China has silently taken over South America


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

China has silently taken over South America

25 Sep 2023 ~~ By Juan Villasmil

“I thank President Díaz-Canel and the Cuban people for hosting this important meeting within the framework of our fight for a multicentric and pluripolar world. By reaffirming our commitment to developing nations, we are building the century of the people of the south,” said Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro as the “G77+China” summit commenced in Havana.
The conference, which was attended by more than 100 countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Nicaragua was replete with speeches calling for a new world order an order where China leads and the US follows.
China is not a member of the bloc, hence the +China title. But the country’s interest in this particular meeting is revealing, given Xi Jinping’s much-discussed absence from the G20 summit in New Delhi. In visiting Cuba, a country that is well-known for its uniquely anti-US history and positioned just ninety miles away from El Imperio China has made it clear that it is taking the side of the “oppressed.”
China recognises the geostrategic significance of having a presence in America’s neighbourhood. For instance, China’s plans to build a military facility in Cuba have already been unveiled. Still, while all this happens, Americans’ eyes shift to Europe and Asia. As a result, the already under-analysed region appears to have been deprioritised.
Latin America enjoys finally attracting positive attention from a major power. In turning away from diplomacy south of the border, the US has set itself up for a major upset.

Hey Joe, don’t look down now, but, while you were sleeping, stuff has been happening.
Look at the new Marxist, sorry, Maoist government being installed here and in South America.
Yes OP . We all need to watch carefully
They attempted the same with Africa but Russia and the US were not left far behind before employing similar tactics .
And I doubt that China is being given a free run presently in South America , though presently America does not seem to have anything worthwhile to offer and empty promises made on imaginary money are not a sound long term policy . Imo

China has silently taken over South America

25 Sep 2023 ~~ By Juan Villasmil

“I thank President Díaz-Canel and the Cuban people for hosting this important meeting within the framework of our fight for a multicentric and pluripolar world. By reaffirming our commitment to developing nations, we are building the century of the people of the south,” said Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro as the “G77+China” summit commenced in Havana.
The conference, which was attended by more than 100 countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Nicaragua was replete with speeches calling for a new world order an order where China leads and the US follows.
China is not a member of the bloc, hence the +China title. But the country’s interest in this particular meeting is revealing, given Xi Jinping’s much-discussed absence from the G20 summit in New Delhi. In visiting Cuba, a country that is well-known for its uniquely anti-US history and positioned just ninety miles away from El Imperio China has made it clear that it is taking the side of the “oppressed.”
China recognises the geostrategic significance of having a presence in America’s neighbourhood. For instance, China’s plans to build a military facility in Cuba have already been unveiled. Still, while all this happens, Americans’ eyes shift to Europe and Asia. As a result, the already under-analysed region appears to have been deprioritised.
Latin America enjoys finally attracting positive attention from a major power. In turning away from diplomacy south of the border, the US has set itself up for a major upset.

Hey Joe, don’t look down now, but, while you were sleeping, stuff has been happening.
Look at the new Marxist, sorry, Maoist government being installed here and in South America.

Here's the thing.

While we have been going around the world using our military might to bully countries and imposing economic sanctions on people who have forms of government we don't like, the Chinese have been building up goodwill around the world with economic assistance through the "Belt and Road" initiative.

Most Latin Americans hate us for good reason, whether it's the history of overthrowing their governments or mistreating their nationals when they try to immigrate to the US.

Maybe instead of whining about why China is the cool kid on the block now, we should look at our own behavior.

And the same underlying narrative is being fought now in Africa but instead of the US being kicked out it is the French ex colonialists , this time with the US not yet sure what to do .

In Europe and Asia it is largely BRICS 10 and the others zero so far . Another reason for them to ensure that the US does not slow down theChinese inspired initiative with pip squeak Ukraine muddying the big picture .
Here's the thing.

While we have been going around the world using our military might to bully countries and imposing economic sanctions on people who have forms of government we don't like, the Chinese have been building up goodwill around the world with economic assistance through the "Belt and Road" initiative.

Most Latin Americans hate us for good reason, whether it's the history of overthrowing their governments or mistreating their nationals when they try to immigrate to the US.

Maybe instead of whining about why China is the cool kid on the block now, we should look at our own behavior.

We have not murdered 60 million or so of our citizens like the CCP did. We have made some mistakes along the way sure, but we are light years ahead of the mass murdering Chinese communists.
Yes OP . We all need to watch carefully
They attempted the same with Africa but Russia and the US were not left far behind before employing similar tactics .
And I doubt that China is being given a free run presently in South America , though presently America does not seem to have anything worthwhile to offer and empty promises made on imaginary money are not a sound long term policy . Imo
Right! [/sarcasm] That's why half of Central and South America are already here or waiting their turn in Mexico.
Here's the thing.

While we have been going around the world using our military might to bully countries and imposing economic sanctions on people who have forms of government we don't like, the Chinese have been building up goodwill around the world with economic assistance through the "Belt and Road" initiative.

Most Latin Americans hate us for good reason, whether it's the history of overthrowing their governments or mistreating their nationals when they try to immigrate to the US.

Maybe instead of whining about why China is the cool kid on the block now, we should look at our own behavior.

The founding fathers who you can't stand watned against these things. Lets face it. In the Western Hemisphere someone had to ecome top dog. And eventually top dog of the world.
We have not murdered 60 million or so of our citizens like the CCP did. We have made some mistakes along the way sure, but we are light years ahead of the mass murdering Chinese communists.

We murdered the shit out of Native Americans to the point where they barely exist anymore.

Was the Great Leap Forward kind of a fuckup that caused a lot of unnecessary death? You betcha. My wife lived through it as a baby, and it was horrible.

The founding fathers who you can't stand watned against these things. Lets face it. In the Western Hemisphere someone had to ecome top dog. And eventually top dog of the world.

Just because the founding Slave Rapists thought it was a good idea does not make it a good idea.

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