Check out this cute ... um ... thing

Article 15

Dr. House slayer
Jul 4, 2008
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On March 28, the Houston Zoo will unveil its new star attraction: a rare red panda named Toby.


Houston - Hair Balls - Houston Zoo To Unveil OH DEAR GOD THAT IS CUTE

( my girl answer ) :lol:
"If he got the chance, he would eat you and everyone you care about!"

Is that you Jimmy?

Ding ding ding!!! :lol:

"If he got the chance, he would eat you and everyone you care about!"

my husband dealt with them when he worked at the bronx zoo. and actually, they're kind of timid. they're herbavores and if they can run away, they do. but if you corner them, they use their claws.

Red Panda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As Missouri dude alluded to, this is a modified quote from the Simpson's episode "Lisa the Vegetarian."

Troy: Don't get me wrong, Jimmy! If a cow ever got the chance, he would eat you and everyone you cared about!
(dramatic zoom onto a cow)
Jimmy: Wow Mr. McClure. I was a grade-A moron to ever question eating meat.
Troy: You sure were, Jimmy. You sure.(begins rubbing Jimmy's head)
Jimmy: You're hurting me!
As Missouri dude alluded to, this is a modified quote from the Simpson's episode "Lisa the Vegetarian."

Troy: Don't get me wrong, Jimmy! If a cow ever got the chance, he would eat you and everyone you cared about!
(dramatic zoom onto a cow)
Jimmy: Wow Mr. McClure. I was a grade-A moron to ever question eating meat.
Troy: You sure were, Jimmy. You sure.(begins rubbing Jimmy's head)
Jimmy: You're hurting me!

oops. lol... guess i missed that. :lol:
As Missouri dude alluded to, this is a modified quote from the Simpson's episode "Lisa the Vegetarian."

Troy: Don't get me wrong, Jimmy! If a cow ever got the chance, he would eat you and everyone you cared about!
(dramatic zoom onto a cow)
Jimmy: Wow Mr. McClure. I was a grade-A moron to ever question eating meat.
Troy: You sure were, Jimmy. You sure.(begins rubbing Jimmy's head)
Jimmy: You're hurting me!

oops. lol... guess i missed that. :lol:

Your story was much more interesting! Thank you for sharing. :)
I want this as a pet. And I will love him, and hug him and squeeze him and I will call him George.

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