Check of 2015 ENVIRONMENT FORUM scoreboard......


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1: ..........dang.......even I didn't think it'd be this bad.

Looks like another bad year for the AGW climate crusaders in this forum. But.........there is always 2016.:bye1:

But until THIS >>>


....changes.........the scoreboard will look eerily similar come this time next year. New Pew poll due out in January........and for the record, since 2010, "global warming" has fallen..........further.........and further..........and further........down the totem pole of public concerns.

Nobody cares bout the 97% in 2015.....and indeed, it is THE ONLY thing that matters at the end of the day!!:up:

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1: ..........dang.......even I didn't think it'd be this bad.

Looks like another bad year for the AGW climate crusaders in this forum. But.........there is always 2016.:bye1:

But until THIS >>>

....changes.........the scoreboard will look eerily similar come this time next year. New Pew poll due out in January........and for the record, since 2010, "global warming" has fallen..........further.........and further..........and further........down the totem pole of public concerns.

Nobody cares bout the 97% in 2015.....and indeed, it is THE ONLY thing that matters at the end of the day!!:up:

Next year it will look substantially worse.. The cold regions of the oceans are building up a very deep well of cold water and the coming La Niña should be a very big one. Add to that the ocean circulations being cold and the sun on the down side of a very low cycle and we have the makings for some serious cooling globally..

We have had the spike that is always followed by deep cooling in the paleo record. Just look to solar cycles 3,4 and 5 if you want to know what is coming.. The AGW'ers are going to be crying for about 30 years now..
The AGW'ers are going to be crying for about 30 years now.

They say it settled science all the way to BHO. Even when caught manipulating data they don't back off or admit wrong. They are evil. They don't care about GW, they want to control what we can do.
The AGW'ers are going to be crying for about 30 years now.

They say it settled science all the way to BHO. Even when caught manipulating data they don't back off or admit wrong. They are evil. They don't care about GW, they want to control what we can do.

And this is why we hold their feet to the fire and expose them for the whores and political asshats they are! Crick has yet to post any evidence to show what CO2 does which rules out all other causes by empirical evidence.

He and his other left wing twits like to shout appeals to authority and then cite IPCC political crap as some sort of evidence when all it shows is their models are broken and they fail to mimic reality in forward forecasting. Their dire predictions just 10 years ago (of no snow and arctic ice free, etc) have all failed empirical review and falsification. Even their CO2 "forcing" numbers have been reduced to just 0.6 deg C/Doubling, only HALF of what the in lab tests on CO2 show are possible. With the cooling coming this next couple of years that forcing will be lowered to a near zero effect.

Look for much goal post moving and dodging of the facts this next year.. Its going to be fun to watch!

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1: ..........dang.......even I didn't think it'd be this bad.

Looks like another bad year for the AGW climate crusaders in this forum. But.........there is always 2016.:bye1:

But until THIS >>>

....changes.........the scoreboard will look eerily similar come this time next year. New Pew poll due out in January........and for the record, since 2010, "global warming" has fallen..........further.........and further..........and further........down the totem pole of public concerns.

Nobody cares bout the 97% in 2015.....and indeed, it is THE ONLY thing that matters at the end of the day!!:up:

Next year it will look substantially worse.. The cold regions of the oceans are building up a very deep well of cold water and the coming La Niña should be a very big one. Add to that the ocean circulations being cold and the sun on the down side of a very low cycle and we have the makings for some serious cooling globally..

We have had the spike that is always followed by deep cooling in the paleo record. Just look to solar cycles 3,4 and 5 if you want to know what is coming.. The AGW'ers are going to be crying for about 30 years now..

LOL Billy...........well............certainly not starting good for the AGW k00ks................

About 94% of cars will still be powered by fossil fuels in 2040, report says


Who's not winning???:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hmm, with the numbers down that far, how can they stoke the fires of their cause and create some new crisis?

If Billy is correct, and while I'm hesitant to question his expertise, I do think it will take a bit longer before the warming trend to reverse, just from the inertia of the previous trend. While we've seen spikes that are pretty radical both up and down in previous historical data, the time range on those I suspect may smooth the graphs out just a bit.

I think if they're seeing the same thing, we'll see a flurry of negative information trying to squeeze as much funding out before the trends start to be too obvious to hide. Unfortunately I think it'll be a few years before that will show up, and more $$$ will get wasted.
Whine, cry, mewl, and puke all you fellows want to. Won't change the fact that our President led 194 nations to a historic agreement on climate change. The majority of the rest of the world realizes the seriousness of the present warming. You people are just unpleasant footnotes in history now.
Whine, cry, mewl, and puke all you fellows want to. Won't change the fact that our President led 194 nations to a historic agreement on climate change. The majority of the rest of the world realizes the seriousness of the present warming. You people are just unpleasant footnotes in history now.
You like making things up and making claims that you cant support... The only ones becoming irrelevant are you left wing moronic twits..
Tell me again what 120ppm has done and please post up the evidence showing your work..
Oh, we are not feeding them any longer, they are at the point that they have to declare themselves winners even when the whole world has seen the totally lose. It is fun making their necks turn red. I guess the term should be redder.
I did not make up the fact that 194 nations consider assholes like you to be irrelevant.

a billboard.....:tongue-44:.....nothing more. All this executive action shit is going to the courts!! Why? Because it wasn't signed off by the people of the United States who end up getting walloped with swallowing MUCH higher electricity costs. The treaty is not binding legally. It costs jobs........lots of them. Anybody who supports this treaty is un-American. Anybody who supports this treaty doesn't give a rats ass about the poor in this nation.

The fact is, in 2015, the AGW contingent is quite irrelevant.....:dunno:......their fall all over themselves efforts have yielded zero results in terms of public policy. And lets be real.........every single poll shows Americans are not caring about global warming, in fact, they care less and less each year since 2010.

Still haven't made their case..........:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Whine, cry, mewl, and puke all you fellows want to. Won't change the fact that our President led 194 nations to a historic agreement on climate change. The majority of the rest of the world realizes the seriousness of the present warming. You people are just unpleasant footnotes in history now.

The "rest of the world" realizes how much MONEY is UP for grabs.. The Prez is tossing sacks of cash off the back of Brinks truck.. Who WOULDN'T love GW if you stood to double your national GDP for doing nothing??
Whine, cry, mewl, and puke all you fellows want to. Won't change the fact that our President led 194 nations to a historic agreement on climate change. The majority of the rest of the world realizes the seriousness of the present warming. You people are just unpleasant footnotes in history now.
Yep, there's no way to erase Obama's disgrace and the stain on our national integrity.

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