China denies incursion as 200 ships dock at Philippine reef


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is how China expands without going to war. They will just send ships into a nations water limits, build artificial islands and do as they please knowing that nobody will dare stand up to them. For 30 years they have grown more and more brazen and clear on their intentions and for 30 years "leaders" have allowed them. Feckless, weak and soft.

They first laughed at Obama when they told them and the Philippines that they would leave the Scarborough Shoal, only to stay there and expand. This same CCP military funded by Western businesses. Much of the technology, stolen by spies.

China knows that they are dealing with the weakest Western leadership in history. Merkel happily sold out the U.S, France, now has approx. 25% of all their public debt owned by China. It's been a coup for them as many in the West have publicly supported, defended and done their dirty deeds. Anything to support them and get rid of the outsider, Trump.

They are going to steamroll us, even quicker than I had predicted. The level of influence decline the U.S risks is going to experience is going to dwarf Canadas lost influence. The weather excuse is absurd, especially since they have been there for a couple of months.

I wonder how Reagan would have handled this. Hell, even George W Bush wouldn't bat an eye to call this put publicly, loudly and react accordingly.

BEIJING (AP) — Bad weather prompted more than 200 Chinese fishing vessels to anchor at a reef claimed by the Philippines, Beijing said on Monday, sidestepping accusations from Manila of a move by China’s vast South China Sea maritime militia to assert control in the area.

However, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying pointedly told reporters at a briefing Monday that Whitsun Reef was part of the Spratly Islands, one of the main archipelagoes in the South China Sea, which China claims virtually in its entirety.

“Recently, due to the sea conditions, some Chinese fishing boats have taken shelter from the wind near the Whitsun Reef. I think it is very normal and hope all parties can look at it rationally,” Hua said at the daily briefing.

Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana called on Sunday for China to “stop this incursion and immediately recall these boats violating our maritime rights and encroaching into our sovereign territory.”

The presence of the vessels was a “provocative action of militarizing the area,” Lorenzana said.

A Philippine government watchdog overseeing the disputed region released pictures from March 7 of the vessels moored side by side in one of the most hotly contested areas of the strategic waterway. Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin tweeted late Sunday that the Philippines has filed a diplomatic protest over the Chinese presence.
This is how China expands without going to war. They will just send ships into a nations water limits, build artificial islands and do as they please knowing that nobody will dare stand up to them. For 30 years they have grown more and more brazen and clear on their intentions and for 30 years "leaders" have allowed them. Feckless, weak and soft.

They first laughed at Obama when they told them and the Philippines that they would leave the Spratley Islands, only to stay there and expand. This same CCP military funded by Western businesses. Much of the technology, stolen by spies.

China knows that they are dealing with the weakest Western leadership in history. Merkel happily sold out the U.S, France, now has approx. 25% of all their public debt owned by China. It's been a coup for them as many in the West have publicly supported, defended and done their dirty deeds. Anything to support them and get rid of the outsider, Trump.

They are going to steamroll us, even quicker than I had predicted. The level of influence decline the U.S risks is going to experience is going to dwarf Canadas lost influence. Th weather excuse is absurd, especially since they have been there for a couple of months.

I wonder how Reagan would have handled this. Hell, even George W Bush wouldn't bat an eye to call this put publicly, loudly and react accordingly.

BEIJING (AP) — Bad weather prompted more than 200 Chinese fishing vessels to anchor at a reef claimed by the Philippines, Beijing said on Monday, sidestepping accusations from Manila of a move by China’s vast South China Sea maritime militia to assert control in the area.

However, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying pointedly told reporters at a briefing Monday that Whitsun Reef was part of the Spratly Islands, one of the main archipelagoes in the South China Sea, which China claims virtually in its entirety.

“Recently, due to the sea conditions, some Chinese fishing boats have taken shelter from the wind near the Whitsun Reef. I think it is very normal and hope all parties can look at it rationally,” Hua said at the daily briefing.

Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana called on Sunday for China to “stop this incursion and immediately recall these boats violating our maritime rights and encroaching into our sovereign territory.”

The presence of the vessels was a “provocative action of militarizing the area,” Lorenzana said.

A Philippine government watchdog overseeing the disputed region released pictures from March 7 of the vessels moored side by side in one of the most hotly contested areas of the strategic waterway. Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin tweeted late Sunday that the Philippines has filed a diplomatic protest over the Chinese presence.
Hitler conquered 2 countries without firing a shot. Europe even appeased Hitler by allowing him this invasion, as long as he stopped there. He, Hitler, could of been one of the greatest leaders in the world, but like a typical Socialist, he couldnt find happiness but had to take more. Poland was the straw that broke the camels back...China will reach that point, just dont know when..

This goes out to the progressive slaves of the United States and what your leaders feel about you...

Hitler conquered 2 countries without firing a shot. Europe even appeased Hitler by allowing him this invasion, as long as he stopped there.
What is REALLY scary is now instead of one Neville Chamberlain, we have a Neville Chamberlain leading EVERY G20 nation. China learned last year they can do whatever the hell they want, literally. Who is going to stand up to China? Answer: No one.
This is how China expands without going to war. They will just send ships into a nations water limits, build artificial islands and do as they please knowing that nobody will dare stand up to them. For 30 years they have grown more and more brazen and clear on their intentions and for 30 years "leaders" have allowed them. Feckless, weak and soft.

They first laughed at Obama when they told them and the Philippines that they would leave the Spratley Islands, only to stay there and expand. This same CCP military funded by Western businesses. Much of the technology, stolen by spies.

China knows that they are dealing with the weakest Western leadership in history. Merkel happily sold out the U.S, France, now has approx. 25% of all their public debt owned by China. It's been a coup for them as many in the West have publicly supported, defended and done their dirty deeds. Anything to support them and get rid of the outsider, Trump.

They are going to steamroll us, even quicker than I had predicted. The level of influence decline the U.S risks is going to experience is going to dwarf Canadas lost influence. Th weather excuse is absurd, especially since they have been there for a couple of months.

I wonder how Reagan would have handled this. Hell, even George W Bush wouldn't bat an eye to call this put publicly, loudly and react accordingly.

BEIJING (AP) — Bad weather prompted more than 200 Chinese fishing vessels to anchor at a reef claimed by the Philippines, Beijing said on Monday, sidestepping accusations from Manila of a move by China’s vast South China Sea maritime militia to assert control in the area.

However, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying pointedly told reporters at a briefing Monday that Whitsun Reef was part of the Spratly Islands, one of the main archipelagoes in the South China Sea, which China claims virtually in its entirety.

“Recently, due to the sea conditions, some Chinese fishing boats have taken shelter from the wind near the Whitsun Reef. I think it is very normal and hope all parties can look at it rationally,” Hua said at the daily briefing.

Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana called on Sunday for China to “stop this incursion and immediately recall these boats violating our maritime rights and encroaching into our sovereign territory.”

The presence of the vessels was a “provocative action of militarizing the area,” Lorenzana said.

A Philippine government watchdog overseeing the disputed region released pictures from March 7 of the vessels moored side by side in one of the most hotly contested areas of the strategic waterway. Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin tweeted late Sunday that the Philippines has filed a diplomatic protest over the Chinese presence.
Hitler conquered 2 countries without firing a shot. Europe even appeased Hitler by allowing him this invasion, as long as he stopped there. He, Hitler, could of been one of the greatest leaders in the world, but like a typical Socialist, he couldnt find happiness but had to take more. Poland was the straw that broke the camels back...China will reach that point, just dont know when..

This goes out to the progressive slaves of the United States and what your leaders feel about you...

Germany took what they did because nobody stood up to them early. A grave travesty that cost the world millions of lives. The only reason the U.K, and ultimately the U.S, stood up is they realized that they would be next.

It has been reported that German generals were told that if the French or English military became involved in Poland, per their agreement with Poland, that they were to retreat immediately. Instead, the French and Brits played chicken shyte, praying for the best, and cost far more lives.

It seems the West is quite naive as to the end game here, being played once again, but over much longer periods of time. It seems China doesn't believe the U.S cares about HK, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, India or others. They believe the U.S just speaks a good game and are happy as long as the Status Quo remains. Well it is NOT remaining, so now what? Considering the trade agreement Merkel pushed for, it's clear where Europe stands.

The CCP fooled the West. The old "bait and switch". Pretend to become more free and part of the Internationally community, lull greedy, unpatriotic dbags to buy into the "China will become like us" b.s while decimating Western communities, jobs and industries, stealing our technology and poisoning the now displaced workers. Then use the new found money to bribe and influence world leaders and organizations.

Now, they KNOW the West is dependent on them and their biggest cheerleaders are these same businesses, Big Tech and Big Media. When that fails, they realize they have soft, compromised politicians who shrug their shoulders, thinking, like the Brits and French did "hey, that's not my problem".
China will reach that point, just dont know when..
Agree... unless the Tan Messiah cuts a deal and just GIVES them control here, I think we might see Xi miscalculate and set off the Thucydides Trap. China is creating a professional, blue water Navy but they aren't THERE yet. If the demonic looking Pooh Bear in Beijing rolls the dice and steps out too far, his little game might just get the shit kicked out of it. With U.S. Navy firepower, Xi getting adventurous in Taiwan could well set the CCP military back a decade or more. Assuming, of course, that the CCP bosses aren't so deluded as to think they could use nukes.

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