China Milk Scandal: 2 Get Death Penalty For Their Role


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY
China Milk Scandal: 2 Get Death Penalty For Their Role

Human rights violations anyone?

6 babies died and over 300,000 were sickened by this tainted milk and it made very little news here in the US.

If 300,000 American babies were sickened with tainted milk, there would be national outrage, protests, riots even.. as there should be!

How many protests were there about this in the US?


How many people "seized" buildings and laid in streets pretending to be dead babies?


Should we not only fight for American lives, but all human lives as well? The deaths of these two people will bring little consolation to the mothers of 300,000 babies.

We should be concerned about ALL of humanity. Not just Americans.
we have a salmonella break out going on now, 6 people have died and thousand sickened with a dozen hospitalized....from a peanut distributor in you think the owners should get the death penalty?
They should have to eat their own peanut butter.
Human rights violations anyone?...
...Should we not only fight for American lives, but all human lives as well? The deaths of these two people will bring little consolation to the mothers of 300,000 babies.
We should be concerned about ALL of humanity. Not just Americans.
As much as I hate the ChiComs, I gotta' admire their justice system in this case. They found who was responsible for the tainted milk that killed all those people and made them pay with their lives.

Social Justice anyone? :lol:
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