Cheney Defends Rumsfeld: 'Get Off His Case'

Originally posted by Patriot
You know that is a good point. I never liked Clinton and I really loathe Carter. But I would never call them names out of respect no matter how much I dont respect them. I still have respect for the office.
Yes, that is how I see it, well said.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
we might not, but then again we might. Theres no telling. Like some of the older posters have said, I'm not the everyday lib.

That's very encouraging to know. I hope we just got off on the wrong foot, and we can do better in the future.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
That's very encouraging to know. I hope we just got off on the wrong foot, and we can do better in the future.

I hope we can as well, but like I've already said in the first thread, I don't abide by much stupidity unless its done by the handful of looney bins we have on this message board. From them I KNOW most of its going to be stupid so I pay little attention to it other than to make sure it doesn't violate the rules of the board. :beer:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I hope we can as well, but like I've already said in the first thread, I don't abide by much stupidity unless its done by the handful of looney bins we have on this message board. From them I KNOW most of its going to be stupid so I pay little attention to it other than to make sure it doesn't violate the rules of the board. :beer:

So it boils down to your's and my discretion as to where the term "stupid" is to be applied. Fair enough.

But I'm NOT stupid, and I don't take kindly to being called stupid.

However, I hope this issue is ironed out.:usa:
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Using descriptives such as "Heir Cheney" and "Shrub" or "Bushies" does undermine the credibility of your posts.

How so? Is it not clear who I am referring to? Well let me clue you in then.

George W. Bush - Shrub, CowBushie, Heir Bush, Geore aWol Bush, Our Fearless War President, are all names I refer to him by.

Dick Cheney - Heir Cheney, Little Dick - favorites of mine
Originally posted by Patriot
You know that is a good point. I never liked Clinton and I really loathe Carter. But I would never call them names out of respect no matter how much I dont respect them. I still have respect for the office.

You've never called Bill Clinton, Bubba, or Slick Willie?

It's OK to have nicknames for the President or former Presidents in this country, you know. Feel free.
5th post
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Yes, that is how I see it, well said.

You know, you guys should really lighten up. Even the British make fun of their royalty. Patriot, you're telling me that in 8 years of Bill Clinton, you never got a kick at all out of his nickname "Slick Willie"? I mean, its a perfect name for the guy, after all, he blatantly perjured himself and got away with it, and that's pretty slick if you ask me!
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
George W. Bush - Shrub, CowBushie, Heir Bush, Geore aWol Bush, Our Fearless War President, are all names I refer to him by.

Dick Cheney - Heir Cheney, Little Dick - favorites of mine

A person who perpetually uses fallacious names projects their own weakness of character.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
You've never called Bill Clinton, Bubba, or Slick Willie?

It's OK to have nicknames for the President or former Presidents in this country, you know. Feel free.

No I have never called Clinton anything but Clinton. Period!
Originally posted by MtnBiker
This coming from someone who has advocated a week dedicated to hate.

Remember this it is ok for him to have humor but as to the rest of us.........
10th post
Originally posted by MtnBiker
This coming from someone who has advocated a week dedicated to hate.

MtnBiker, no matter what I do, I can't seem to satisfy the conservatives' requirement that I frequently condemn terrorism and Saddam Hussin. It's apparent that doing so in every single post I make is not enough, which is why I proposed hate week. It's really not for me, I know who Saddam Hussein is and I know who Bin Laden is, but my conservative friends forget sometimes and like to be constantly reminded.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Yes, but its OK for the rest of you to hurl personal insults, and not for me, so it kind of evens out.

No you are just being a cry baby. You got your digs in by putting everyone down by "schooling us dumb schmucks":rolleyes:

Whatever would we have done without you?
15th post
Just hold the presses OK, you won't have to look very far....

I call billy bob clintoon, "SLICK WILLIE"!! I hate the rat bastard.

Now you have someone on record calling clintoon slick willie.
And here's another thought in the vein of this thread, "if bill clintoon, the second President in American history to be IMPEACHED, didn't "step down", then why in the hell should a decent stand up, straight talking guy like Rummy for some bologna that happened at a lower command level, and didn't even invovle him?

Oh, wait a minute, I do know why... "because, kerry wants to POLITICIZE it".

I hope after kerry looses the election, he fades away and we never hear about him again.

He could probably get a good job making "waffles"....:D
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Or perhaps their sense of humor.

Humor you say, hmmmm.

While a person accumulates posts on the board with their positions they take, ideals they express, the manner in which they respond, the words they use and the tone they use a history is established. Patterns will begin to emerge and a personality will develop. This is a normal occurance for members with numerous posts.

That being said I stand by my statements in regard to your use of fallicious names. The way that your expletives "read" is not in a tone of humor. I'm sure you will respond by claiming that humor was your intent and that I and others just don't understand your intelect. :rolleyes: Whatever! I'm confident that I am not alone in my perspective of your posts.

Now you did not take my challange to find a use of "Slick Willie" by myself, not surprising. Instead you deflected and challanged me to find an example of me making mention to someone referring to the term "Slick Willie". To tell you the truth Bill Clinton is not a topic of much discussion here, sure from time to time but not alot, so the oppurtunity is less. However I can provide a instance. First lets remind ourselves of a term yourself said you used:
George W. Bush - Shrub, CowBushie, Heir Bush, Geore aWol Bush, Our Fearless War President, are all names I refer to him by.
aWol Bush, George Bush has never been declared AWOL from the National Gaurd, your claim is false. Bill Clinton has an episode in his past concerning Juanita Broaddrick and a suspected rape. But Bill Clinton has never been charged or convicted of such a crime. One member, Spikes(an excellent member BTW) had made reference to this a few times, thus establishing a pattern, and the last time I called him on it.

An occational expletive well placed is effective , the constant and repeative use is annoying and again undermines your crediblity and projects your weakness of character. You say humor, well the other members can decide for themselves.

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