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  • #4
Its ironic as heck that George Floyd died from a drug that was imported from China then Chinese owned media then demonizes policeman responding to person having a opioid health crisis then blames some random cop. Racism is bad.
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  • #6
Its ironic as heck that George Floyd died from a drug that was imported from China that the then Chinese owned media then demonizes policeman responding to person having a fentanyl induced melt down . I post this yet again:
Covid19. Big business. Fentanyl. Media. Democrats. What's the connection here?

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Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak

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Biden move to investigate Covid origins opens new divide in US-China relations

No one should expect the President to suck up to the neighboring regime in North Korea either.

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Trump says he and Kim Jong-un ‘fell in love’

after sending each other ‘beautiful letters’



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Weird late breaking news: Turns out that US taxpayers where funding the research lab in Wuhan China.
Covid19. Big business. Fentanyl. Media. Democrats. What's the connection here?
… on the bright side, at least we’re not blaming Russia for all of our fucks up anymore.
It ain't dead yet.
Ya'll KNOW trump is owned by Russia.
Can't get a loan in the USA, and why the hell would trump even need a loan?
1). Has no money of his own.
2). trump has to get his 'loans' from foreign banks.
3(. You are wrong, RICH people still get loans........Of course they FUCK the System
Covid19. Big business. Fentanyl. Media. Democrats. What's the connection here?
… on the bright side, at least we’re not blaming Russia for all of our fucks up anymore.
It ain't dead yet.
Ya'll KNOW trump is owned by Russia.
Can't get a loan in the USA, and why the hell would trump even need a loan?
1). Has no money of his own.
2). trump has to get his 'loans' from foreign banks.
3(. You are wrong, RICH people still get loans........Of course they FUCK the System
Just when I thought it was safe to drink vodka again, the partisan circus rolls in and breaks up the party…..:(
Well well, I see lunatic fringe hair splitting contrarians without a clue have come out of the woodwork to spread their wit and wisdom.
Covid19. Big business. Fentanyl. Media. Democrats. What's the connection here?
… on the bright side, at least we’re not blaming Russia for all of our fucks up anymore.
It ain't dead yet.
Ya'll KNOW trump is owned by Russia.
Can't get a loan in the USA, and why the hell would trump even need a loan?
1). Has no money of his own.
2). trump has to get his 'loans' from foreign banks.
3(. You are wrong, RICH people still get loans........Of course they FUCK the System
Just when I thought it was safe to drink vodka again, the partisan circus rolls in and breaks up the party…..:(
I/We will have the last laugh.

But any indictment against the Trump Organization is directly on POStrump.
Regardless of if he individually goes down.

How much protection does this con man have?

Now, remember, this is a 6 month Grand Jury.
So use some patience, nothing but speculation will occur until December, 2021.

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