China underreporting severity of air pollution levels, new study suggests


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm shocked. There is no way the CCP would lie and circumvent ANY International agreement. They are as honourable and principled as any government in history.

Air pollution data in China may have been manipulated by local officials, according to a new study conducted by Harvard and Boston University researchers.

The analysis, published Wednesday, found statistically significant differences between data from monitoring stations run by local Chinese officials in five cities – Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu – and readings collected by U.S. embassies.

Harvard University's Jesse Turiel and Boston University's Robert Kaufmann examined the measurement of PM2.5, a particle matter that's linked to lung cancer, asthma and heart disease, recorded by Chinese and U.S. stations between January 2015 and June 2017. They discovered temporary divergences between the two data sets that were more likely to occur during periods of high air pollution, suggesting that "government-controlled stations systematically underreport pollution levels when local air quality is poor."

The report comes amid an announcement Wednesday – Earth Day – that Chinese President Xi Jinping will take part in President Biden's climate summit this week. Xi will participate in the online event and "deliver an important speech" from Beijing, the government-run Xinhua News Agency said.
China lied?

NO!!! I don't believe it.

The Country that had a cute girl lip-syncing the Chi-Com National Anthem at the Beijing Olympic because the real singer was too fat and ugly to be seen would lie about ANYTHING???

Fake news.
I'm shocked. There is no way the CCP would lie and circumvent ANY International agreement. They are as honourable and principled as any government in history.

Air pollution data in China may have been manipulated by local officials, according to a new study conducted by Harvard and Boston University researchers.

The analysis, published Wednesday, found statistically significant differences between data from monitoring stations run by local Chinese officials in five cities – Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu – and readings collected by U.S. embassies.

Harvard University's Jesse Turiel and Boston University's Robert Kaufmann examined the measurement of PM2.5, a particle matter that's linked to lung cancer, asthma and heart disease, recorded by Chinese and U.S. stations between January 2015 and June 2017. They discovered temporary divergences between the two data sets that were more likely to occur during periods of high air pollution, suggesting that "government-controlled stations systematically underreport pollution levels when local air quality is poor."

The report comes amid an announcement Wednesday – Earth Day – that Chinese President Xi Jinping will take part in President Biden's climate summit this week. Xi will participate in the online event and "deliver an important speech" from Beijing, the government-run Xinhua News Agency said.

Is this the same government building a record number of coal-powered electrical plants? Hard to believe.

"China’s coal boom in 2020 more than offset the retirements in coal capacity in the rest of the world, leading to the first increase in global coal capacity development since 2015, a report led by Global Energy Monitor (GEM) found."

"Analysis by climate change activist group CoalSwarm, released in 2018, found that if China finished construction on all the new planned coal power plants while still operating their older stations, it would make it very difficult for the international community to avoid rapid temperature increases."

What a peach of a discussion this could be!
How can any American rightist even acknowledge air pollution is of concern to anybody?

No matter, at least it can qualify as hate propaganda against China.
Which of course was the intent to begin with.
When Americans suddenly become concerned with air pollution!

But only a coincidence that it happens at the same time as China moves into first place in world supremacy on nearly all fronts that matter.

If it wasn't for the M.A.D. factor, would any Americans be needing to be obsessing over China's coal burning? Or anything else about China for that matter?
What a peach of a discussion this could be!
How can any American rightist even acknowledge air pollution is of concern to anybody?

No matter, at least it can qualify as hate propaganda against China.
Which of course was the intent to begin with.

You really are a jackass. Even CNN reported on the studies showing that if China continues to build coal plants and doesn't retire older plants it won't matter what the rest of the world does. Let this sink in - it won't matter what the rest of the world does.

China is scheduled to build another 184 coal plants in the coming years - no other country even comes close to this number.

What a peach of a discussion this could be!
How can any American rightist even acknowledge air pollution is of concern to anybody?

No matter, at least it can qualify as hate propaganda against China.
Which of course was the intent to begin with.

You really are a jackass. Even CNN reported on the studies showing that if China continues to build coal plants and doesn't retire older plants it won't matter what the rest of the world does. Let this sink in - it won't matter what the rest of the world does.

China is scheduled to build another 184 coal plants in the coming years - no other country even comes close to this number.

And I'm the jackass when you are betraying your own agenda of climate change/air pollution/ coal burning/etc. is all a hoax?

Shouldn't you be trying to make the point that it doesn't matter a lick what the rest of the world does? Your China hate is making you fkers crazy again!
What a peach of a discussion this could be!
How can any American rightist even acknowledge air pollution is of concern to anybody?

No matter, at least it can qualify as hate propaganda against China.
Which of course was the intent to begin with.

Are you seriously trying to pay the apologist for the CCP?
What a peach of a discussion this could be!
How can any American rightist even acknowledge air pollution is of concern to anybody?

No matter, at least it can qualify as hate propaganda against China.
Which of course was the intent to begin with.

You really are a jackass. Even CNN reported on the studies showing that if China continues to build coal plants and doesn't retire older plants it won't matter what the rest of the world does. Let this sink in - it won't matter what the rest of the world does.

China is scheduled to build another 184 coal plants in the coming years - no other country even comes close to this number.

And I'm the jackass when you are betraying your own agenda of climate change/air pollution/ coal burning/etc. is all a hoax?

Shouldn't you be trying to make the point that it doesn't matter a lick what the rest of the world does? Your China hate is making you fkers crazy again!

Yes you are the jackass. Ignore what China does and claim all those who question or criticize Chinese actions are idiots. No I'm sorry, I'm wrong, you're not a jackass you are a fcking asshole.

What a peach of a discussion this could be!
How can any American rightist even acknowledge air pollution is of concern to anybody?

No matter, at least it can qualify as hate propaganda against China.
Which of course was the intent to begin with.

Are you seriously trying to play the apologist for the CCP?
Yes, if those are the terms in which you need to frame the issue. But it's mostly to do with the hypocrisy of Americans who don't believe in climate change/air pollution being a serious issue.

They're having to sell out on an issue that they've tried to make into a motherhood issue, and it smells really bad.

I don't waste time trying to debate precocious children. You're going to have to demonstrate your worth pretty quickly on this one.
Yes you are the jackass. Ignore what China does and claim all those who question or criticize Chinese actions are idiots. No I'm sorry, I'm wrong, you're not a jackass you are a fcking asshole.


But I do find a way to cause people of your ilk to screech out their abuse against that which so plainly has them scratching their China hate itch.

Try not to forget that air pollution is part of the climate change farce!
Air pollution data in China may have been manipulated by local officials, according to a new study conducted by Harvard and Boston University researchers.

That's the way it works over there. They did the same thing with COVID. "Local officials" are given target numbers and told to meet them "or else". If they can't, they just lie.
But the left dare not criticize China
It's mostly about the bigger scheme of things when we support China over the US.

Stick with your domestic issues clusterfk.
This one can't work for American rightists and the reason why was too obvious!
Air pollution data in China may have been manipulated by local officials, according to a new study conducted by Harvard and Boston University researchers.

That's the way it works over there. They did the same thing with COVID. "Local officials" are given target numbers and told to meet them "or else". If they can't, they just lie.
Facts proven by their Covid experience resulting in about 5000 deaths!

Try finding an issue on which Americans can promote credibility on 'something'??

I've resigned to the fact that it has the biggest military. There must be something else right?
Yes you are the jackass. Ignore what China does and claim all those who question or criticize Chinese actions are idiots. No I'm sorry, I'm wrong, you're not a jackass you are a fcking asshole.


But I do find a way to cause people of your ilk to screech out their abuse against that which so plainly has them scratching their China hate itch.

Try not to forget that air pollution is part of the climate change farce!

Ignore China as the world's biggest polluter, ignore that China incarcerates a million muslims, ignore that China continues to bully its neighbors (the list of countries is long), ignore intellectual property theft, ignore currency manipulation to improve exports.

Why should anyone question China?

Too fking funny.

Yes you are the jackass. Ignore what China does and claim all those who question or criticize Chinese actions are idiots. No I'm sorry, I'm wrong, you're not a jackass you are a fcking asshole.


But I do find a way to cause people of your ilk to screech out their abuse against that which so plainly has them scratching their China hate itch.

Try not to forget that air pollution is part of the climate change farce!

Ignore China as the world's biggest polluter, ignore that China incarcerates a million muslims, ignore that China continues to bully its neighbors (the list of countries is long), ignore intellectual property theft, ignore currency manipulation to improve exports.

Why should anyone question China?

Too fking funny.

Yes! Ignore all attempts by Americans to demonize China for anything and everything.!

The main issue of China's rise above and beyond US global supremacy, negates all other concerns.

America could conceivably escalate the hating to the scale of nuclear war and that would result in a lot more smoke in the air than is caused by coal.

Priorities folks! China still represents peaceful coexistence in the world, while the US has still not stepped back from a policy of military aggression. Coal burning? Phhhttttt!

p.s. - Oh, and good grief? An American who is all of a sudden pretending to feign concern for Muslims??

Talk about stepping in the dog shit every time you open your stupid cake hole!
Yes you are the jackass. Ignore what China does and claim all those who question or criticize Chinese actions are idiots. No I'm sorry, I'm wrong, you're not a jackass you are a fcking asshole.


But I do find a way to cause people of your ilk to screech out their abuse against that which so plainly has them scratching their China hate itch.

Try not to forget that air pollution is part of the climate change farce!

Ignore China as the world's biggest polluter, ignore that China incarcerates a million muslims, ignore that China continues to bully its neighbors (the list of countries is long), ignore intellectual property theft, ignore currency manipulation to improve exports.

Why should anyone question China?

Too fking funny.

Yes! Ignore all attempts by Americans to demonize China for anything and everything.!

The main issue of China's rise above and beyond US global supremacy, negates all other concerns.

America could conceivably escalate the hating to the scale of nuclear war and that would result in a lot more smoke in the air than is caused by coal.

Priorities folks! China still represents peaceful coexistence in the world, while the US has still not stepped back from a policy of military aggression. Coal burning? Phhhttttt!

p.s. - Oh, and good grief? An American who is all of a sudden pretending to feign concern for Muslims??

Talk about stepping in the dog shit every time you open your stupid cake hole!

I'm not interested in "demonizing" China, but the government there is pretty "demonic". Or at least totalitarian, undemocratic and without the slightest concern for individual liberty. Or individuals for that matter.

The key thing is that the CCP controls everything. Government officials are merely stooges that do what the party tells them, or they get disappeared. A lot of people think China's embrace of "state capitalism" has liberalized the country. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are wealthier and, in the end, that may produce a less compliant society, but for now China is as totalitarian as they ever were.

They are also a growing threat to the rest of the world. They've never let go of their ambitions regarding Taiwan. And our diminished influence in the region, and the world, will make it hard to keep them out via politics. If they move on Taiwan, it will be a shooting war and could get very, very ugly.
Yes you are the jackass. Ignore what China does and claim all those who question or criticize Chinese actions are idiots. No I'm sorry, I'm wrong, you're not a jackass you are a fcking asshole.


But I do find a way to cause people of your ilk to screech out their abuse against that which so plainly has them scratching their China hate itch.

Try not to forget that air pollution is part of the climate change farce!

Ignore China as the world's biggest polluter, ignore that China incarcerates a million muslims, ignore that China continues to bully its neighbors (the list of countries is long), ignore intellectual property theft, ignore currency manipulation to improve exports.

Why should anyone question China?

Too fking funny.

Yes! Ignore all attempts by Americans to demonize China for anything and everything.!

The main issue of China's rise above and beyond US global supremacy, negates all other concerns.

America could conceivably escalate the hating to the scale of nuclear war and that would result in a lot more smoke in the air than is caused by coal.

Priorities folks! China still represents peaceful coexistence in the world, while the US has still not stepped back from a policy of military aggression. Coal burning? Phhhttttt!

p.s. - Oh, and good grief? An American who is all of a sudden pretending to feign concern for Muslims??

Talk about stepping in the dog shit every time you open your stupid cake hole!

So why aren't you expressing concern regarding the incarceration and torture of muslims in China?

Yes you are the jackass. Ignore what China does and claim all those who question or criticize Chinese actions are idiots. No I'm sorry, I'm wrong, you're not a jackass you are a fcking asshole.


But I do find a way to cause people of your ilk to screech out their abuse against that which so plainly has them scratching their China hate itch.

Try not to forget that air pollution is part of the climate change farce!

Ignore China as the world's biggest polluter, ignore that China incarcerates a million muslims, ignore that China continues to bully its neighbors (the list of countries is long), ignore intellectual property theft, ignore currency manipulation to improve exports.

Why should anyone question China?

Too fking funny.

Yes! Ignore all attempts by Americans to demonize China for anything and everything.!

The main issue of China's rise above and beyond US global supremacy, negates all other concerns.

America could conceivably escalate the hating to the scale of nuclear war and that would result in a lot more smoke in the air than is caused by coal.

Priorities folks! China still represents peaceful coexistence in the world, while the US has still not stepped back from a policy of military aggression. Coal burning? Phhhttttt!

p.s. - Oh, and good grief? An American who is all of a sudden pretending to feign concern for Muslims??

Talk about stepping in the dog shit every time you open your stupid cake hole!

So why aren't you expressing concern regarding the incarceration and torture of muslims in China?

Donald H you are a clown. A big mouth, ignorant and opinionated clown.


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