Cheney on Meet the Press

Cheney represents well the failure that is neo-con dogma, its contempt for the rule of law and international law that brought about unlawful torture, the failed, illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the needless deaths of thousands.

How does anyone live with this scum that posts this?

He's absolutely right. The Dick should be in one of those prisons he likes to profit from.
We went off topic
Cheney represents well the failure that is neo-con dogma, its contempt for the rule of law and international law that brought about unlawful torture, the failed, illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the needless deaths of thousands.

I've been on Afghanistan before you even dreamed you were alive mother fucker and I have had it with you bastard. I believed in working against the Taliban over human rights years before you even knew they existed.


Illegal invasion of Afghanistan. Ok pig face. I can tell you right fucking now that morning of 9/11 when I watched those towers fucking fall asshole and I saw them jump I ran to that tv screen and was ready to kill.

FUCK YOU. Illegal invasion. You are a disgusting pig from hell. You are blessed that you are not within my grasp.

You are a pig.

What does this post --- or any of your posts in the thread --- have to do with the topic?

We went off topic.

Dear leader get us back to Cheney.
I caught Dick Cheney on Meet the Press this morning - anyone else look in on that?

I had almost forgotten how much of an asshole Dick Cheney is. We got to listen once again to his disingenuous account of how the CIA torturing of prisoners was not torture and how the current Report on Torture is worthless, because it is a "partisan attack." Facts are not partisan, Dick.

Honestly - how could anyone like this evil person? How could he ever have gained the power that he did in this country? I laughed out loud when he had to resort to the "now you're asking a hypothetical question" in order to dodge having to answer it - oldest trick in the books.

Drop our of the public eye, Cheney. Just go away somewhere, occupy yourself with destroying ants with a magnifying glass and shut the fuck up. This is a civilized county - your are not welcome here.
I know the truth hurts you fucks, but I find I can live with it.

Dick Cheney not only was right, he was within his legal obligations to this country.

At least this politician did his duty to keep this country safe.

That is more than I can say about any of you progressives.
He was terrific. Didn't back down one inch. He was there, weren't...neither were the rest of you wimps. Feinstein was there but the bitch can't remember. Grow a pair...and think back to 911.
he was where? In his bunker? Hey the 9-11
Where were the third grade?
well i see you reached your limit to add anything....
You clueless fuck...."oh" is what I say to people who drone in in spite of being clueless. It's a polite way of saying "GFY, stfu".
more nothing
Can't help noticing that whenever the topic is The Dick Cheney the desperation team rolls out to change it to... Barack O'bama..... Nancy Pelosi.... Dianne Feinstein.... George W. Bush..... Osama bin Laden.... Hulk Hogan.... the Pope .... Ronald McDonald.... anything but The Dick.

Can't help noticing that whenever the topic is The Dick Cheney the desperation team rolls out to change it to... Barack O'bama..... Nancy Pelosi.... Dianne Feinstein.... George W. Bush..... Osama bin Laden.... Hulk Hogan.... the Pope .... Ronald McDonald.... anything but The Dick.


You forgot Rockefeller.
Can't help noticing that whenever the topic is The Dick Cheney the desperation team rolls out to change it to... Barack O'bama..... Nancy Pelosi.... Dianne Feinstein.... George W. Bush..... Osama bin Laden.... Hulk Hogan.... the Pope .... Ronald McDonald.... anything but The Dick.

I didn't roll out anything but defense of a hard man who can make hard decisions.
Can't help noticing that whenever the topic is The Dick Cheney the desperation team rolls out to change it to... Barack O'bama..... Nancy Pelosi.... Dianne Feinstein.... George W. Bush..... Osama bin Laden.... Hulk Hogan.... the Pope .... Ronald McDonald.... anything but The Dick.

I didn't roll out anything but defense of a hard man who can make hard decisions.

Obviously you weren't picked for Team Desperation. Maybe you just is not a team playah.

We don't really need to know about "hard men" though, thanks.
Interesting link below.

Seems the party that's complaining the loudest had high ups that knew in 2002, and one thought the CIA wasn't hard enough in the interrogations.

Former CIA Torture Head Nancy Pelosi Top Dems Knew Exactly What We Were Doing National Review Online

“These people were fully aware of all of the techniques that were given to us and approved by the Office of Legal Counsel at Justice,” Rodriguez continued, saying that neither Nancy Pelosi nor other Democrats — with the exception of then–California congresswoman Jane Harman — “ever objected to the techniques at all.”

Rodriguez alleged that some lawmakers, such as Democratic West Virginia senator Jay Rockefeller, actually pushed the CIA to be even harsher. “All of these people knew exactly what we were doing,” he said.
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Can't help noticing that whenever the topic is The Dick Cheney the desperation team rolls out to change it to... Barack O'bama..... Nancy Pelosi.... Dianne Feinstein.... George W. Bush..... Osama bin Laden.... Hulk Hogan.... the Pope .... Ronald McDonald.... anything but The Dick.

I didn't roll out anything but defense of a hard man who can make hard decisions.

Obviously you weren't picked for Team Desperation. Maybe you just is not a team playah.

We don't really need to know about "hard men" though, thanks.
I mean hard in the sense of tough...not hard in the sense of your ass.

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