leader

Leaders of U.S. soldiers killed in Niger filed misleading mission plan

‘I Cry Every Day’: Families of Soldiers Killed in Niger in 2017 Are Still Waiting for Answers

Republicans had 17 investigations into Benghazi. We know the ambassador refused to leave and that’s probably why his people were in danger.

But I want to know why Trump and the Republicans sent American soldiers out to die for no apparent reason in Nigeria. You can’t blame that on an ambassador.

How come Republicans refuse to start an investigation on that? Is it because it’s something Trump did and it’s not something they could blame on Hillary?
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.
Cuomo calls it a sham. I call it the first time in American history we let Americans under attack die without even trying to help them. The 'Stand Down' order was given by Obama over a cell phone as he hid in another wing of the White House.
Where did you get that from? Infowars or fox?
US soldiers killed in Niger were outgunned, 'left behind' in hunt for ISIS leader

Leaders of U.S. soldiers killed in Niger filed misleading mission plan

‘I Cry Every Day’: Families of Soldiers Killed in Niger in 2017 Are Still Waiting for Answers

Republicans had 17 investigations into Benghazi. We know the ambassador refused to leave and that’s probably why his people were in danger.

But I want to know why Trump and the Republicans sent American soldiers out to die for no apparent reason in Nigeria. You can’t blame that on an ambassador.

How come Republicans refuse to start an investigation on that? Is it because it’s something Trump did and it’s not something they could blame on Hillary?
In Niger, it could’ve been a lot worse. Because Trump sent out an entire squad and not just four people to die. It just turned out that only four people died. But it could’ve been a lot worse.

So where is the investigation? Is it because they weren’t important or because one of them was black? Republicans must have a reason.
The second the eection was over, the GOP ceased all thoughts of Benghazi. They were ready to launch another dozen investigations, maybe play pizzagate for all its worth, spend years convincing Americans only criminals use servers.... and yet they bitch about a single investigation into Trump that they themselves started. Retarded.
US soldiers killed in Niger were outgunned, 'left behind' in hunt for ISIS leader

Leaders of U.S. soldiers killed in Niger filed misleading mission plan

‘I Cry Every Day’: Families of Soldiers Killed in Niger in 2017 Are Still Waiting for Answers

Republicans had 17 investigations into Benghazi. We know the ambassador refused to leave and that’s probably why his people were in danger.

But I want to know why Trump and the Republicans sent American soldiers out to die for no apparent reason in Nigeria. You can’t blame that on an ambassador.

How come Republicans refuse to start an investigation on that? Is it because it’s something Trump did and it’s not something they could blame on Hillary?
Your ignorance is breath-taking ...

American troops have been in Niger for years

In 2013, the White House announced that President Barack Obama had deployed military personnel to Niger.

"B...b...but TRUMP!" :crybaby:

Yeah, that's right, snowflake - your Nobel Peace Prize-winning war-monger - who used the US military to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 1 day (9/11/01), murder a sovereign leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa and take over their country for their own...who committed an International War Crime by invading another sovereign country without their request or permission to do so (Syria)- sent US military troops into Niger in 2013!

So answer your own questions, snowflake, why did Barry - the Nobel Peace Prize Winner - want US troops to die needlessly - 'for no apparent reason' - in Nigeria?

Niger: US has hundreds of troops in African nation - CNNPolitics

(Note the source of the article is your beloved CNN....)

If you really want to educate yourself on the history of military ops in Africa, dating back to at least 2001, start by reading THIS:

Why were US soldiers even in Niger? America’s shadow wars in Africa, explained.

Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.

You know what "damaged" Hillary's poll numbers, Black Flag? When it was discovered...because of the Benghazi debacle and the ensuing cover up by the Obama White House...that Hillary had been running the State Department through two private servers she had hidden at her home...raking in millions of dollars in a pay for play scheme. The GOP didn't have to damage Hillary...all they had to do was sit back and watch as the truth came out!
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.

You know what "damaged" Hillary's poll numbers, Black Flag? When it was discovered...because of the Benghazi debacle and the ensuing cover up by the Obama White House...that Hillary had been running the State Department through two private servers she had hidden at her home...raking in millions of dollars in a pay for play scheme. The GOP didn't have to damage Hillary...all they had to do was sit back and watch as the truth came out!
Wow and they completely abandoned seeking justice for those high crimes and treasons just because they were satisfied with it working as a political ploy? Wow!

I don’t think your fat rapist idiot will be so lucky with the Dems :thup:
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.


Abandoning Americans to die in a location they should never have been in, a location they could and should have been pulled out of very easily - after 2 terrorist attacks on their compound with a known 3rd larger attack coming on the anniversary of 9/11 - is anything BUT a 'sham'. The 'sham was Hillary and Barry initially telling Americans, to include the grieving loved ones, that the attack (the only 1 of 22 that day they called this) was the result of a protest over some film and promising them they would bring the filmmaker to justice for exercising his Constitutional Right of free speech here in the United States.
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.

You know what "damaged" Hillary's poll numbers, Black Flag? When it was discovered...because of the Benghazi debacle and the ensuing cover up by the Obama White House...that Hillary had been running the State Department through two private servers she had hidden at her home...raking in millions of dollars in a pay for play scheme. The GOP didn't have to damage Hillary...all they had to do was sit back and watch as the truth came out!
Wow and they completely abandoned seeking justice for those high crimes and treasons just because they were satisfied with it working as a political ploy? Wow!

I don’t think your fat rapist idiot will be so lucky with the Dems :thup:
The Benghazi hearings were NEVER criminal investigations, and you know it. They were about shedding light on the truth...and it was. Only snowflakes walked away from the hearings believing the BS Hillary and Barry shoveled out to the sheep.
US soldiers killed in Niger were outgunned, 'left behind' in hunt for ISIS leader

Leaders of U.S. soldiers killed in Niger filed misleading mission plan

‘I Cry Every Day’: Families of Soldiers Killed in Niger in 2017 Are Still Waiting for Answers

Republicans had 17 investigations into Benghazi. We know the ambassador refused to leave and that’s probably why his people were in danger.

But I want to know why Trump and the Republicans sent American soldiers out to die for no apparent reason in Nigeria. You can’t blame that on an ambassador.

How come Republicans refuse to start an investigation on that? Is it because it’s something Trump did and it’s not something they could blame on Hillary?

I know you desperately want to find a Benghazi to hang on Trump, R-Derp but the four men who died in Niger's situation is TOTALLY different from what took place in Benghazi. The screw ups that took place in Niger were local...not from an administration that cared more about optics than the safety of it's personnel.
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.


Abandoning Americans to die in a location they should never have been in, a location they could and should have been pulled out of very easily - after 2 terrorist attacks on their compound with a known 3rd larger attack coming on the anniversary of 9/11 - is anything BUT a 'sham'. The 'sham was Hillary and Barry initially telling Americans, to include the grieving loved ones, that the attack (the only 1 of 22 that day they called this) was the result of a protest over some film and promising them they would bring the filmmaker to justice for exercising his Constitutional Right of free speech here in the United States.
Hillary is chillin' in her mansion and traveling around the world 1st class whenever she wants. The GOP doesn't care. They can't use their bogus claims for further political benefit so it is over. It did its job, it got you and other idiots into a tizzy, hurt Hillary's poll numbers, and it will never be investigated again. Get over it, snowflake.
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.

You know what "damaged" Hillary's poll numbers, Black Flag? When it was discovered...because of the Benghazi debacle and the ensuing cover up by the Obama White House...that Hillary had been running the State Department through two private servers she had hidden at her home...raking in millions of dollars in a pay for play scheme. The GOP didn't have to damage Hillary...all they had to do was sit back and watch as the truth came out!
Wow and they completely abandoned seeking justice for those high crimes and treasons just because they were satisfied with it working as a political ploy? Wow!

I don’t think your fat rapist idiot will be so lucky with the Dems :thup:

Displaying incredibly bad judgement isn't a high crime...nor is it treasonous! Clinton's decisions regarding the security of State Department personnel in Benghazi and the decision to try and cover up what happened there by painting it as a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent aren't illegal either...just incredibly sleazy!
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.


Abandoning Americans to die in a location they should never have been in, a location they could and should have been pulled out of very easily - after 2 terrorist attacks on their compound with a known 3rd larger attack coming on the anniversary of 9/11 - is anything BUT a 'sham'. The 'sham was Hillary and Barry initially telling Americans, to include the grieving loved ones, that the attack (the only 1 of 22 that day they called this) was the result of a protest over some film and promising them they would bring the filmmaker to justice for exercising his Constitutional Right of free speech here in the United States.
Hillary is chillin' in her mansion and traveling around the world 1st class whenever she wants. The GOP doesn't care. They can't use their bogus claims for further political benefit so it is over. It did its job, it got you and other idiots into a tizzy, hurt Hillary's poll numbers, and it will never be investigated again. Get over it, snowflake.

Hillary is stewing in her mansion...still bitter that her own rampant corruption finally caught up to her and prevented her from getting the one thing she wants more than ANYTHING in the world...the Presidency!

She has nobody to blame for that but herself!
Benghazi was absolutely a sham. The GOP’s majority leader even admitted live on national television that the purpose was to damage Clinton’s poll numbers.

You know what "damaged" Hillary's poll numbers, Black Flag? When it was discovered...because of the Benghazi debacle and the ensuing cover up by the Obama White House...that Hillary had been running the State Department through two private servers she had hidden at her home...raking in millions of dollars in a pay for play scheme. The GOP didn't have to damage Hillary...all they had to do was sit back and watch as the truth came out!
Wow and they completely abandoned seeking justice for those high crimes and treasons just because they were satisfied with it working as a political ploy? Wow!

I don’t think your fat rapist idiot will be so lucky with the Dems :thup:

Displaying incredibly bad judgement isn't a high crime...nor is it treasonous! Clinton's decisions regarding the security of State Department personnel in Benghazi and the decision to try and cover up what happened there by painting it as a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent aren't illegal either...just incredibly sleazy!
There were protests all over the world on that day over the video, and the only terrorist captured in Benghazi said he was there because of the video. "Bad judgement?" That's why you've spent years losing your shit?! It's over! Get over it! You were manipulated because it was easy, the GOP scored its political points, and they could not care any less anymore. Tomorrow, she will be honored at the Clinton Presidential Center for her lifetime of public service. And Benghazi will still not matter.

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