Chinese genocide - its fine by the conservatives

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

An interesting article which outlines conservative opposition to the labour party's proposal to actually do something about the atrocities. Its a minor problem because there are only a few tories who actually get it and are prepared to vote against the party. However, it has the potential to be a real embarrassment.

So here we have a socialist party proposing to take action against the communist Chinese government and seeing their proposals blocked by a CONSERVATIVE government that prefers the strategy of looking the other way.

One wonders what the Chinese have to do to make conservatives take action.
I can see where the Conservatives are coming from. The best case scenario would be a minor trade war. Ah hell. Who am I kidding? It would be a full blown Trade War. Now, that would affect every British Citizen, and considering one of the places that European Products are bought is China, it would affect a lot of British Jobs.

And not just in the factories which make things. The Dock Workers would be impacted. And let’s not forget another little problem. British Citizens in China. There are Brits who are there working and living. So what harm would come to them? Let’s not pretend that China would never do whatever.

So the British Citizens would see empty shelves at the stores where the products they got from China would normally be. They would see reduced paychecks in a significant portion of the workers, they would hear about citizens in China harassed, or worse, and what would be the result for the Ulgars? Nothing.

The Conservatives would be voted out of the Majority as the first political result. And it would go downhill from there. The Liberals would have to overturn the decision, and get the trade opened up, or oversee the biggest collapse of economy in the history of Britain.

So political suicide for the party, harm to British Citizens, and no real effect on the people you’re supposedly doing this for.

If you want action on the issue, the answer is the thing that China needs more than anything from Britain. Oil. The Middle East supplies China with ship loads of oil every single day. And since they are also Muslim, could have a powerful motivator to protect the Ulgars. But they aren’t. They could demand that China cease the activity or they will in a united front cease selling oil, and the Middle East isn’t. Oil is flowing from Iran, and other nations, towards China right this moment.

But Conservatives are bad because they don’t want to harm their own country and risk their own citizens for a useless token protest against harm for an ethnic minority in China. Got it.
So the British Citizens would see empty shelves at the stores where the products they got from China would normally be. They would see reduced paychecks in a significant portion of the workers, they would hear about citizens in China harassed, or worse, and what would be the result for the Ulgars? Nothing.
As long as the western countries are addicted to cheap products from communist china that is going to be the globalists argument on every issue

and dont fool yourself.

after the Ulgars are destroyed the CCP has other targets around the world

so brace yourselves globalists

you are going to have to do a lot of groveling to ensure a stead supply of cheap junk from china

An interesting article which outlines conservative opposition to the labour party's proposal to actually do something about the atrocities. Its a minor problem because there are only a few tories who actually get it and are prepared to vote against the party. However, it has the potential to be a real embarrassment.

So here we have a socialist party proposing to take action against the communist Chinese government and seeing their proposals blocked by a CONSERVATIVE government that prefers the strategy of looking the other way.

One wonders what the Chinese have to do to make conservatives take action.

Putting policy in the hands of the courts is a way of avoiding credit or blame of the policy.

If Labour is serious, don't hide behide the Courts, demand Trade restrictions.

I'm all for shutting down Trade with China. YOu go that route, whatever your reasons, and you will have my support.

Not that it will count for much, what with Biden in office.

Mmm, too bad you guys didn't care about this last year.

President Trump could have really worked with you on this. You would have had overlapping goals and a lot more muscle for the fight.

Too bad for the Uighurs that Orange Man Bad, is more important than seriously trying to do something about genocide.
So the British Citizens would see empty shelves at the stores where the products they got from China would normally be. They would see reduced paychecks in a significant portion of the workers, they would hear about citizens in China harassed, or worse, and what would be the result for the Ulgars? Nothing.
As long as the western countries are addicted to cheap products from communist china that is going to be the globalists argument on every issue

and dont fool yourself.

after the Ulgars are destroyed the CCP has other targets around the world

so brace yourselves globalists

you are going to have to do a lot of groveling to ensure a stead supply of cheap junk from china

Some of those things shipped to China from Britain is Whiskey. Scotch Whiskey. Then there are cars. Range Rovers. Jaguars. Mini’s. All built by British Workers. There are other things of course. But let’s not get bogged down in listing everything that is shipped to China from Britain.

So let’s say this trade war results in a ten percent decrease in exports. Factories will lay off workers won’t they? They can’t afford to pay people not to work. So now you have more people on unemployment. More strain on the budget right?

But there is more. The Dock Workers. Truckers. And clerks at the ports. Truckers have fewer loads to carry. Dock workers have less work. And the clerks have less to do too. So their paychecks suffer.

They decide to stay home. The bars get less business. Restaurants fail from reduced customer numbers.

That ten percent decrease results in way more than ten percent of the economy.

That isn’t Globalist nonsense. That is reality. That is what is really happening right now. For arguments sake I will agree that you are morally right. But how does that moral right feed a couple million families? Where does Britain get the money?

They would have to take it from the Military. Naval vessels stay at the docks because they can’t afford to sail out. Army units stay in the barracks because they can’t afford to train. Numbers are reduced because they can’t afford it. Pilots lose training time. And their skills suffer because they can’t afford to fly. Then what happens? What happened last time? Argentina took the Falkland Islands. It took literally the entire British Military to take them back. Every ship. Every plane they could get there. They won, but only because the Argentine Military was in even worse shape.

Again. This is not Globalism. This is reality. This is the reality that we are in right now. The reality where millions of people would have even more trouble putting food on the table.

And now to address your Morally Right argument. Is it? Is it really Morally Right to harm your own nation and as a result have no effect what so ever on the issue in question? Britain alone can’t have any effect. It took the entire world to force South Africa to end Apartheid. And it still took what? Twenty years? Only the Israeli would cooperate and trade with them. What can Britain do alone?

According to you the Morally Right thing for Britain to do is commit suicide to prove a point. Ok. Prove it. Your taxes are going to support the Democratic Policies in Washington. The socialists according to you. So stop it. Stop paying taxes. Stop earning money. Walk away and be homeless. I don’t care if your house is paid off. You are still paying federal taxes on your internet and electricity. You would have to be homeless. And have no cell phone before you stopped supporting the evil Democrats. Will you do that? Isn’t it the right thing. Morally speaking. Or are you a hypocrite who can talk but never actually do?
I can see where the Conservatives are coming from. The best case scenario would be a minor trade war. Ah hell. Who am I kidding? It would be a full blown Trade War. Now, that would affect every British Citizen, and considering one of the places that European Products are bought is China, it would affect a lot of British Jobs.

And not just in the factories which make things. The Dock Workers would be impacted. And let’s not forget another little problem. British Citizens in China. There are Brits who are there working and living. So what harm would come to them? Let’s not pretend that China would never do whatever.

So the British Citizens would see empty shelves at the stores where the products they got from China would normally be. They would see reduced paychecks in a significant portion of the workers, they would hear about citizens in China harassed, or worse, and what would be the result for the Ulgars? Nothing.

The Conservatives would be voted out of the Majority as the first political result. And it would go downhill from there. The Liberals would have to overturn the decision, and get the trade opened up, or oversee the biggest collapse of economy in the history of Britain.

So political suicide for the party, harm to British Citizens, and no real effect on the people you’re supposedly doing this for.

If you want action on the issue, the answer is the thing that China needs more than anything from Britain. Oil. The Middle East supplies China with ship loads of oil every single day. And since they are also Muslim, could have a powerful motivator to protect the Ulgars. But they aren’t. They could demand that China cease the activity or they will in a united front cease selling oil, and the Middle East isn’t. Oil is flowing from Iran, and other nations, towards China right this moment.

But Conservatives are bad because they don’t want to harm their own country and risk their own citizens for a useless token protest against harm for an ethnic minority in China. Got it.

  • China accounted for 4.4% of UK exports and 6.8% of all UK imports.
  • UK trade deficit with China - £-18.3 billion. Microsoft Bing.

"There are Brits who are there working and living. So what harm would come to them? Let’s not pretend that China would never do whatever."

Brits should neither be working nor doing business in China any more than they should have been doing the same in Nazi Germany after Hitler's racial policies became law in1935. At that point they should have left. If they don't leave China and the Central Gov. decide to "do whatever" then they obviously should not have left themselves wide open and vulnerable as pawns in a game of retaliation by China. If they do then I just hope they don't start whining for the British Government to get them out.
I can see where the Conservatives are coming from. The best case scenario would be a minor trade war. Ah hell. Who am I kidding? It would be a full blown Trade War. Now, that would affect every British Citizen, and considering one of the places that European Products are bought is China, it would affect a lot of British Jobs.

And not just in the factories which make things. The Dock Workers would be impacted. And let’s not forget another little problem. British Citizens in China. There are Brits who are there working and living. So what harm would come to them? Let’s not pretend that China would never do whatever.

So the British Citizens would see empty shelves at the stores where the products they got from China would normally be. They would see reduced paychecks in a significant portion of the workers, they would hear about citizens in China harassed, or worse, and what would be the result for the Ulgars? Nothing.

The Conservatives would be voted out of the Majority as the first political result. And it would go downhill from there. The Liberals would have to overturn the decision, and get the trade opened up, or oversee the biggest collapse of economy in the history of Britain.

So political suicide for the party, harm to British Citizens, and no real effect on the people you’re supposedly doing this for.

If you want action on the issue, the answer is the thing that China needs more than anything from Britain. Oil. The Middle East supplies China with ship loads of oil every single day. And since they are also Muslim, could have a powerful motivator to protect the Ulgars. But they aren’t. They could demand that China cease the activity or they will in a united front cease selling oil, and the Middle East isn’t. Oil is flowing from Iran, and other nations, towards China right this moment.

But Conservatives are bad because they don’t want to harm their own country and risk their own citizens for a useless token protest against harm for an ethnic minority in China. Got it.

  • China accounted for 4.4% of UK exports and 6.8% of all UK imports.
  • UK trade deficit with China - £-18.3 billion. Microsoft Bing.

"There are Brits who are there working and living. So what harm would come to them? Let’s not pretend that China would never do whatever."

Brits should neither be working nor doing business in China any more than they should have been doing the same in Nazi Germany after Hitler's racial policies became law in1935. At that point they should have left. If they don't leave China and the Central Gov. decide to "do whatever" then they obviously should not have left themselves wide open and vulnerable as pawns in a game of retaliation by China. If they do then I just hope they don't start whining for the British Government to get them out.

You do know that many of the Engineering firms that built the Beijing Olympic Stadiums were British, or had British Citizens in key roles.

British Pilots fly for Cathay Pacific among other airlines.

British experts helped China build the Three Gorges Dam.

This is going on today. Sometimes the experts go to China to learn. As Railroad Engineers go to learn about how China managed to build the Impossible Railroad to Tibet.

Again my point stands. One nation has no hope of affecting China’s policy. By the time the entire world agreed it was needed. Ulgars would be in the history books.

An interesting article which outlines conservative opposition to the labour party's proposal to actually do something about the atrocities. Its a minor problem because there are only a few tories who actually get it and are prepared to vote against the party. However, it has the potential to be a real embarrassment.

So here we have a socialist party proposing to take action against the communist Chinese government and seeing their proposals blocked by a CONSERVATIVE government that prefers the strategy of looking the other way.

One wonders what the Chinese have to do to make conservatives take action.

What's about Jewish genocide on the entirely world by the fake Covid.1984 scamdemic?
What's about Jewish genocide against Russian people which lost more as 66m?

You tell always fairy-tales about things which are in way of the global Zionist agenda.
And never write the truth

There is nothing in China, just an agenda of you and your friends, to split and to destroy China.
Stop lying!


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