China virus China virus China virus


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Apparently mr asterisk doesn’t like us calling his cash cow by name
Lol. Perhaps we should call him the China virus president
You dems that go to work tomorrow and have to work for a living while biden banks off of China......oh ya and hunter too

Apparently mr asterisk doesn’t like us calling his cash cow by name
Lol. Perhaps we should call him the China virus president
You dems that go to work tomorrow and have to work for a living while biden banks off of China......oh ya and hunter too

I prefer the term KUNG FLU myself...

Xi virus


Spanish flu started here.

Where's the swine in swine flu?

The yellow in yellow fever?


Chicken pox?

Isn't a virus generally named after the place it originated? This order seems more than a little silly but that is par for the course in today's politics.

Well, maybe not.

Isn't a virus generally named after the place it originated? This order seems more than a little silly but that is par for the course in today's politics.

No it's not, in fact, I can't think of a single virus that was named after it's country of origin. The "Spanish Flu originated in the USA.

Spanish flu started here.

Where's the swine in swine flu?

The yellow in yellow fever?


Chicken pox?

Isn't a virus generally named after the place it originated? This order seems more than a little silly but that is par for the course in today's politics.
West Nile Virus. Zika. Ebola. All named for places. The best guess for the Spanish Flu was it started at a military base in Kansas if they want to start calling the Kansas Flu fine by me. In the grand scheme of things this seems pretty insufficient.
Isn't a virus generally named after the place it originated? This order seems more than a little silly but that is par for the course in today's politics.

No it's not, in fact, I can't think of a single virus that was named after it's country of origin. The "Spanish Flu originated in the USA.

West Nile, Ebola, Zika all named after places best guess on Spanish Flu is it started on a military base in Kansas if people want to start calling it that go for it all things considered this seems more than a little unimportant and hardly worthy of an EO.
Apparently mr asterisk doesn’t like us calling his cash cow by name
Lol. Perhaps we should call him the China virus president
You dems that go to work tomorrow and have to work for a living while biden banks off of China......oh ya and hunter too

Biden thinks he owns YouTube and Twitter.
Spanish flu started here.

Where's the swine in swine flu?

The yellow in yellow fever?


Chicken pox?

Isn't a virus generally named after the place it originated? This order seems more than a little silly but that is par for the course in today's politics.
Spanish Flu didn't start here ----first case here was from US troops returning from the war stationed in Kansas I believe. They brought it back from the war. Secondly, no the Spanish flu didn't start in Spain but it was so named because at the time the other European countries had a media black out imposed FOR the war and felt that nothing should be reported about the flue outbreak as it would aid the enemy--so although the flu was all over europe--spain didn't have the media black out so they reported the flu and thusly due to the flues being name from where first discovered got the flu named after them.

Swine flu was found in Mexican pigs---so swine flu stuck

Most all flus start in china btw--------due to china being nasty with their animals. Forcing the poor animals (mainly pigs to live) with the chinese who eat and abuse most all creatures. Spanish Flu is one the rare flus not to have been known to have originated in china for sure--------the unsanitary conditions of the war may created it or it may be yet just another in a long line of chinese virus's

Yellow Fever--- been around since atleast the 1600s with outbreaks all over the world--categorized by Jaundice so hence likely the YELLOW for its collection of disease...but I am not sure about this one. But if it makes you feel better, YELLOW FEVER CREEK in FLORIDA was named after it.

You had to look long and hard to find this list--when most all flus and virus's are named after the area that they are first discovered in which tells me you just trying to spin chit and know that this is the case.
Spanish flu started here.

Where's the swine in swine flu?

The yellow in yellow fever?


Chicken pox?

Isn't a virus generally named after the place it originated? This order seems more than a little silly but that is par for the course in today's politics.
West Nile Virus. Zika. Ebola. All named for places. The best guess for the Spanish Flu was it started at a military base in Kansas if they want to start calling the Kansas Flu fine by me. In the grand scheme of things this seems pretty insufficient.
Specific localities, not whole countries.
Spanish flu started here.

Where's the swine in swine flu?

The yellow in yellow fever?


Chicken pox?

Isn't a virus generally named after the place it originated? This order seems more than a little silly but that is par for the course in today's politics.
West Nile Virus. Zika. Ebola. All named for places. The best guess for the Spanish Flu was it started at a military base in Kansas if they want to start calling the Kansas Flu fine by me. In the grand scheme of things this seems pretty insufficient.
Specific localities, not whole countries.





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