ChiComs (parent company of the U.S.Democratic Party) jail Chinese Billionaire for 18 Years for criticizing Xi.

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017

How long are we gonna tolerate that shit hole and the goose-stepping twinkle-toed cocksuckers who run it?

How long are we going to tolerate the ass fuckers in the United States who not only tolerate, but support, the goose-stepping ChiComs.

We need regime change in China and to ouster and execute all their communist affiliates here.

We also need to end all trade relations with that piece of shit country and execute anyone who trades with them until the ChiComs are removed.

How long are we gonna tolerate that shit hole and the goose-stepping twinkle-toed cocksuckers who run it?

How long are we going to tolerate the ass fuckers in the United States who not only tolerate, but support, the goose-stepping ChiComs.

We need regime change in China and to ouster and execute all their communist affiliates here.

We also need to end all trade relations with that piece of shit country and execute anyone who trades with them until the ChiComs are removed.
It can't be just the US against China. We need a coalition of nations to cease trade with them simultaneously. That really needs to happen because as bad as China was, they will be much more bold now.
Joe Biden says China isn't a threat to the U.S. :omg:

(as if a reson were needed to doubt Biden's allegiances and good sense)
Ren Zhiqiang was a prominent critic of Xi Jinping within the Communist Party. His arrest and long sentencing “for fraud and corruption” is bogus and a despicable silencing of a brave one-time insider. Ren Zhiqiang was, like many including even Xi Jinping, “sent down” to the countryside during Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Later he became a rich capitalist. He was from a well-connected family in Beijing. He had given up direct control of his real estate empire in 2014 and had 37 million followers of his outspoken Weibo account in 2016, when his account was cancelled. He was finally expelled only in July of this year after circulating repeated criticisms of Xi’s policies increasing control over the media and once semi-independent government organs.

Ren Zhiqiang explicitly opposed Xi’s crackdowns on the internet, as well as the government’s early policy errors on Covid-19. There are many rich capitalists inside the Communist Party, and many rank-and-file members too, who are not happy with these crackdowns. Of course since Xi’s rise to power they must more than ever keep their heads down to remain in positions of authority. Many of these (mostly silent) critics of XiJinping are also critical of United States foreign policy, aimed — some of them firmly believe — at restraining China’s economic development.

Ren Zhiqiang - Wikipedia
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How long are we gonna tolerate that shit hole and the goose-stepping twinkle-toed cocksuckers who run it?

How long are we going to tolerate the ass fuckers in the United States who not only tolerate, but support, the goose-stepping ChiComs.

We need regime change in China and to ouster and execute all their communist affiliates here.

We also need to end all trade relations with that piece of shit country and execute anyone who trades with them until the ChiComs are removed.

So, how do you really feel?

How long are we gonna tolerate that shit hole and the goose-stepping twinkle-toed cocksuckers who run it?

How long are we going to tolerate the ass fuckers in the United States who not only tolerate, but support, the goose-stepping ChiComs.

We need regime change in China and to ouster and execute all their communist affiliates here.

We also need to end all trade relations with that piece of shit country and execute anyone who trades with them until the ChiComs are removed.

Trump has his clothes made in China.

Let the executions begin!

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